Chapter 9 : AIRPORT

Zane woke up that morning on time. He made sure to set 10 different alarms on his phone to make sure he got up.

It was 10:00 AM. It took about 30 minutes to get to Seistix and he needed to be at the airport at 11:30 AM.

Zane went by Phoebe's house on his motorcycle and picked her up at 10:47 AM. They left her house and began to go to Seistix.

"So what did you tell your mom we're going to do," Zane asked.

"Oh I just I was going to Reddane to spend some time studying novel stuff," Phoebe said.

Phoebe blushed a little because she told her mom something completely different.

She told Pheelon she was going to Reddane with Zane because they were a couple and wanted to spend some time alone together.

Phoebe hoped Zane never learned of this information.

"Okay, well this ride is gonna be a pretty long one for riding on a motorcycle so if you start to feel uneasy and start to feel like you might fall off just hang on to me," Zane said as they hit a turn.

Phoebe almost fell off. She wrapped her arms around Zanes waist and blushed.

"Or now is fine." Zane laughed a little and sped up some.

Phoebe gets motion sickness.


Zane and Phoebe pulled into the parking lot of Seistix Airport at 11:23 AM.

"This is a really big airport!" Zane said as they hopped off his motorcycle.

The Seistix Airport was located near the middle of the entire city.

It was the size of 4 average airports in Zeu. It had swinging arches that swung over it and made it look very unique. It had giant windows in my different sections of it that let you see into waiting rooms from the outside world.

Zane and Phoebe made their way into the airport and were met by Daryl.

"Took you two love birds long enough!" Daryl said aloud while smiling with his arms crossed.

"You two what?" Zane didn't know what he said for sure but Phoebe did. She was blushing.

"Did Zane drive you here safely Phoebe? He keeps that old motorcycle even though he has more than enough money to buy a fancy sports car!" Daryl said.

"Hey! Driving a motorcycle is cooler than some overpriced car!" Zane said angrily.

"Hold your horse's kid! I'm only joking!" Daryl laughed.

Phoebe laughed awkwardly.

"So shouldn't we be waiting for our plane in the waiting area?" Phoebe asked.

"Yep! Let's go!" Daryl began walking towards the stairs at the back of the entrance.

"I guess I should tell you guys we have 3 others just like you who'll be training alongside you all," Daryl said.

Zane and Phoebe were following behind him.

"Really?" Zane and Phoebe said.

"Yep! I heard two of them are twins and the other is some delinquent from a third-world country! They all have Syrokinetics of course!" Daryl said as they were walking down a hallway that lead to the waiting area.

"Sounds like your running some kind of private school," Zane said.

"Well, I will be your teacher technically! Along with me will be two long-time friends of mine! They've been taught by me aswell!" Daryl said.

They were now in the waiting area. It wasn't too big. It was one of many waiting areas.

Their flight was flight 2-b.

They were to board the plane at noon.

It was now 11:51 AM.

"We shouldn't have to wait long now!" Daryl said as he sat down in a chair.



"That's us!" Daryl got up.

Zane and Phoebe followed Daryl to Gate 461.

There weren't many people waiting at the gate.

There was a man in a business suit, a young couple, an old man, a woman who looked to be a bodybuilder, and a man wearing a black trench coat and a gray fedora.

Zane, Phoebe, and Daryl got in line behind them and one by one, everyone got in.

They sat in the middle row of the back section of the plane.

The man wearing a fedora also sat back there in the front row of seats on the left-hand side.


"This plane's almost empty," Zane said.

"Yeah. It feels kind of weird." Phoebe said.

"Hey Daryl, can you tell us about those two guys who'll also be teaching us?" Zane asked.

"Sure! Their names are Aaron Bolen and Syrup!" Daryl said.

"Syrup?" Phoebe and Zane said.

"Yep! That's his nickname! I don't know why the hell it is but it is! His real name is William Sykes. Now let me tell you a little bit about their powers. Aaron's Syrosis ability allows him to instantly teleport to a set of 10 places in the world that he sets up! He can take anyone within a 3-meter radius with him. Syrup's Syrosis ability allows him to create smoke bombs that he can see through. He can only make 5 every hour." Daryl said.

"Man, Syrokinetics is so cool!" Zane said with excited eyes.

"Sure is kid!" Daryl said smiling.

"It sure is weird though..." Phoebe said.


The plane began to move and it slowly got faster.

Soon they were taking off and in the air.

"I forgot to tell you two but... this plane ride is 7 hours long!" Daryl said laughing.

"7 HOURS!?" Zane and Phoebe said.

Zane didn't think Reddane was that far away from Zeu. 7 hours was way too long for his mind to handle. He had only mentally prepared himself for about 3 hours, but 7 was so much more.

"We're stuck here now..." Zane said as he melted into his seat.

"Yeah..." Phoebe said.

"You two agreed to come with me so it's all on yourselves!" Daryl said and laughed aloud.

Zane sighed and closed eyes.

He had a bad feeling about something all of a sudden.