Alert: Rhy has awoken the gate boss - "The lifeless knight"

'Alert: Rhy has awoken the gate boss - "The lifeless knight"'

This was it. I have to fight a B-rank monster. If the difference is as big as between D and C I don't know if i can do it. The doors clanged as they were opened fully. Before them was a small arena covered in sand and dirt. In the center was a throne. There was a figure on the throne. You couldn't see a face, only a suit of armour that covered it's entire body. It was steel with chips and notches in the metal work. It had a helmet that looked like a knight and was holding a spear and had a sword at its hip. It stood up at the sight of me. We both walked into the arena. I had my broken sword by my side whilst he was pointing his spear to the left of himself extending his hand fully. His right hand was at his side.

'Alert: Skill activated - "lightning rush" '

I moved forward on a flash slashing through the armoured body, or I was supposed to but the knight brought his spear around deflecting my hit so I charged straight into a wall. I rushed back to the middle stabbing at him but I couldn't hit him, my sword was too short, the blade missed as he moved backwards, his footing was so elegant and free, it was like he was dancing with each foot placed so precisely. Then it extended its right arm and tapped me on the forehead, rocking me back. He raised his spear with such force that the sand was pushed away. I managed to get my left foot behind me and dropped my sword.

'Alert: Skill activated - "smash" '

My fist glowed and I drained sixty points of Mp. I uppercut hitting the monster right in the jaw. He went flying, hitting a wall, cracking the stone. But he got up and walked to me again, his spear still extended. I needed more mana. I couldn't do this without my skills.

'Alert: passive skill activated - "Replenish" cool down 1 hour'

My mana, stamina and Hp all are filled. I rushed forward elbowing the knight in the chest. Then running around to the other side I punched it in its spine causing its back to recoil curving its front open. Then while it was correcting itself I stole the sword from its sheath. Then running back I let my stamina recharge. Then the knight, for the first time, rushed towards me it's spear extended.

'Alert: Master Chaaya used skill - "Boost" '

The knight slowed down, The spear loomed over me as I dodged and leaned into its side and thrust the sword into its side. The knight gripped its side, blood trickled out of the small crack running down the pieces of armour like an outline. The knight lifted its spear over its head, throwing it with such speed I couldn't react. The spear cut my cheek and exploded into the wall behind me. But I was too focused on the spear and I lost sight of the knight. Where was he? How could he disappear so quickly?

"Rhy! Look out!" It couldn't be, how? I turned my head slightly and in the corner of my eye I saw it, the knight was behind me, its hand raised like a karate chop. The hand ran through my back slicing my flesh.

'Alert: Hp 40/140'

I turned around, its hand was covered in my blood.

'Aler: Skill activated - "Smash" '

My hand glowed and I charged twenty points of mana before punching it in the face. My fist cracked its mask and knocked it over. It got up, there was no way to beat it, my skills were ineffective

'Alert: Master Chaaya activated skill - "Heal" '

My body glowed green and blood stopped pouring from my back, the knight stood up, its face was a clout of black mist, it walked over to its spear and picked it up. The knight's head wafted like a fire from it's neck, it had a white skull drifting in the middle of the black mist. I dashed behind him my sword aimed at its chest, and I thrust the blade into its back. But the figure in front of me disappeared. How could it have happened again? I turned my entire body seeing the knight behind me it's skull smiling, but then I got taller? My feet weren't touching the ground, I looked down and my vision blurry, blood dripped from my chest as i hung from the knights spear,

'Alert: Hp 30/140'

'Alert: Hp 20/140'

'Alert: Hp 10/140'

no. no this couldn't be it. How can something this strong be in a C- rank gate? I don't accept this. I won't let it happen!

'Alert: Hp 10/140'

I thrust my sword into the knight's chest using everything I had. My chest was burning. I shouted, screaming at the top of my lungs.

'Alert: Hp 1/140'

'Alert: Rhy has defeated C-rank boss - "The lifeless knight" - and gained exp and rewards'

'Alert: Rhy has reached level 25'

'Aler: Rhy has learnt skill - "boiling blood" '

I dropped to the floor, blood was staining my shirt as blood poured out of the hole in my chest. I'm not dead? Does leveling up heal me, huh that would've been nice to know.It still hurts, my chest is burning and breathing is pretty much impossible, but I did it. I beat the C-rank boss.

"Rhy! Are you alive, please get up, don't die, I'm your master you have to obey me so wake up!"

"Yeah, yeah stop your whining you'll give me a headache. I'm fine so stop your shouting."

"You're ok? Thank goodness, wait a second and I'll heal you."

"That isn't necessary. I'm a completely fine human although I might need help standing up."

"What but you were just impaled by a spear? How are you ok?"

"It's a long story but I'm fine, I just need to sleep." I pushed off my sword standing up and walking out of the gate. And then we headed back to town as the sun rose over the fields behind us, the orange light shining on my back drying the blood.

'Alert: Rhy has exited C-rank gate'