Chapter 7 : THE VISITOR, part iv

Phoebe was very confused. Everything was floating. Even she was.

"We'll be there right away!"Zane said over the phone and hung up.

Phoebe dropped her phone and it began to float to.

The weirdest part of all of it was that everything that was floating had a light pink outline around it.

Phoebe wasn't sure what was happening but she tended to stay mostly calm as she awaited Zane.

"Did he say 'We'll be there right away?" Phoebe asked herself.

Suddenly thoughts she didn't need right now began to flood her brain.

Who was he with? Is it a friend? A girl? A boy? A girlfriend?

Phoebe's head started to hurt. She always got a headache when thinking about those kinds of things.

She suddenly heard Zane's motorcycle pulling up in front of her house.

He heard her door come open and 2 people running to her room.

She braced herself for who he was with even though it was the least of her worries right now.

It was Daryl, but a lot more muscular than she remembered him being.

"What the Hell happens?" Zane asked, frantically looking at everything.

"Its Syrokinetics. She seems to be a late bloomer." Daryl said grabbing a book that was floating around.

"Hey! Put that down it's my Diary!" Phoebe said blushing.

Daryl stared at her and dropped it. It went straight up to the ceiling.

"Later bloomers always tend to have their Syrokinetics go a little wild when they awaken to their powers," Daryl said.

"How long is this gonna happen?" Zane asked.

"For about 5 minutes or so," Daryl said and objects suddenly started falling one by one.

Abra suddenly fell on Zane's face.

"ZANE!?" Phoebe's face turned beet red.

Zane grabbed it off his face and looked at it.

"Oh." Zane stared and slowly became red in the face aswell.

"I- uh um I uh I'm sorry!" Zane threw it on her bed.

Phoebe sighed and she suddenly fell to the ground as well, landing on her feet.

"So Phoebe's a Syrokinetic user?" Zane asked Daryl.

"Yep! Definitely." Daryl crossed his arms.

"Wait. Really?" Phoebe began picking up stuff and Zane began to help her.

"Yes ma'am!" Daryl said and walked over to her desk and grabbed a piece of blank paper from a stack.

"I need you to come to place your hand on this paper," Daryl said to Phoebe.

Phoebe walked over to the desk and placed her hand down on the paper.

"Okay..." Phoebe seemed confused.

"Close your eyes and conjure your Syrokinetics." Daryl stepped away from the desk and stood beside Zane.

"How do I do that?" Phoebe asked.

"You need to stay calm and listen yourself. Conjure all energy you feel into your hand and hold it all there for 10 seconds." Zane said.

Phoebe didn't understand but she decided to cooperate with them.

She closed her eyes and she concentrated. She loosened all her tension and she started to feel something engulf her entire body.

She sent that energy to her hand and she began to count.

She stopped contouring when she reached 10 and opened her eyes.

She removed her hand from the paper, noticing a dim light-like substance surrounding it and it faded as she released her hand from the paper.

She saw writing on the paper now. It surprised her somewhat.

She picked the paper up and read it aloud.

"Syro: TELEKINESIS. Syrosis: Holds the ability to heal anyone she chooses, giving them energy, healing wounds, healing broken bones, and filling any sort of thirst or hunger. Can only do this once every 4 hours." Phoebe read it with a confused tone through every word.

"What the Hell is this?" Phoebe turned to Zane and Daryl.

"Looks like I'm explaining this twice today..." Daryl scratched his head.


"That was a mouthful..." Phoebe sighed after Daryl finished his lecture on Syrokinetics.

"That's what I'm saying..." Zane scratched his head.

"So now that she has Syrokinetics... Is she coming to Reddane with us?" Zane asked Daryl.

"Only if she wants to!" Daryl said.

"I can come to help you to fight off whatever those egg things you talked about were?" Phoebe asked.

"As I said, it's your choice. I wouldn't tell your mother what exactly your doing is because it might worry her quite a bit." Daryl said.

Phoebe thought about it for a second. She had no reason to go at all. There was nothing she would gain from it. Then a thought hit her.


He would be gone so she wouldn't be able to see him for quite a while.

She had to go now.

She had a chance of bonding more with Zane and possibly being able to finally confess.

"I'll go!" Phoebe announced.

"Really?" Zane asked, surprised.

"Yes!" Phoebe said with a furrowed brow.

"Great! We're leaving tomorrow at 11:30 AM. I'll need you guys to meet me at the Seistix Airport at that time. We're going to a city in Reddane named 'Gouniss'. So the plane ride will be quite a long ride. The plane leaves at 12:15 PM, so don't be late." Daryl said.

"Don't worry! I'll make sure Zane doesn't sleep in or anything." Phoebe said.

"Throw me under the bus then," Zane said.

"I need to go now. I have a couple of phone calls to make. You two be safe going to Seistix tomorrow."