Chapter 8 : YEARS AGO

October 27th, 3507

Daryl was walking into his home.

"I'm home!" Daryl called out.

Daryl lived with his fiance, Leymee Violetta. They planned to marry in February on valentine's day of the coming year and were deeply in love.

Daryl heard something stumble around upstairs. He stopped and looked up in concern.

"Leymee?" Daryl called out.

Daryl stood there, waiting for her to answer.

Daryl began to worry.

He dropped his bag and ran upstairs. He dashed through the hallway and burst through the door of his bedroom.

He saw her.

She was standing up from the floor.

"Hey. I just kinda tripped, but I'm alright." She said and as she got back up on her feet.

Daryl smiled.

He was truly and deeply in love with Leymee. She was 31 years old, only 6 years younger than Daryl and she looked like an angel.

She had beautiful eyes. Her left eye was green while her right was blue. Her hair was a deep red and was very long. She had a slim figure with wide hips. Daryl loved every inch of her.

Daryl walked up to her and kissed her deeply.

"Someone's having a good day." Leymee smiled and kissed him again.

"I'll always be happy as long as your here," Daryl said and they kissed once again, but more passionately this time.

"So, how was your niece's son?" Leymee asked as Daryl held onto her for a little longer.

"Zanes doing just fine... You should come and meet him next time if you aren't busy." Daryl said.

"I always end up having to work whenever you go and visit that boy so we'll be lucky if I can ever meet him," Leymee said and kissed Daryl again.

"He's a good kid. You'll love him." Daryl smiled and released Leymee. Daryl walked over to the closet and searched for a change of clothes.

"What's for dinner?" Daryl asked.

"I was thinking of going out to someplace nice and coming home for your favorite dessert..." Leymee said.

Daryl knew that the desert part was code for another act that was very well his favorite dessert.

"Sounds like a good plan," Daryl said and walked away from the closet.

"I'm already dressed and it's 5:56 PM, so let's get you dressed and go ahead and go," Daryl said.

"Sure! I'll get up now and-" Suddenly something crashed through the wall of the bedroom, causing a very loud noise and debris to fly everywhere. Leymee screamed.

"What the fuck?" Daryl ran over to Leymee and took her hand.

They backed up to the hallway, scared and confused.

The pile of debris began to move and a tall, lanky man arose from them.

He had black hair and was very pale.

He appeared to be wearing strange clothing that looked rather old and torn.

"Who the Hell are you?" Daryl asked, activating his Syrokinetics.

He put his hand in his pocket, which held three bullets in it.

"I am Nathan... I am a servant of the not yet born queen... I have been tasked by another that's identity is to be kept secret to come and capture your mate here."

Nathan was slowly drawing closer to them as they backed away.

"Get out of here you monster!" Daryl yelled.

Leymee looked terrified and it made Daryl want to blast Nathan's head right off.

"I'm afraid I cannot... I will not be leaving until I have acquired your-" Nathan didn't get to finish.

"I warned you bastard!" Daryl hurled a bullet at Nathan's body.

Nathan smiled and he grabbed the bullet with his bare hand.

"What the fuck!?" Daryl cursed.

That bullet was supposed to go through his body.

"You humans sure are weaklings..." Nathan suddenly melted into his shadow and zoomed towards Daryl.

Daryl put Leymee into his arms but Nathan jumped up and snatched her right from his arms.

"You bastard, I'll fucking kill you!" Daryl screeched and tried to grab Nathan by his neck.

"Fool!" Nathan's hand turned into a black mass and it wrapped around Daryl's neck.

"I will not fail the one who sent me here! He has already cursed your very own niece and killed her husband! He will not ever be caught as he is inevitable!" Nathan screamed as his eyes became red.

Daryl choked as the grip around his neck became tighter.

Nathan smiled and released him.

Daryl planned to instantly strike again but he couldn't move. He could only breathe and blink.

It was as if he had been paralyzed.

He looked at Leymee who was knocked out and in the arms of a monster.

Nathan laughed and walked down the stairs.

Daryl began to cry as he screamed as loud as he could in his mind.

Nathan continued to laugh as he left the house and left Daryl.

Lymee was gone.

Daryl couldn't move for another 3 hours. When he got up he didn't know what to do.

Rather than being depressed, he felt like he needed to ready himself.

He couldn't do anything then but he could train and be able to save Leymee possibly.

From that day on Daryl trained his Syrokinetics and worked out for 2 hours every day.

His goal was to save the love of his life.