Chapter 5 : THE VISITOR, part ii

"This shouldn't take long if you stay still." Dr. J said as he pulled out a tiny knife.

Zane laid face down on a hospital surgery bed.

Dr. J was about to remove the anti-magic chip from the back of Zane's neck. This would enable Zane to use his Syrokinetics. He's never used them in his life. Daryl had a bad feeling in his mind that Zane would need them.

And that would more than likely be very soon.

"I'll be as still as possible!" Zane said.

"Here I go." Dr. J placed the knife down onto his neck.

He made a very small cut. It bled just a little. The blood slowly shriveled down Zane's neck which made him shiver a little.

Dr. J grabbed a pair of small tweezers from a medical supplies box. He inserted them into the cut and grabbed the chip.

"There she is!" Dr. J said and pulled the chip out of his neck.

"Just need to seal this up, one second." Dr. J put the knife and tweezers into a small plastic bag and grabbed a bandage and a bottle of superglue.

He glued the cut shut and put the bandage on it.

"You're good to go now!" Dr. J said.

Zane stood up and scratched his head.

"Sweet! Now it's time for your Syrokinetic Reading Test!" Daryl slapped Zane's back.

"My what?" Zane asked, rubbing his back.

"Syrokinetic Reading Test! You lay your hand onto a piece of blank paper, close your eyes and emit all your Syrokinetic energy into your hand. After waiting 10 seconds, you remove your hand and you will see that your Syrokinetic abilities are written on the paper!" Daryl said as he grabbed a piece of paper from his duffle bag.

"That's odd..." Zane said.

"It was done this way by the first era of Syrokinetic users, long ago. That was before Big Bang 2," Daryl said.

"How did all this information just get lost somehow? I mean it took us over 3000 years to find it all again." Zane asked.

"That's a logical question! And the answer is... we have no clue!" Daryl laughed.

"Oh..." Zane laughed awkwardly.

"Let's get on to this test now then." Zane popped his knuckles.

"Okay!" Daryl said and place the piece of paper on a table at the end of Kasstia's bed.

"Here you go!" Daryl pointed at the table.

Zane walked to the table. He stood in front of it and took in a deep breath.

He closed his eyes and placed it down on the paper.

He didn't even know how to control his Syrokinetics. He had only just got them after all. Zane thought about it and still wanted to give it at least one good attempt.

He focused all his attention on the palm of his hand.

He felt something suddenly. A weird feeling of something flowing around him and to his hand.

"There it goes..." Daryl whispered.

Zane couldn't see it but he felt it. His hand was glowing a faint white light. His hand was surrounded by an almost glass-looking aura that faded away as it went up to his arm.

The paper began to write.

Zane counted 10 seconds as he waited.

He opened his eyes and the aura disappeared.

Zane removed his hand from the paper and he saw it. The writing was surprisingly in English. It looked to be written in a dark blue ink-like substance. It looked like it was written on a computer with a fancy font.

"Whoa! That's sick!" Zane picked up the paper and began reading it aloud.

"Syro: ELECTRICITY. Syrosis: Can turn any object you touch into a bomb that you can activate at any time. Only one bomb may be created at a time. You can create a new one once the first one has exploded. The power of the bomb is decided by you and how strong your Syrokinetics are." Zane was confused.

He didn't know what 'Syro' or 'Syrosis' even was. Although his Syrosis sounded quite cool to him.

"That's a pretty cool Syrosis ability there Zane!" Daryl laughed.

"What is Syrosis?" Zane asked.

"Oh yeah! You don't know a lick of information about Syrokinetics! Well then, let me begin explaining! Syrokinetics is split up into 3 different categories! The first being 'Syro'. Syro is your main magical ability. It is your main element of power. For example, your father was SPEED and mine is IRON! Some people have 2 elements! Your aunt Krycella has ELECTRICITY and ICE. You have ELECTRICITY! Next is Syrosis! Syrosis is my favorite part of Syrokinetics! Your Syrosis ability is completely random! The only rule it has is it never contradicts your Syro! For example, you can your Syro element be ICE and your Syrosis be something like the power to disable peoples ICE Syro! Syrosis is also split up into 3 types! So let's go through them all! First, we have Pazin! With this type of Syrosis, you have no limitations to how often you can use your Syrosis power. An example would be the power to throw bullets at the same speed as a gun would fire them! There are zero limitations to that kind of power! The second is Guess! With this type, you have a specific limitation to your Syrosis. An example would be your very own Syrosis. Your limit is the number of bombs you can create. Third, we have Leins! With Leins, you are limited to how many times or how often you can use your Syrosis in a certain period! An example would be the power to expand every muscle in your body to be 5 times bigger than normal but you can only use it once a day for 2 hours at a time! Now the last one is rare! Evest is the fourth type! With Evest your power is a Guess and Leins typing! For example, being able to create 50 copies of yourself, but only being able to do it for 5 minutes with 30-minute breaks in between! Now, can you swallow that mouthful of information kid?" Daryl smiled after giving Zane a whole lecture on Syrokinetic typing.

Zane stood there and stared. It was all so much and so interesting.

His power was badass to him and that's all he cared about at the moment.

"Uh, yeah!" Zane fake laughed.

"Good!" Daryl laughed aloud.

"That still confuses me hearing it..." Dr. J said, picking up his bag from a chair near the door.

"Ya leaving?" Daryl asked.

"Yeah, I got lunch break now. You two should leave aswell, the nurses are about to come in and clean Kasstia up. See ya." Dr. J said and left.

"Why were those examples you used so specific?" Zane asked.

"So you picked up on that, huh?" Daryl scratched his head.

"Those were all abilities of people I know! One of those was even my own! Can you figure it out!?" Daryl smiled widely, waiting for Zane's answer.

Zane didn't have to think too hard about it. Daryl was a fit guy, he had big muscles. It was only logical that he could expand his muscles.

"The muscle one!" Zane pointed at Daryl with a smug grin.

"Wrong! I can throw bullets! You mustn't forget that Syrosis abilities are completely random! Nothing predicts your Syrosis ability!" Daryl began to walk out of the room.

Zane soon followed.

"I guess it is random..." Zane said.

"Yep! Syro is determined by your family history! Your aunt has ELECTRICITY and ICE Syro abilities! It's quite rare but some people have 2 abilities! Anyways, because of that, you ended up with ELECTRICITY as your Syro ability! Now Syrophonis is quite hard to master, you have to be pretty skilled with Syro and Syrosis to be able to create a Syrophonis ability!" They reached the elevator after Daryl finished.

"So where are we heading right now?" Zane asked as they went down floors in the elevator.

"We're going out to that empty field near the hospital so we can try out your Syrokinetic powers! You better be ready!" Daryl said.

Zane's heart skipped a beat.

Syrokinetics. He had the power to use it. His father and aunt could use it. Now it was his turn. The world was in danger once again.

Zane didn't know if his mother would approve of this, but he was willing to give it his all to master this strange power.