Alert: Rhy is challenging the raid boss

I stood over her, my body covered in blood.

"Rhy? Why do you keep doing this? Why do you keep becoming that thing?"

"Because it's the only way."


"It's simple. It's because I'm your summon. I will do anything to protect you and to help you achieve your dream."

"But you have free will, why would you serve me so diligently? Why would you keep fighting for me? Why would you push yourself past the point of no return? Why would you sacrifice your humanity? Why would you do all that for me? Why?"

"Heh that's simple too. It's because I love you"

I walked away, back to the center of town. I don't care if she doesn't feel the same. I'll risk everything all the same.

I walked into the town square, the demon lord sitting on a throne of bones blood trickling down the chair, his head resting on his fist, he spoke.

"Oooooh so you're alive. How very interesting. I assume the bug girl is dead then, a shame. Well if you're that powerful it ought to be a pleasure to break you."

He stood up. His power surged up overwhelming me like a rush of water slamming into my body, it almost knocked me off my feet. I summoned my sword and he drew his. I stared into the empty slits in his helmet. The blackness creeping out.

'Alert: Rhy is challenging the raid boss - if Rhy wins all monsters will die. Good luck'

"Wait! Rhy! You can't do this! Please run away! Please live! Because…. I love you too"

The words echoed through my skull, pounding at my brain. I smiled and looked back at her.

"I can't run away, but I will kill this bastard that I can promise you."

"Ugh this is going to make me sick are you two humans done with your confessions. Because now I am truly looking forward to seeing your face when I rip out her heart."

I gripped my sword, anger welled up inside me, a white hot fury burning me from the inside. Burning brighter than I can imagine. It happened again. My body started to burn and my eyes felt like they were glowing. This is the end then.

'Alert: Skill activated - "Demonic stare" '

'Alert: Skill activated - "Violent rampage" '

"Wow you… you look just like I did human, this should be fun."

I dropped my sword and dashed forward.

'Error: Skill force unlocked - "Evil claw" '

'Alert: Skill activated - "Evil claw" '

My hand turned into a claw red light forming three talons as I sliced into the demon's back. It disappeared moving to the side.

"Wow fast, for a human"

'Alert: Skill activated - "Blood spear" '

My hands formed into blades as I lashed out at the demon.

Again he disappeared

"Well your power certainly is impressive but it's unrefined, there is no technique, only a rabid dog thrashing out with the sliver of power he could possess."

He stepped to my side kicking up towards my stomach, my wings formed behind me lifting me up, I grabbed his foot with both of my hands smiling.


He kicked down slamming my body into the floor.

"I was hoping for more."

My body slumped on the floor, blood leaking from my mouth.

"You dare to challenge me. Wow, the bug girl has really slacked."


He sighed drawing his sword above his head. The black blade was thick and had a hilt made of bones, could this guy be anymore generic? Haha. he brought the blade down on my head.

"Well well you've got some spirit in you yet."

I caught the blade, my eyes turned red, blood poured down my cheeks. I screamed my voice shouting out as I pushed up the blade.

'Alert: Mp 200/640'

Haha, dammit. Sorry Chaaya, I guess I lied.

'Alert: Mp 50/640'

'Alert: Mp 10/640'

'Alert: Mp 1/640'

'Alert: Ultimate skill activated.'

'Alert: system access full'

'Alert: Goodbye'

I stood up, my power rushing out as I stared into the demon's mask.

"Well it's been about fifty years since I've seen a rival in strength, lets fight kid, this is a rush I haven't had in a while."

'Alert: skill activated - "Shatter" '

My fist crashed into his face

"For once will you please shut up?"

His hand caught my fist the impact made his palm smoke.

"Kyahaha I missed this."

He brought his sword up to level me.

'Alert: skill activated - "Ultimate sword" '

I stepped forward, my sword crashing into his, the brilliance of my blade being soaked in by his. We slashed at each other our blades crashing with immense force each countering the others every move, by all means we were equals.

'Alert: skill activated - "Ultimate thunderclap strike." '

My sword flew forward hitting him three times instantaneously. His aura spilled out as his right eye glowed the hollow slit alight as he sped up each of us hitting faster with every move.

'Alert: passive skill activated - "rush" cool down 20 mins'

My sword whent faster and faster, each movement a blurr until both of our arms disappeared in a back and forth. The sound was deafening.

After half an hour of slashing at each other, neither of us even landing a hit, we both jumped back.

"Well, I apologise for my statements earlier, you are quite a powerful human."

"You too, my power in this form is supposed to rival gods or so I thought. But sadly this will have to end."

My sword disappeared.

'Alert: skill activated - "Dual casting" '

'Alert: skill activated - "Radiant light" '

My hands glowed a pure white light, the power surged as stars formed in my hands, I clapped clasping my hands together and they combined growing above me.

"This is the precipice of light magic, the last spell and I believe the most powerful."

"Hahahahahahahaha this is not the end my friend but if it is let it be the greatest clash of light and dark for I shall use my greatest spell too. Hahahaha"

A darkness spread across the floor building up into a spear collecting and compacting into a spear of pure darkness a spear made entirely from a void. I thrust the sun at him as it gently flew towards him. He launched the spear piercing my sun. the blackness expanded, swallowing my spell and consuming it.

"Well it seems you prevailed. Dark has won but you have not, not just yet."

'Alert: skill activated - "Cancel" '

The spell disappeared in mid air.

My vision started to blur, I can't keep this up. How can I beat him? Blood fell out of my mouth as I coughed. Shit. this is the end? It can't be?

As I fell back my entire body burning, I fell into the darkness again, but this time I didn't see a murderous intent nor did I hear screams, I saw a man.