The same visions (part2)

I grabbed her hand when she tried to run from me.

"let me go or I'll scream" she threatened me.

"Listen, I know you are scared, but I am the only one who knows this, and only I can help you with this, and you are the only one who will believe me"

she tried to escape my grab as hard as she can, but she can't

I felt soo bad for this, touching a girl that doesn't allow me to touch her is a bad thing to do, but I am far too scared to let her go, she's the only one who knows this as good as I am, and the fact that she wrote it down, It means that she is considering this as a real possibility.

"she is cautious" that's what I think.

"I need you" I raised my voice to let her know that I truly need her.

then she stopped trying to get away from me.

"can you please let go of my hand now ?" she asked me.

"Promise me you won't run ?"

"Come on, where would I run to?"

"ah yes I'm dumb"

Then we both sit on our chairs and continues the conversation.

"Sorry, I tried to run because I think, if that was bound to happen, I can at least not involve you inside of it if I don't have any connections with you". said her to me

"But you stopped because you know that If it was bound to happen, the only person who can change it is you and me, and it will be easier if we worked together, rather than avoiding each other ?" I asked her.

she nods at my question.

"damn this girl is cautious, but she was blundering by trying to run from me, if there's someone who knew this besides us, we're already fucked up," I said to myself.

"I'm really, really sorry," she said again to me

"Yeah, It's okay, I grabbed your hands so hard and won't let go, It was all because we are both really scared".

"um," she agreed.

"first of all we need to know what is this vision, is this a part of the future, or it was just a really really stupid coincidence that we have the same dream ?" I said.

"I don't have anything to do with gangsters, nor my family or everyone that I know, My side job is creating 3d models to be printed and painted as action figures, my dad is a doctor and my mom is an elementary school teacher," I said.

"I am an extreme introvert and I never went outside except for Anime con and school," I said.

"I honestly do not know what my dad's job is," She said.

"my mom is in the united states, I haven't seen her since last year, but we kept in contact, I keep calling her once every week to tell her what happens in school," she said.

I really wanted to ask a lot about her family, but I am too scared that I am going to offend her.

"Should I ask her about her family ?"

She spaced out for a while thinking of something and then looked really worried.

"hey, what if whatever we do, we will always end up like what the visions showed us ?". she said to me.

"It won't, that statement that you said, it is not logically possible" I answered.

"what do you mean ?" she asked

"everything in this world will happen if the cause is fulfilled, and for a specific thing to happens, there is a lot of things that need to be fulfilled, and if there's one cause that is changed, the result will be different."

"This vision is not logical in the first place, the problem is, we only see the results, and the only person we know on that vision is both of us, we don't know whose those gangsters, we do not know what causes us to have problems with them in the first place."

"this vision that we both see, probably just a really really small possibility that somehow happens to both of us, and it has nothing more than a dream that was somehow connected."

I said that explaining to her.

"The reason why I called you here is to make sure that you saw what I see and to make connections to you, so if there's next part of what we've seen, we can act on it as soon as possible and have the most information about it," I said to her.

she nods her head agreeing with me, but honestly, I am still worried, even tho the chances are small, the fact that we only see the worst part of a tragedy was not a piece of good information for us.

"can I have your contact kaigi san ?" she asked me.

"sure, here's my card," I said while giving my name card to her.

"what ? you have a card ?." she asked me surprised.

"yeah hahahah, It's a weird thing isn't it, I created it as a joke at first but It kinda works somehow" I answered.

"aaaaaaaaa this is so cool," said her while staring at it admiring it.

her eyes are glowing and she was so distracted from what we were talked before.

"text me as soon as you get home okay ?, and starting from tomorrow bring your phone to school" I asked her.

"but we aren't allowed to bring our phone here aren't we ?"

"I have special rights to use my phone whenever I need to, because I have to be in contact with my clients all the time"

"woah that's cheating"

"yeah hahahha"

I am thankful that she can go back to being cheerful again, I really hate to see people being sad and scared, just like me, when I was back in junior high. I'll help her.

"the student council is trying to change the rules that prevent students from bringing phones, it was just pure non-sense, not having a communication device on you is the most dangerous thing a person can do, if you ask me" I said.

"yeah I agreed" said hiroyuki.



the bel ringed and we both walked back to our classroom.

"Hey, I'm really really sorry that you skipped your lunch because of this, I'll buy you ramen on the way home if you wanted to ?" I said to her.

"there's a cafe on the way to the station here, there's a cake that I want to taste, can we like split the bill for it ?" she said.

"Of course if that's what you wanted to eat, I still want to talk with you at that cafe, that's if you are okay of course," I answered.

"Okay, then, let's go hassle to class, I want to talk to some people there," she said smiling at me.

"ah Kaigi san" she called

"um ?"

"I am thankful that you are also Involved, I can finally settle down"

"Yeah, let's just hope that this was just a coincidence"

"if it is a coincidence, would you still be talking to me ?"

"of course" I answered.