The Black Veil Great Sea.

Night Rakshashas were not Space Beasts, but they were some of the most unusual beasts in Oceania as their bloodline already mutated over the years into an anomalous terror of the night.

Legends say that in the dead of the night, a Night Rakshasha was unstoppable. Over time, Sebastian got to verify that this was true.

Of his 4 bodies, the Night Rakshasha was not the most powerful nor was it the most intelligent but it was by miles the most dangerous of them all.

The Night Rakshasha's lethal one-shot damage at night was superior to the strongest one-shot damage that could be dealt by each of the other bodies.

This horrifying damage was possible due to the race specialty skill, Assassination. Apart from their one-shot damage, Night Rakshasha's control over 2 magic domains also made them all the more dangerous.

Sound domain magic was already a lethal magic domain in Oceania, but shadow domain magic was ranked even higher.