Alert: Rhy has awoken the gate boss

Is this the power of a D-rank gate? How the hell am I supposed to take B-rank gates? let alone S or SS. I might've bitten off more than I can chew here.

"Hey Rhy good job. We have to get to the boss room and clear the guardian of this room to open the gate again." She is unfazed by any of this, is this normal? Am I crazy for being scared, should I be braver. I mean it's not like I haven't done riskier stuff but then I didn't have anything to lose, Now I had my new life to protect and …...

I equipped the coat I had gotten from leveling up. It boosted my defense and health. It was a long brown coat that reached down to my feet. We walked on through the room. The woods towering above us and the sky bearing down a heavy rain, the grey sky looming over us as we walked through the mud. We reached the boss room after about five minutes of walking. I killed two boars and upgraded my health. We pushed open the giant stone doors to reveal a giant log hall that stretched about a hundred meters.

"Rhy be careful the boss monsters are a rank above the gate." wait this means i'm gonna have to battle an C-rank monster how does she expect me to do this?

'Alert: Rhy has awoken the gate boss prepare for battle'

A roar echoed through the hall ringing off of the logs and screeching into my ears. Before us was a giant rat-like creature. It had no fur and green skin and it was standing on two legs. It lumbered through the hall towards us. I dashed forward with my sword lagging behind me. Jumping as high as I could I managed to jump to the bosses chest stabbing my sword into its flesh. My sword got stuck. I hung by the hilt pulling as hard as I could. The monster's hand flew at me it's attack slamming into my body. The pain spread through my body. But It didn't really hurt. The attack seemed pretty wimpy. Maybe I was strong after all. Or maybe it was the B-rank armour I was wearing. I kept holding the hilt of my sword and pressed my feet into the monster's chest pulling with all my might. Falling flat on my back I got my sword free from It's body but it didn't seem to affect it. I didn't have any analysis skills but I guessed it had good defence but poor attack. This would be a battle of endurance. We were going to whittle each other's HP down until the victor was the last man standing.

'Alert: Hp 100/120'

I rushed to the wall, jumping off it towards the boss, bringing my sword across it's stomach, cutting it then running behind it. I stabbed my sword into its calf. I was running as hard as I could trying not to get hit.

'Alert: SP 60%'

I ran back to its fronty stabbing it in the shin.

'Alert: SP 40%'

I jumped up to its stomach cutting it

'Alert: SP 10%'

Then dropping down to it's front I sprinted up it's leg cutting it's arm

'Alert: SP 0%'

I couldn't move. The world stopped as I realised what had happened. It was a rookie mistake. I used too much stamina and now I couldn't move.

'Alert: SP cooldown 5 secs'

Shit how could I be so stupid.

'Alert: SP cooldown 4 secs'

I needed to think at this rate it would punch me in the head. In normal games that'd either be a critical hit or an instant kill. If it's critical it'll do double or triple what it did before and I can't take that much damage. I need some way of moving before the cooldown. I've gotta think

'Alert: SP cooldown 2 secs'

But it was too late, the fist was almost in my head and I couldn't think anymore. The fist slammed into my head. The pain was so immense I screamed out.

'Alert: SP cooldown complete'

I was reeling from the hit my head was killing me. I started to sprint to the side, plunging my sword into the monster's side. Then stopping I let my stamina recharge.

'Alert: SP 90%'

'Alert: Hp 40/120'

My health was dangerously low. I didn't have any potions or items to heal. I didn't have any sword skills or magic. I was screwed. But I can't just give up. If I'm dying I'm taking this bastard with me. I sprinted to the wall once more and leaped into the air, my sword extended from the side to cut through the monster's back.

'Alert: skill activated - "____" '

'Error: skill unknown, file corrupted''

My blade cut through the flesh like a knife through water gliding through the skin releasing a waterfall of blood. The monster scratched and turned to me. I was still in mid air but it lashed out at me, its knuckle hitting my head. Everything went black.

'Alert: Hp 20/120'

'Alert: Hp 10/120'

'Alert: Hp 5/120'

'Alert: Hp 4/120'

'Alert: Hp 3/120'

'Alert: Hp 2/120'

'Alert: Hp 1/120'

Was this it? Did I fight one gate and that's it? Man, I really am pathetic. I thought this was my second chance? I thought this was my chance to have what I couldn't have in my past life? I thought this was my turn to be great? So how come I am going to die in a D-rank gate.

"Rhy!" whose calling my name, don't tell me there's actually someone who cares if I die

"Rhy wake up!" It's not possible. I let an C-rank monster kill me so how does someone care if something as pathetic as me lives?

'Alert: Rhy defeated D-rank boss you gain exp and items'

'Alert: Rhy leveled up and gained rewards.'

'Alert: Rhy leveled up and gained rewards.'

'Alert: Rhy leveled up and gained rewards.'

'Alert: Rhy gained exclusive item'

'Alert Rhy gained skill'

"Rhy you're awake? Man some tough guy you almost died to an E-rank monster. " Wow I just carried this girl through a gate and she is still this proud. How can one human have such a huge ego? Then she turned back to me and smiled

"I'm glad you're alive though. I mean it would reflect badly on me if I let my very first summon die."