Alert: Rhy has gained a new title - "B-rank adventurer."

It's been a month since I arrived in this world. I was now level 45. After weeks of grinding D and C rank gates I only progressed five levels. I managed to upgrade my sword and armour four times. We spent every day sleeping and every night clearing gates and now I've hit a wall. I can hardly gain any exp anymore.

"We need to move somewhere with more difficult gates."

"What? But up until a few weeks ago you were nearly dying in D-ranked gates. How the hell do you think you're suddenly good enough for B-rank? You know if we choose to enter a B-rank gate we'll end up facing the equivalent of an A rank monster?" Damn it I hadn't considered that. Would I have to fight something like that thing in the path test?

"Well couldn't we just get some help?"

"Don't be stupid what kind of idiot A-rank would join a C-rank trying to clear an B-ranked gate."

"Well then I suppose it can't be helped, tell me is there a way for me to test my rank again?"

"What? Do you think you've gotten strong enough to surpass a rank in only a month? I mean I suppose you don't have any trouble with the C-ranks anymore? but still that much growth takes years even decades it would be unthinkable."

"So it's possible? We should do it."

"Well I suppose it couldn't hurt and I am B-rank so having a powerful summon might mean we can form a party with stronger people. Fine I suppose, Let's get dressed and head out."

'Alert: Skill activated - "conjure" '

My clothes and sword flew to my hand, equipping themselves instantly.

"Well now, that was fast but I'm going to need a minute."

We walked through the quaint village with the sun beating down on our backs. I was hunched over as always trying not to look at any of the humans. We entered the familiar alley where the smae old lady was sitting reading a newspaper.

"Well well well if it isn't miss squire what can I do for you young lady."

"I'd like to remeasure my summon."

"Don't be an idiot, now run along little girl."

"What? I think he's gotten a lot stronger."

"He? Don't think of it as a human you foolish child! You dare to spit in the face of all the people who worked hard to raise their rank by thinking you can do it in a few weeks? Don't make me laugh, a weak pathetic squire like that? You're really starting to annoy me now, so get lost before you get hurt."

"Wha… but…. Why…"

"It seems you don't understand me girl. I am a B-ranked adventurer and your summon is only C. How dare you presume it could hope to stand on similar levels as me!" It?!?! Why does every one in this stupid world keep calling me "It" why the hell does everyone think they're better than me. My fists curled. I stared into the eyes of the Old lady, hatred pouring out of me. I should use lightning rush here and kill her. The old lady moved back, her face starting to sweat. I was completely ready to kill but then. Chaaya moved her hand back. Her hand cupped one of my fists.

"I would like to ask one more time. Please remeasure 'Him!'"

"Of.. of course, miss right away." My anger was gone, somehow. I walked over to the counter where once again the black crystal ball was sitting. I placed my hand over it pouring my magic inside. Once again the crystal glowed a light green then the light started to surge. The light shining like a star in the sky.

"What… what are you?"

Then the crystal cracked at the bottom and the magic energy leaked out.

"Ah I see it was only a s,all burst although I will concede that you are B-rank. I don't know how though. The ball must have measured you wrong last time that's the only explanation"

'Alert: Rhy has gained a new title - "B-rank adventurer." '

'Alert: would you like to use title - "B-rank adventurer" '

The new tidal does boost my stats somewhat but I think the blacksmith tidal is better right now.

'Alert: "Blacksmith Rhy" will not change title'

We headed back home. Walking along the street but this time I wasn't looking at any humans. I was only staring at her. Her light was so warm. She was like the sun. Suddenly I didn't mind walking behind her. I didn't care. As long as I get to walk with her. Why did I feel this way about a human? Especially her? How? What has happened? This has to be some kind of mistake. How can I not hate a human?

"Rhy we're here you can stop pretending."

"Oh right. Now human you mentioned a capital that has lots of gates and monsters. There wouldn't happen to be B-rank gates there?"

"Us? Go to the capital? That's way too soon, right? I mean we could probably find an ally there who's at least A-rank. But still are we even good enough to make it to the capital"

"Well you did say you wanted to be SSS-rank doesn't that require risk? Don't you think we should use every opportunity we can to level up?"

"Damn it Rhy you're making it really difficult for me to be cowardly right now. But fine we can go to the capital and fight B-rank gates but ONLY B-rank gates we are not ready to fight A-rank and only if we manage to ally with an adventurer that is A-rank. Deal?"

"Fine human that will do. Deal"

The next day we awoke when it was still dark packing up all of our essential equipment and we set off. Somehow Chaaya managed to get me to carry both of our equipment since I could just put mine in my inventory. I only had one physical item. And that was my sheet. I have grown quite accustomed to sleeping on the floor and It's quite nice when you get used to the hard surfaces and being stepped on.

And under the rising sun we set off into the outside world, away from the protection of Rostalpho and its bubble. We were completely alone.