What's so great about him?

Each of Randy's interactions with Emilia were, of course, reported back to Mr. White's secretary, who in turn conveyed them word for word to the man in charge.

Of course, the level of detail in these reports wasn't that great. For example, having a conversation with Emilia was just reported as such, and the actual contents of the conversation were generally skipped by the boy entirely.

This wasn't just out of laziness, but as a basic courtesy to Emilia. After all, did his future wife not even deserve this level of privacy? Whatever she talked about with him was best kept between the two of them only.

Or so the boy thought.

But to Mr. White, this just made all his reports look 'suspicious'.

'Had a talk with Emilia today for twenty minutes', and 'took a walk with her' were still fine and dandy, but what was with 'studied in her room, one hour'?!