Kneel Before Your Ocean Master!


Through the powers of one of his 49 living doppelgangers, Sebastian was able to teleport through space again as he returned to Oceania in a pristine state.

Once he returned to Oceania, Sebastian felt out of place for a few seconds as his body seemed to be acclimatizing to the feeling of Oceania again.

The next moment as soon as his body stabilized, his system lit up a series of notifications before his eyes.

[Congratulations! You are now Level 160!]

[You have leveled up to the peak of the Black tier realm!]

[You have gained the mark of Oceania!]


Almost immediately after the system gave the notification of him gaining another mark of Oceania, the primordial origin glow in the water seemed to fluctuate as a thick current flashed through the water like lightning.

It was like the world was announcing the occurrence of a legendary event as occasional flashes of lightning repeatedly lit up across the water.