The Game

(From Ella's Perspective)

Today, just like other days, I had been sleeping as well. No one was there to disturb me and no sound or light came into the room. I had no idea if it was day or night. If Nicklaus had not come in to give me food, I would have no idea when it was what time. 

But something happened today. Nicklaus did not come in a long time. I felt like I had been sleeping for half a day, yet he had not come. The food was here since he packed it in a way that I could eat it any time. But even if it was not to deliver me food, he also came to check up on me. 

Today, it seemed he was busy. But it had been far too long since he last visited. Did something happen to him?

It was not like I was worried about someone like him. But if something happened to him, it would mean that I would not get my food. And I had my doubt that not many people knew about the existence of this room. What if I could not get out and die of hunger?