Chapter 21: Moving on


"I certify that I am at least 18 years of age? Pshh. Of course!" Brooke clicked on the 'I agree' box and immediately the screen was filled with rapidly-downloading images of porn stars in various states of undress and position. The horny 15- year-old girl worked the computer mouse like an orchestra director's wand, zipping left and right and clicking away with rapid efficiency.

Even though we had cable broadband internet, the pages took too long to load and the only free video clips she could find were at most 30 seconds long. But despite this mild frustration, my little sister had no difficulty finding enough material to get herself really aroused.

Of course, the fact that I was currently shafting my thick cock in and out of her juicing pussy had something to do with it. Brooke knelt on the padded chair before me, which had been reversed so that she could rest her left arm atop the backrest while keeping her eyes on the computer monitor in front of her. I was standing behind her, holding my sister's tight ass in my hands as I slowly pumped my way through her constricting tunnel and set off all the pleasure nerves inside her snatch.

"Ohhh, this is so hot, Ben," Brooke cooed and closed her eyes. She hung her head down, opening up more of the monitor to my view. On-screen, I was able to see a petite brunette with fake tits being roughly fucked from behind over the kitchen counter, a thickly-muscled man with long hair hammering her so fast that the video stream pixilated and couldn't keep up. And the tinny sounds of pornographic arousal blared out of the twin computer speakers to blend with my sister's whimpers and my own grunting.

"Oh, oh, oh," the brunette porn star moaned.

"Oh, oh, oh," my brunette sister added in the same sensual tone.

Abruptly, the movie clip ended, the last frame frozen as it zoomed in on the porn girl's face with her mouth gaping open in an erotic moan. Brooke didn't bother to replay the clip nor hunt for a new one; she was too busy approaching a live orgasm of her own. She relocated both hands to the backrest of the chair, gripping it white-knuckled and using it as leverage to really fling her small body back to meet my every thrust.

I ran the palm of my hand over the small of Brooke's back. Her skin was nicely tanned after a month at camp, and it felt so smooth to my touch. My fingers traced along the curve of her buttcheeks, over her tailbone and down the little crevasse between her perky globes. I waited to hear my little sister's moans pick up in pitch and speed, and when I judged the time to be right, I shifted my hand and plunged my thumb into her ass.

Brooke's reaction was immediate. Her spine stiffened and curved back, throwing her head into the air. Her hips jerked violently, just once. And a howling wail exploded out of her mouth as she shrieked in ecstasy. "FUUUUUCK!!!"

I wasn't far behind. Gripping her tiny waist with my left hand, I put a little extra oomph into my hips as I sped up my thrusting, repeatedly driving my cock through the tight channel of my little sister's pussy. And just as her orgasm began to wane, my own pleasure peaked and I began hosing down Brooke's innards with thick wads of creamy cum.

I thrust twice more while spitting out additional shots of jizz, which rocked Brooke's body against the backrest. And then I held myself at maximum penetration, feeling the final twitches in my abdomen while my lover folded her arms and rested her chest on them.

Together, brother and sister luxuriated in the pleasant buzz post-orgasm. And once I felt myself starting to deflate inside her, I slowly pulled out and grabbed a couple tissues off the desk, handing them to Brooke to blot herself up before we left any incriminating evidence in the family room.

A chime sounded off over the speakers just then, drawing our attention to the monitor. An instant messaging box popped open and a short line of text appeared: Wow. That was so hot!

Holding the tissues to her own crotch with her left hand, Brooke then turned her face to the webcam mounted on top of the monitor and smiled brilliantly. "Great idea, Dawn," she said into the microphone.

Since we were doing a webpage broadcast and not a two-way call, Dawn had to type her response: I came three times watching that. Wish I was there.

Brooke giggled and turned to me. "I came three times, too."

I grinned and then moved forward to take control of the keyboard while Brooke got herself out of the chair. I spun the chair around so I could sit comfortably in a more normal position, and then my little sister slid naked and sweaty into my lap.

A moment later, I opened a different window and suddenly, Brooke and I could see the Evans' family room on our monitor. The camera angle jerked around for a minute before adjusting so that we could see both Dawn and DJ.

Well, at least we could see Dawn. All we saw of DJ was the back of her head as she knelt between her sister's legs. We then heard my girlfriend start to moan over the computer speakers, which caused a fresh stirring in my cock. At the same time, Brooke moaned and reached her hand out to my half-hard erection.

"Mmm ... I hope they don't take too long," Brooke murmured. "There's only an hour before you've got to go pick up the twins and I want the girls to watch you fucking me one more time."


Life at home continued on as it always had. Every year upon returning from camp, my siblings and I packed our August social calendars full, catching up with friends we hadn't seen in a month and squeezing out as much "hanging out time" as possible.

