Touch (1)

"Blank just what are you thinking?" I asked.

I gulped as his hands slowly moved under my hoddie slowly removing it from my body. I felt so naked already. It was terrible! He slipped it off over the top of my head.

"Easy enough." Blank said.

"Easy!" I yelped staring at him with wide eyes. I was already trembling all over. A million thoughts of things I had heard about in high school and never actually considered started to cross my mind.

"Just relax." Blank said softly. His lips close to my ears.

I felt my whole face flush red.

"We are just going to start with your arms. See not so bad right?" Blank asked.

His hands were slowly moving along my hands. He started with each finger then moved to the palm of my hands. Then he slowly worked his way up my arms to my shoulder. I felt myself flinch way to violently as one of his hands slipped under the edge of my t-shirt.

"Good touch or bad touch?" Blank immediately asked when I flinched.

"I'mmmmm….. still fine." I somehow whispered.

Who was I kidding I should just tell him I felt awful and make him go away. But some part of me wanted him to keep touching me. It felt…..good? No that can't be right.

"Okay just tell me…. Uh let's see….. say geology if you want me to stop." Blank said.

"Geology? Who the heck uses that as a term for stopping?" I muttered looking up at him.

"Well you know, rocks are hard and firm, no room for negotiation or something like that." Blank said.

I snickered. "Really that's the best you can do?"

"Oh just remember the stupid word." Blank grumbled as his hands slid under my shirt.

I immediately stopped complaining about his word choice and started trembling all over again.

"Wait, wait, wait, can I just say geology now and you let me go?" I asked.

"Royal!" Blank growled.

"Okay, okay." I hesitantly laid my head back on the pillow.

"Okay how about we take your shirt off now?" Asked Blank.

He had already finished torturing my poor arms. The way he asked it though, it was clearly not an actual question. His hands slid under the shirt gently pulling it up over my head. I really need to get some more Blank proof clothing in the future.

"You're very beautiful you know that right?" Blank said.

I turned my head sideways. "Just hurry up and finish whatever it is your doing." I muttered back.

I felt his hands slowly moving along the front of my chest. He grazed them over my abdomen making me shiver. Slowly he trailed his hands all the way up along my shoulders. He paused for a moment then briefly touched every part of my chest.

A certain BL manga a friend made me read popped into my mind and my trembling got way worse. I wanted to curse that friend. Who was totally named Deck. He had said I needed to at least be 'aware' of what happened between two people. He then gave me 'study material' which had included the BL piece. I should of never read it. These thoughts would not leave me alone.

Blank's hands played for a moment with each of my upper sensitive parts. Was it possible for me to be shaking any harder. Maybe the mattress would just fall off the bed and give me an excuse to leave? Just when I thought I might die his hands left me again.

"Roll over." Blank said quietly.

"Isn't that enough?" I asked.

"Nope." He replied. "I have to check every part of you."

"Every." I gulped.

"Every." He confirmed.

It was official I should definitely make a run for it.

Noticing my pause Blank spoke again. "Roll over, I think once you relax you will enjoy what I'm going to do next."

Enjoy? Was he insane? What part of this was enjoyable? Why did he have a smile on his face? Was he enjoying this! My suffering and pain and he's just their smirking. I glared.

I felt his hands move up and explore my face while I closed my eyes trying to look away.

"Come on roll over." He said again.

"I'm not a dog." I growled back.

"Come on please? This is the last part of what we'll do tonight. I'll do the rest another night." Blank said.

I stared at him in horror. "Again!" I yelped.

"Well unless you want me to do all of you tonight?" Blank replied.

"Nope another day is perfectly fine." I yelped.

This would at least give me a little bit to find a way out of it. I could deal with any injuries myself if I was conscious. And if I wasn't then I wouldn't know about it until I woke up anyway. And if I didn't live it wouldn't be a problem anymore. I better make sure Blank never hears me say that.

I shot him another glare before finally flipping myself onto my stomach. I turned my head awkwardly trying to watch him.

"Relax." Blank said again. "If you hold your head like that it's going to be really sore."

He gently pushed my head back so that it was lying normally against the pillow.

"Try to enjoy yourself. Trust me." Blank said.

He ran his hands over my back gently in patterns. At first I was really stiff. But slowly I began to relax. A part of me began to enjoy it. It felt good. Did I really just think that! What the heck his wrong with me! But it feels nice.

I expected him to let off after half a minute but he kept going. My trembling slowly stopped and my muscles went limp. I eye lids started to feel a bit heavy. Just what kind of magic trickery is this!

I tried to move and I felt Blank pin me lightly.

"Just stay still beautiful." He said softly.

I felt him start to run a hand through my hair. Curses it also felt quite nice. Well there were worse places to be trapped.

Blanks hands started gently massaging my shoulders.


Wait had I just mumbled out loud! My eyes flew open and I looked at Blank. His smirk had grown. Curses to him, he would never let me forget it I was already sure of that. I would have to make sure never to mumble or make strange noises again.

"See your starting to get the hang of relaxing." Blank whispered softly.

I turned my head back to the pillow to sulk. No way was I going to admit that I was somewhat enjoying his touch.

He traced one of his fingers down my spine and I shuddered again. I tilted my head slightly to glare at him with one eyes.

He was totally holding back a laugh. I would have to murder him later. His hands slid up my back again. He started gently kneading my muscles. The soreness from earlier was wearing off. My whole body relaxed even further. Shoot! Why was he so darn good at this!

I closed both my eyes enjoying his warm hands. I would just deal with this then go back to my room and never return. So soft.

Next thing I knew my eyes shot open to sunlight streaming through a window. I gulped looking around. I had somehow fallen asleep at Blank's place. How far had he gone! I gulped as I looked down at my pants then relaxed.

They were still tied right, perfectly symmetrical with the same length loops and strings. It would be nearly impossible for someone to copy the knot I had perfected over years in one day. One little thing off and I would know instantly.

Part of the reason I usually didn't wear button and belt bottoms. You could just never get them perfectly balanced.

I looked over at Blank. He was sleeping next to me looking peaceful. Darn it why did this idiot look cute when he was sleeping! I couldn't take my revenge on someone who looks so at peace with the world!

I brushed a strand of hair from his eyes. Rip I shouldn't have done that. He looked even cuter now. I need to leave before something starts that I regret later.

Sure boy on boy relationships couldn't have kids so it wasn't like I had to worry about that. Wait why is my mind even going there! Why would I ever let someone do something like that to me! This is bad I need to leave now.

I need to leave.

I need to leave.

Leave now!

Okay I am about to get up, then I will walk to the door, then I will exit. I will leave. I need to leave.

Why am I not leaving!

He's just so cute though.

RIP me.