The Void Sea!


[Warning! You have left Oceania!]

[Warning! You have entered a hostile world not dominated by water!]

[Creating magic defense mechanism to adapt to new environment…]

[Defense mechanism created!]

When Sebastian opened his eyes, he was no longer in Oceania.

The first sign that indicated this was the sun that shone brightly in the air. After spending over a year in Oceania where he already gotten used to the primordial origin magic illuminating the world, Sebastian was exposed to the sun again.

As he felt the golden rays of the sun shining down on his skin, Sebastian felt liberated. A major fact that he needed to pay attention to was that he was falling.

As his system already pointed out, unlike in Oceania, the Void Sea was a planetary dimension that was not dominated by water.

Here, everywhere was dry which should have been a lethal development to any normal aquatic beast but Sebastian was different, he had magic.