Chapter 10 : SWEET DREAMS

Zane awoke to the sound of someone running by him.

The time zones clock said that the current time zone they were in was 2:14 AM.

He jumped up and looked around. He saw nothing but Phoebe and Daryl sleeping peacefully beside him.

Zane was about to sit down but the feeling of being watched struck him and it made him feel very uneasy.

Suddenly, as he sat back down, the person ran by him again.

"What the Hell!?" Zane whispered loudly.

This was either a dream, a dumb prank or he was in trouble.

Zane decided it would be best if he ignored it.

But then he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He wanted to turn around and look but he couldn't.

"Don't speak.." a voice whispered into Zane's ear. It was a man's voice.

It sounded like he was wearing a mask.

Zane opened his mouth to speak and before the words could leave his mouth, the man behind him screeched.

The screech made Zane's ears bleed.

Zane felt his skin start to melt and his eyes started to bleed.

His vision went black and everything went silent for seconds.

Zane suddenly jumped up from his chair in panic. He looked at his skin. It was fine.

He felt around his face. No blood.

Phoebe and Daryl were still asleep too.

Zane was confused. He couldn't tell if he was dreaming or not.

He looked at the timezones clock on the mini television in front of his seat.

It was now 3:25 PM.

Zane didn't understand. Just earlier the clock read 2:14 AM.

Zane's heart began to speed up.

He was panicking.

Suddenly he heard the same sound he heard earlier.

Someone running past him. Zane got frustrated and an idea struck him.

Zane waited. He was going to strike.

4 seconds passed by and it felt like 2 minutes.

The person began to run past and Zane jumped out at them.

He missed and began to fall to the floor.

Suddenly the floor opened up into a deep hole.

Zane began to scream and he started to fall.

He tried to latch onto anything within reach but he failed.

His vision went black again.

Everything went silent again.

It lasted for 3 seconds.


Zane woke up back in his chair.

Phoebe and Daryl were asleep still.

Zane got up and looked around.

He looked at the spot the hole was at.

It was gone.

Rather than panicking, Zane got pissed.

He looked around the room and saw someone.

The man with the trenchcoat and fedora.

Zane forgot he was there.

Zane didn't want to jump to conclusions though.

Zane remembered something suddenly.

He looked down at the timezones clock.

4:36 AM.

Zane gave up on trying to understand the time.

Zane walked over to the man with the trenchcoat and fedora.

Zane had no clue if he could be an enemy or not. Zane thought he could very well be dreaming it all up.

He kept walking.

And walking.

And walking.

Zane stopped and turned around.

The distance between him and then man kept growing.

Phoebe and Daryl suddenly melted into black ink and Zane heard laughter.

He turned back to the man with the fedora and he was standing.

His face was completely blackened and he stood 193 centimeters tall. He was the one laughing too.

"Looks like you figured it out... Now then..." the man popped his knuckles and pulled out a blunderbuss made of weird black energy.

"You all must turn around and go home... you shall never defeat my queen!" The man aimed the blunderbuss at Zane.

Zane began to sweat and he active his Syrokinetics quickly.

Zane was scared. He couldn't use his powers well at all.

"I wish Daryl was up right now!" Zane said.

Suddenly Daryl appeared right beside him.

"Daryl!?" Zane said aloud.

"Yeah- Wait what!? What the Hell is going on!?" Daryl said, looking around frantically.

"Shit... How did you realize it?" The man stopped aiming at Zane and threw his fedora down.

"Find out what?" Zane asked.

"That this is a dream! You found that out and realized you could make anything happen in your dreams, didn't you!?" The man asked.

"Uh, Yeah! Totally! You better back down now!" Zane lied to the man.

Daryl suddenly vanished.

"Don't piss your panties, the dream will end shortly and I will disappear from the plane... I have failed my queen..." the man kneeled in front of Zane.

"Queen?" Zane asked.

"Yes... the one you're all going after..." The man said.

"Wait what-" Zane was suddenly stopped by the black vision again.

"-are you talking about?" Zane said but then realized he was back in his seat again.

"What?" Zane stood up and looked around.

Phoebe and Daryl were asleep.

The man with the fedora was gone.

Zane scratched his head and sat back down.

He then remembered that it was all a dream.

Zane looked at the time zones clock.

2:14 AM.

Zane guessed that was normal.

Zane sighed and leaned his chair back and closed his eyes.

Zane couldn't quite rest yet though.

A thought burned in his mind.

Who was the queen?