Revealing The Truth To Jed

(From Ella's Perspective)

"You need to give up that too confident attitude, Leora. It's not good for you," Jed said.

"I'm not confident. I just know that I'm right about particular things. Anyway, let's go. We'll be late," I said.

"The king will summon you to know why you didn't come for two days," he said.

"Really? Then I'll say that I was sick and that's all. Valid or not, they have to accept what I say because it's the rule," I said thinking when Leandro told me the same thing. But when he said this, he sounded better than me. 

We again ran our way to the castle. We were five minutes earlier than the time. We went inside and I was panting, crouching, and placing my hands on my knees. 

"Leora Edrei."

The voice was not cold, not warm, but very different and ugly in a way. Jed nudged me on my waist with his elbow and I almost fell. I stood up straight only to be face to face with Nicklaus Gregor, the king.