The Mission Of The Night Rakshasha!

Once the Crane was imprisoned, the battle of the Blood Wreckage came to an end with the Leviathon army coming out on top.

The impressive run of the Leviathons for the past few hours came to an end on an equally impressive note as they won against a Black tier predator.

Against all odds, under the leadership of the electric and unpredictable Sebastian, the Leviathon army achieved another significant feat in their history.

By taking over the Blood Wreckage, they now sat upon a massive territory with an even more massive amount of wealth. This was a treasure trove.

By the time they won, 90% of the Leviathons were already tired from the battle after exerting themselves so much non-stop for the past few hours.

Of course, the victory did not come without sacrifices, the Leviathons lost the most brothers in a single conquest in their short history but none of them felt sad, they rather felt happy because the sacrifice of their brothers was not in vain.