Chapter 4: Superpowers

It was not a thing like I ate too much or too less or not the right food 'cause you better believe me when I say that when it comes to food I follow a list literally...

which actually is a habit- a very good one for a habit. By the time I reached home I feeling dizzy and had a stomach ache.

Slowly, slowly I couldn't feel my legs and arms at all. Then I just fell on the ground in the living room, I thought no one was at home.

But then I remember mom picking me up and putting me on my bed and I straight away fell asleep.

When I woke up there was a doctor just sitting beside me, he looked very confused and he was the best doctor there is so, it was a surprise to me.

I saw I was on many drips but not a single one was full. Then I turned my face around and saw my parents in a side crying and sobbing in worry.

Wait, was I dead? Did someone poisoned me? these were my only thoughts. I called out to my parents, they actually heard me.

Turns out I was not dead, phew!. Doctor was still surprised though. I asked him what happened and I was told that I was in coma for about 3 hours and it was 10:00p.m. which was really small time period but that was not the confusing part.

I asked that was I poisoned and told him I didn't ate any olives either because I am allergic to it.

"No, my dear one you were not poisoned and didn't ate olives" said the doctor.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Then what was wrong with me doctor?" I asked.

"That's the problem!" he said.

I got confused. Doctor told me that in normal patients of coma they connot respond to light, move any body parts and can't breathe properly more importantly there is an injury to the brain of any kind but in my case it was none.

My parents didn't worry about anything since doctor said I was perfectly healthy and didn't listen to anything else the doctor said. At least, that is what I thought.

But to my surprise, My mother didn't let me go out at night for two days and father didn't let me go anywhere in the morning for two days.

Those two days my parents were out for a Kingsmen Gala at the Royal Palace in England. They got a Royal invite, but I was only allowed to come after two days so, I had the house to myself.

And as a result, my parents didn't knew about the strange things I could do.

It turns out that the sudden shock in coma speeded up my cells and through mutational genes I could turn to an more advanced human being. I was not sure but couldn't justify any other reasons.

How did I know that? I just do and being smart is not the only thing I have obtained...

Remember when I was at the black market I had to use smoke balls to disappear not anymore not I can go invisible and fly out of any fight ofcourse after killing all in the fight.

Oh! speaking of killing I have increased speed, improved reflexes and unlimited weapon supply- if I can think it I can have it which is pretty cool.

Since I am staying home two days I have plenty of time to practice but leaving two hours of the home schooling of course.

My teacher was so surprised when I gave all the answers correctly, I mean I was ok in studies before but now I was cool and smart at the same time. Unbelievable!

After home schooling classes were the Princess Perfect test which as always, I aced. After all the tests and classes I practiced my new magic by levitation of the house hold items.

On the first day it was a single item like an apple or a peer and was only able to cut only two apples at a time but on the second day I was able to lift the whole refrigerator and was able to cut through all ten apples.

A perfect improvement of you ask me. Now, People might think since I have magical abilities and powers I'll decide to become a Super Hero.

Hey! I hate to pop your bubble but I ain't nothing like that. I might be special and super but definitely not a hero.