The Heroine's Conundrum

Emilia was of course well aware of the 'effects' that mentioning Randy would have on Crystal, which was why she had done so in the first place.

After all, the heroine had a very heavy competitive streak when it came to academics, and couldn't take being anything but the very best.

Emilia's intentions were good, because she had noticed that Crystal seemed to have become distracted recently, perhaps due to the hero's continuous harassment, but good intention didn't always have positive effects.

Instead of making Crystal focus on her studies, Emilia's words only ended up distracting her further after she left.

The heroine's gaze seemed to focus more and more on the growing eyesore 'Randy', and the more she looked, the uglier he became.

As a girl who was almost always so aloof and uncaring of others, Crystal's 'attention' of course did not go unnoticed.