Chapter 4 : THE VISITOR

Zane's phone was ringing in the living room.

Zane was in the kitchen cooking himself a cheeseburger for lunch.

Zane left the food on the stove and quickly went to grab his phone. He looked at the screen and saw it was Dr. J.

He answered it.

"Hello?" Zane said while going back to tend to his food.

"Daryl just called and told me he would be here in about 20 minutes. It's 12:40 PM now, so you should get down here at about 12:55 PM." Dr. J said.

Zane flipped the burger onto a plate.

"Alright, I got it. How's my mom?" Zane grabbed a pair of buns and a slice of cheese.

"She's doing the same as yesterday. I'm still getting the same signals as yesterday. I'm starting to think only people with active Syrokinetics can understand these signals." Dr. J said.

"Why do you think that? Mom doesn't even have Syrokinetics." Zane said, finishing making his cheeseburger by grabbing a bag of chips to go with it.

"It's just a hunch. Plus, the girl in the Seistix hospital, Ami Solitaria got in her condition by being attacked by Arthimus. Whoever killed your dad and got your mother this way, more than likely is a powerful Syrokinetics user." Dr. J said.

Zane sat down on his couch.

"I see. I'm gonna go now, gonna eat some food. I'll be down there in a bit." Zane said.

"Take care." Dr. J said and hung up.


"SHIT!" Zane said and jumped up.

It was 1:09 PM and he was already supposed to be down at the hospital by now. He got distracted by watching his favorite show.

He saw his phone start ringing.

It was Dr. J.

Zane didn't answer but declined it.

"I know what he wants to tell me, dammit!" Zane ran outside and hopped on his motorcycle.

He sped down to the hospital just like yesterday.

He burst through the entrance and scared everyone, again.

He ran up the stairs to floor 18, again.

He burst through the door to Kasstia's room, almost hitting Dr. J.


"Where the Hell have you been!?" Dr. J said angrily.

"Sorry! I got distracted and lost track of time..." Zane looked behind Dr. J towards Kasstia's bed.

It was Daryl.

Zane hadn't seen Daryl in 5 years.

"Zane..." Daryl said.

Zane gulped and approached him.

"Y-yes?" Zane asked, shivering.

Daryl slowly cast his gaze upon him.

Daryl smiled.

"Hey! How have you been? It's been what? 5 years now!?" Daryl grabbed Zane by the head and scratched it intensely.

"Hey! Stop that!" Zane struggled to get out of Daryl's arms.

Daryl looked a lot more buff than Zane remembered. His arms were 3 times bigger than Zane's own. Zane could see abs and muscular pecks about to burst through the green shirt he was wearing. His legs were very muscular as well.

Daryl released Zane and took a good look at him.

"You sure have grown!" Daryl smiled.

"You have to! Holy crap man, look at those arms! Those abs!" Zane said, poking Daryl's left arm.

"I've been extremely busy for these last 5 years, Zane!" Daryl laughed.

He was as cheery as he always was.

"So, let's go ahead and get down to business!" Daryl popped his knuckles while smiling.

"Okay, come over here and put on these headphones. You'll be able to listen to the signals Kasstia had been emitting." Dr. J said.

Daryl walked over to where he was told and put on the headphones.

He stroked his chin while focusing intensely.

"I see..." Daryl took the headphones off.

"What was it?" Zane asked.

Daryl closed his eyes.

"Not a clue," Daryl said.

Dr. J sighed and turned the machine off.

"So what now?" Zane asked.

"I came here to talk to you all about that today," Daryl said opening his eyes.

"Let's get on with it then." Dr. J took off his glasses.

Daryl leaned his back against the wall and began.

"So as we all know, 3 days ago those 3 eggs appeared out of that temple. After that, people said they saw them float away until they weren't visible. I have a theory as to who they might be." Daryl said, scratching his man area.

"Who?" Dr. J and Zane said in sync.

"The children of Arthimus," Daryl said.

"Children?" Zane said, confused.

"It does seem logical... there's tons of evidence that points out that Arthimus had been around since before Big bang 2." Dr. J said, sitting down in a chair.

"Really!? He's that old!?" Zane freaked out.

That meant Arthimus was over 3000 years old and possibly even older.

"Yep!" Daryl smiled and popped his neck.

"We aren't 100% sure on this yet, but Syrokinetic scientists believe Arthimus Creevon is the father of Syrokinetics itself," Daryl said.

Zane was in awe.

His dad killed this guy somehow.

"How did my dad even kill him!?" Zane asked the question as soon as it came to mind.

"Arthimus's rebirthing process was flawed." Dr. J said.

"Really?" Zane asked.

"That's right!" Daryl smiled.

"Arthimus made his egg too big. Meaning most of his Syrokinetic energy went into the egg itself rather than his new form." Daryl said.

It was all so much new information to Zane. It was all cramming itself into his head.

"I guess I understand it somewhat..." Zane said.

"These 3 new eggs must've been set off when the researchers in that temple place removed a strange rock from its place," Daryl said.

"What did it look like?" Zane asked.

Daryl smiled and grabbed a duffel bag that was lying on the floor.

"Why don't we look ourselves?" Daryl pulled out a glass case from the bag.

Inside the glass case was a rock the size of 3 baseballs.

It glowed orange light and had a red aura.

"How the Hell did you get that thing?" Dr. J put his glasses on and approached it.

"I borrowed it!" Daryl smiled.

"This thing looks amazing!" Zane said, staring at it.

It was beautiful.

"Now that's enough!" Daryl laughed and put it away.

"I gotta get this back to the HQ tonight... before anyone notices it's gone!" Daryl laughed.

"I'm just gonna ignore that..." Dr. J said.

"We probably shouldn't but..." Zane laughed awkwardly.

"Now then Zane!" Daryl approached him.

"Huh?" Zane said.

"Let's get that anti-magic chip out of your neck!"