Excited To Be Marked

(From Leandro's Perspective)

"Yes. I mean, you might be mysterious a bit, but not exactly cold, at least from the inside. You care even though you try not to show it. And I've seen something behind your eyes that doesn't speak of your coldness."

"Oh come on, I'm proud to be with you. You're handsome and he is a sea horse. I have the most handsome co-worker. Of course, I should be proud."

"Because_ I would not do anything but stay here. But it's your place. Why would you let me stay here if I don't do anything? I'm not a lifeless thing that I don't need anything; I need food, water, a place to sleep and bathe. You could easily keep a stone here without wanting anything back from it. Firstly because it's lifeless. And secondly, you won't have to give it anything. But I'm not a stone. I'm not lifeless, Leandro. I'm a human and I need things to live."