The Forest Of Woods.

The Forest of Woods was one of the most notorious regions in the Black Veil.

To normal beasts, this was a forbidden region as no stray beast ever strayed there and came out alive. For high-grade rural settlements and Empires though, this was the contact point with the Night assassins.

The Forest of Woods was just like any other forest. Apart from the grey color of the trees due to the primordial origin glow, the main difference between this forest and other forests was the silent and ghostly nature that it exhibited.

All year-round, the Forest of Woods was like a cemetery.

With his shadow domain magic, Sebastian took only a few minutes before he crossed hundreds of kilometers of space before arriving at his destination.

Having activated his camouflage organ already, Sebastian easily blended into the grey background and became invisible. This way, he swam closer to the massive grey forest before decisively entering inside.