Blank (3)

Tracking Royal was a hard task. It didn't help that Blank felt like throwing up at the thought of ending his existence. He couldn't leave a killer on the loose, that would be the end of all the players and the end of the human race. Was the human race even worth saving though? Blank gazed lifelessly around him. Maybe it would be kinder to just kill the entire world off quickly.

He looked at the ground again. Tiny little marks in the dirt were the only indication of someone living around here. Even they could of easily been an animal. This the was skill level of Royal the assassin. Assassin, dead, Royal. Blank wanted to cry again. He reached up and slapped his face.

Ahead of him Chase, Nova, and River looked back giving him a curious look. He signaled that he was fine and they should keep moving. Nova was their guild's top mage beside him. She was a queen of water magic, which was completely different from ice. Which made no logical sense but whatever.

River was an archer or shooter type class, they could master any range type weapon. Other types could learn archery but they wouldn't be on the same level. He was LittleGingerRy's best friend, hence his presence. If Blank couldn't kill him, he would give it his best shot.

Blank grumbled to himself silently. His brain wanted to focus on anything but what he was doing. Ahead River continued to track the faint footprints. Although Blank still questioned if this was really Royal's trail, but River was great at what he did, so he followed quietly.

They came to a little clearing with a small pond. Then River led them left into a tiny slot canyon like formation. It wound its way upward for a bit before breaking off into another clearing. It was secluded and a perfect hiding type place. On the far edge was a hut structure built of branches. It was clearly human.

In this clearing was another small pond. Way smaller than the first one, more of a large puddle really. And beside it looking toward them was Royal. He didn't look so great, like he hadn't gotten any sleep for a few days and…. Wait why did Blank care. He had killed one of his guild mates! His gaze sharpened angrily. Well he should at least hear him out right?

"Care to explain yourself." Growled Blank as their group formed a half circle around him and the puddle against the dirt cliff wall.

Royal faced them just looking tired. For some reason it made Blank even more furious. Where was his look of regret! He had stooped to the level of a killer team. He was no better than team red!

Those idiots were on a kill on sight list for ever large guild. Even now they still killed in this life or death game. Royal was now on a kill on sight list with them.

"I didn't kill anyone." Royal replied his voice flat.

"Yeah right!" Yelped River. "The video was checked multiple times by multiple parties. Its 100% real. Even now Deck is still trying to find something wrong with it! He called you his best friend you know! You're not even worth the dirt you stand on."

"Just tell the truth, what happened." Blank tried again.

There just had to be something right? Come on Royal defend yourself. Give me something to at least try with. Blank's eyes narrowed when Royal said nothing.

"You know if you hated me so much and wanted to get back at me, you could have done it any number of ways! You didn't have to take it to this!" Blank tried to hold back his tears.

Royal looked a little startled. "Hate you?"

"Yeah, I was even going to bloody apologize! But now I know you're nothing but a murderer!" Blank took his necklace from earlier and threw it at a rock.

A crack formed down the center of the opal. It was fitting just like the relationship he had wanted had crumbled.

[Broken Necklace: Can be fixed with ...…..]

Blank didn't bother to read the rest of the description. It was nothing but junk anyway. He would never keep something to remind him of this betrayal.

To his surprise Royal actually picked it up since it had landed by his foot. For some reason half of him felt a wave of joy while half felt a wave of sickness. He focused on his hatred.

"I can't wait until your body is lying limp and cold in front of me! Only then with LittleGingy be able to rest in peace!" Blank practically screamed as tears covered his face.

"I didn't kill anyo…." Royal was cut off by River.

"How dare you! You're worse than team red! You can't even...ARGH!" River launched himself at Royal.

Royal spread his wings and just jumped above him into the air.

"Now!" Growled River shooting an arrow.

It had a rope tied to it and it circled around Royal dragging him back. But Royal had gotten a whole lot better with his wings in reality. He flipped upside down and dragged a dagger across the rope. It snapped and Royal hovered in the air again.

"I really didn't kill anyone." Royal's voice was practically a whisper at this point a tear on one cheek.

"LIAR!" screamed River shooting another arrow that Royal dodged with ease.

You have to stop him thought Blank his own wings coming out. But he could hardly get himself to flap them let alone chase Royal.

Royal seemed to give up and then shot away. Within seconds he was gone.

"Shoot!" hissed River, "Now we have to track him down again!"

"Don't bother" said Nova, "He's too powerful we will have to get more people. Of all the people to become murders it had to be the arguably strongest player in game."

Blank said nothing just staring at the spot where Royal had vanished. His own wings hanging lifelessly. How was he supposed to avenge LittleGingy when he couldn't even fly after him?

Then something dawned on him.

"Hey River, are the rest of the LoneWolves looking for RoyalBlue." Blank said.

"They were told, I'm not sure if any are actively hunting though, they are solo players." River replied.

"Make an incentive. A reward or something. The best players to catch him might be other solo players." Blank said darkly.

"Okay will do." River replied.

"I'll be around, don't expect me back too soon though." Blank leapt into the air letting his black and red wings carry him.

He needed to be alone for a bit. He flew through the clouds trying to think but then just started crying again. He let himself just spiral around in agony and yell at the clouds. He was such a mess.

Then he floated back to the ground and found the nearest large rock among a large pile of boulders. There he sobbed quietly to himself not even able to make sense of his own emotions.

That was when he saw a figure walking through the boulders...…. Royal?

Anger coursed through him. Fate must have given him another chance to avenge LittleGingerRy. This time he wouldn't mess it up. He stalked forward quietly using the boulders for cover.

He'd even record it. The game system had recently given a record option that acted like a video feed. It also magic-ed its way into reality. Blank turned the feature on.

This time you die. He thought he crouched over a boulder looking down. Could he managed to jump on top of him from here? That was when he changed, and Blank's whole would view fell apart.

Royal's face shifted and blurred then it changed into.... Rush? Blank felt his body go cold. The second in command of team red? What was going on? Was he going insane?

Then two other people appeared from the rocks. He also instantly recognized them. Anyone with half a brain would. They were now the top three people on the kill on sight list. Well if you took off Royal anyway.

Unholy the leader of team red, Rush, and Destroyer, all team red and all very deadly. Everyone had been wondering where this group had set up their real life base. In game they moved around in the side challenges making themselves hard to track.

Blank gulped, he couldn't take on three at a time.

Only now did he notice the well worn trails between the boulders. And Blank also saw a few caves further up the rock face. He had found a very important place, but could he leave without dying first?