so she sat on the empty seat beside me, and after arranging her belongings ,she smiles at me.
"heyo, we meet again friend" said her.
"yeah, I'm Teki Kaigi, And I am very sleepy right now"
"haha, very specific"
"yeah hahahah"
"I hope we can get along" she said while smiling at me.
"me too"
and then suddenly Shinyu look at both of us.
"you guys already know each other ?, noooo my chance is gone forever, I can not fight my own friend, noooo".
"shut up Shinyu, you gonna make a scene"
"tch, what a lucky nerd" he mumbled while getting back at his desk.
and so the class goes on and on, she was taking notes too, and I peeked at it out of curiosity.
"I was brutally murdered on that vision that I saw"
that word was written in her notebook.
"holy shit what the fuck is going on"
"is that vision real ?, damn it, I wanted a peaceful life".
I said to myself surprised to see those writings in her book.
"I need to ask her about that dream when I have the time"
then I empty my brain and concentrate on what the teacher was teaching us until the bell rings, marking the end of the first half of today's school and a start for my favorite time, lunch time.
"hey" we both looked at each other and said hey at the same time.
she smiled at me "go ahead".
"can we like, walk alone for a while, I'll take you around and show you Important places in this school" I asked.
she is surprised and her expressions started to change a little bit, but It seems like I am the only one who realized it.
and then Shinyu cuts out the conversation.
"holy shit this lazy guy is being aggressive to a girl"
"shut up Shinyu, can you please leave us alone for a while"
"Alright mate, if you insist, I will not be a third wheel here"
"Thanks mate"
"anytime friend"
and then he leaves with the rest of my friends and then went to the canteen.
Then I saw her face, her eyes were filled with fear as if she saw something terrible before and it is going to happen.
but yet she still put up a smile on her face.
"hey Hiroyuki san"
"Hiroyuki san"
"hiroooooyuuuukiiiii saaaan"
she does not respond to me calling her name and waving my hands at her.
"ah sorry, I was spacing out, haven't had a good sleep lately hahahha" she laughed with a nervous laugh.
"so where will we go Kaigi san ?"
"Listen to me" I said with a serious tone.
her smile suddenly switches with that eyes again, scared eyes, like a dead fish.
"take the note that you are writing in before, we'll go to the art club room, there's no one there" I said to her.
she then took the note and follows me to the art room.
while we are walking her face wasn't bright like before, she was scared, as If she's gonna die or something, It was my first time seeing a person looking as scared as that in real life.
"yo... you aren't going to assault me right ?" she asked nervously.
"I just wanted to know about something, I can not spill the detail here, there are too much people here"
her eyes are empty scared and afraid, she looks broken as if her smile was all a lie.
and then we arrived at the room
"click !!"
I opened the door.
I was about to step inside the room when she grabbed the tip of my shirt.
I looked back at her
I saw her face was dark, she was looking at the ground and her legs are trembling.
judging by her reactions I made a conclusion that my analysis was right, and that she was also seeing the same visions as what I saw before.
I grabbed her hands and held them with both of my hands.
I look dead to her eyes.
"trust me okay"
she just nods her head to answer that question.
I then took two chairs and a table and set them so that we face each other, with me facing the door and her back against the door, making sure that I see the face of whoever enters the room and making sure that her face was hidden.
"sit down, and tuck your chair inside the table so that you are closer to me"
she did what I asked her to do.
she is still looking really scared.
"Thanks for trusting me"
"I'll whisper so that no one can hear us, you fine with that ?"
she nods her head again.
so I sat down in front of her, and put my notebook on the table, she puts her's after I did.
she looked at me with teary eyes.
"I'm sorry" she said to me.
"for what ?"
"forget it" she said.
"what do you want to ask me Kaigi san ?"
"you've seen that dream right ?"
"what dream ?"
"It is too scary to describe with my mouth, we'll pass each other's note" I said to her
then we read each other's note.
on her side of the story, she also saw a man there, but his face was blurred, she was captured with that man.
The note said that she was assaulted by gangsters, the man whose face was blurred was the gang's betrayer and the gang said that she was gonna be punished because of him.
however, she did not know what is her connections with that man whose face was blurred.
in her not, the man that face was blurred tried to fight back, she saw it all while being held down and assaulted. that man's arm was broken by a kick and then he was beaten down brutally in front of her, while she is being raped.
her visions stopped when they started to stab her with knives.
my hands are trembling when I give the note back to her, her expressions are terrified.
I am now 100% sure that we are seeing the same thing, now the other question is "what is this thing that we are both seeing ?".
she then suddenly stands up and tried to run away from the room.