Chapter 6 : THE VISITOR, part iii

Zane and Daryl walked to the empty field. It wasn't far off from the hospital.

It was about 40 meters wide and 50 meters long. It was about half full of grass and the other half was gravel.

"So let's first try out your Syro. You have to activate your aura to use it though." Daryl said.

"How do I do that?" Zane asked.

"Just stand tall and close your eyes. You have to feel it. You must awaken it from within! Go on and try! It just works!" Daryl smiled and crossed his arms.

"Okay then..." Zane took a deep breath in and breathed out. He stood up tall and closed his eyes as told.

He had to feel it. It just worked like that.

Suddenly Zane started to feel a light wind spin around him. Was it working?

He didn't know for sure but Daryl knew it was.

His aura appeared slowly but surely.

"Open your eyes kid! Your ready!" Daryl smiled.

Zane opened his eyes and looked at his hands.

He could see tiny jolts dancing around his palms.

"Sick!" Zane was awed in amazement.

"Now release some energy out of your hands!" Daryl said, motioning his hand out like he was aswell.

Zane smiled and reeled his hand back.

He took in a deep breath and collected his energy into his hand.

He then pushed it all out as he shoved his hand out in front of him.

ELECTRICITY shot out of his band in the shape of a 3D triangle and it zoomed out in front of him.

"Sick!" Zane pumped his both hands in the air as fists and his eyes sparkled.

Daryl laughed.

"That was pretty weak, ya know?" Daryl said.

"Really? I thought I did something there!" Zane said.

"Well, you did cast some weak ELECTRICITY from your hand so it was something. With practice, you'll end up a lot better and stronger. Go ahead and do some more!" Daryl smiled.

"Alright!" Zane smirked and began to shoot out many different ELECTRICITY moves from his hands.

Spheres were shot out, beams, boxes, more triangles, and different patterns.

Zane laughed and his eyes gleamed with excitement as he went berserk with his Syro.

"Alright now, let's get to your Syrosis!" Daryl said.

"Oh! My bad, I got carried away" Zane laughed awkwardly and scratched his head.

"It's all good! I went crazy when I got I had Syrokinetics!" Daryl smiled.

Daryl squatted down and picked a small rock. He got up and handed it to Zane.

"Turn this into a bomb!" Daryl said as he dropped it into Zane's hand.

"How though?" Zane asked.

"Just do it! Trust me, it'll work if you just tell yourself in your mind to do it!" Daryl said.

Zane thought about it for a minute and smiled.

"I'll do it!" Zane said.

He looked down at the rock. He just needed to feel the power. He needed to feel it.

He told himself to change it and something suddenly happened.

The rock began to glow a dim orange light.

"Whoa!" Zane said.

"What is it?" Daryl asked.

Zane held the rock up to him.

"You don't see it? It's glowing!" Zane said.

Daryl squinted at it.

"I don't see it. I guess that's something only you can see, just so you know it's a bomb." Daryl said.

Syrokinetics was truly a strange phenomenon Zane thought.

"Throw it over there and make it explode!" Daryl was pointing in the opposite direction that Zane was facing.

Zane turned around and tossed it about 5 meters in front of them.

"I hope this isn't gonna be a big explosion..." Daryl said, backing up a little.

Zane was about to ask how to make it explode but he already knew that answer.

He had to feel it or something. It didn't make much sense now but Zane was beginning to understand it somewhat. It was his power and he was the only one who could control it, so he was training it and himself.

Zane looked at the rock. It wasn't a rock. It was a bomb. He had to understand that.

He stared at it for 2 minutes with nothing happening.

Daryl stood behind patiently. He knew how tough the process was. You had to throw away most of the logic you have in your mind. Zane wasn't the brightest-minded person so it would be easier for him to understand his powers and come to accept that they are extraordinarily strange.

Zane smirked and raised his right hand in the air.

"NOW!" Zane slung his hand down.

The rock exploded. The explosion though was only as big as a cheap firework from a low-end firework stand.

"Man..." Zane sobbed.

"It's alright! You're gonna learn a lot when you come with me!" Daryl put his left hand on Zane's right shoulder.

"I'm going with you?" Zane asked.

"Yes, I need you to come with me to Reddane. I have a few friends there too. We're all gonna work together to become stronger... in the worst-case scenario, those eggs have hatched into some pretty evil beings that we'll have to defeat..." Daryl looked out in the distance.

"I see..." Zane said.

Zane looked out too. His hair flowed through the light breeze. He thought about his Syrokinetics and the eggs. He was being taken to train for war. It didn't frighten him very much. It could hold answers to his moms sickness, Black Coma. He could very well end up finding the cure for the disease in general. Zane didn't like to give himself and others false hope, but this was a diffrent scenario. He didn't have a single clue as to what exactly could happen.

Zane's phone suddenly started ringing. It made him jump a little. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at who was calling.

It was Phoebe.

"She your Girlfriend yet?" Daryl asked smiling.

"What? No!" Zane blushed a little.

He answered.

"Hello?" Zane said.

"Um... I need some help..." Phoebe said.

"What is it?" Zane asked.

"I uh... I and everything in my house is levitating..."