This year was no different. On the first Sunday, I headed out to the basketball courts to meet up with my boys. Daniel Chen welcomed me back to the real world. Sung Joon and James Kaito gave me head nods. And Kenny Doyle unsubtly asked, "Bang any hot chicks at camp? I'll bet you were a sexual machine this past month."

I had been. A naughty smile crossed my face as I mused over the last four weeks of my life. I'd not only had the most amazing sex with a gorgeous young blonde who rivaled even Adrienne Dennis for sheer beauty, but I also nailed her hottie little sister. Hell, I'd even taken the virginity of my own little sister.

But also in that time, I'd fallen head over heels in love with Dawn, my lifelong best friend. I'd faced my own problems with fidelity and made an active choice to curb my casual attitude towards sex. And even though Dawn and I were now apart, I remained steadfast in my resolution to be loyal to her. Ben, male slut, was history.

Of course, I had yet to be tested in that resolution.

But anyways, Kenny didn't need to know all that. In response to his question I just shook my head and looked down. "No comment."

Too late, he'd already seen my little smile and thumped my back. "Of course you did! Big Ben: Campus Stud! Welcome back, brotha. Just stay the hell away from my girlfriend."

After a full hour of getting sweaty and thumping up and down the court, we guys collapsed onto the grass and sucked wind. Shortly after, three of the guys got up and headed off to their cars, nodding their heads goodbye.

I was still chugging my Gatorade when Kenny hit my shoulder and asked, "You wanna come over and game? The new Gran Turismo came out while you were gone."

I took another gulp and then shook my head in the negative. "I can't. I'm meeting up with Cassidy for lunch. She said she has something urgent to tell me."

"Will Megan be there?" Kaito asked from the other side of me.

I turned my head and arched an eyebrow. "Uh, no. Why?"

The handsome but shy guy blushed and shrugged. "Uh, nothing. Nevermind."

I didn't think much of it at the time, because Kenny had already turned around and asked Daniel, "You coming? Or do you need to call your old woman for permission?"

Daniel was already standing up and he smacked Kenny upside the back of his head. "NO, I do not need permission. And yeah, I'm coming."

Sung nodded as well. "Me, too."

Kenny then spun back to me. "C'mon, Ben. Don't leave us hanging. We need a fourth."

I shook my head. "You can race three just fine." I checked my watch and noticed the time. "Hell, I gotta go. See you guys later."

I'd barely gotten up when Kenny snorted, "Girls. They're not even dating anymore and he's still whipped."

Sung was quick to retort. "Oh, and if Rachel called like you wouldn't be out of here in ten seconds?"

The conversation behind me devolved into the usual mess of male insults and posturing. Ah, home again.

Cassidy O'Leary crinkled her nose when I hugged her outside In-N-Out. "Jeez, Ben. You stink! You could've at least showered before you met me."

I raised an arm and saw the spreading wet spot at the armpit of my T-shirt, not to mention how the white material was damp and clinging to me at my chest and in the small of my back as well. I grinned wryly and said, "Well, I'm not trying to impress you anymore, Freckles."

I'd meant the comment in good humor, but Cassidy's face darkened and became serious. "Do you mean that?"

Startled by her solemnity, I stood up a little straighter and furrowed my eyebrows. "What?"

The cute redhead frowned and seemed nervous, looking away from me. But she gathered herself and brought her attention right onto my face. "Ben, do you still want us to get back together?"

I gulped and paled immediately. I'd known Cassidy had once loved me quite passionately. Even after I cheated, she'd still held out hope and desire for reconciliation. But once the opportunity presented itself, after I'd thought Adrienne had dumped me, she'd chosen not to reunite with me despite what she professed to be her still undying love. But that was months ago. To a teenager, it had been a near-eternity. A lot had happened since then.

"Well..." I began, wincing in apprehension. The fact was, I didn't want to get back together with Cassidy. I was quite certain in my love for Dawn, but I wasn't sure how my ex-girlfriend would take the news.

Cassidy read the expression on my face as she started to figure out that I was going to answer 'no'. And as a little smile crossed her face she teased, "Aww, not trying to win me back anymore, Ben?"

There was no heat in her voice and I relaxed considerably. "You're not upset?"

"No. Relieved, actually," Cassidy sighed and visibly loosened up. "I've been feeling guilty ever since I told you I didn't want to get back together anymore. You looked so hurt and I was feeling really bad about it."

I smirked. "Why? You didn't do anything wrong."

"Well, I did break up your relationship with Adrienne." Cassidy frowned in apology.

"No, no." I held up a hand to forestall any further comments and leaned forward, putting my hand on Cassidy's shoulder and looking her straight in the eye. "I broke up my relationship with Adrienne. Really, it wasn't your fault." After all, Cassidy didn't know about Donna nor Adrienne's willingness to overlook my slip- up with Cassidy herself.

Cassidy touched my hand on her shoulder, nodding slowly as she tried to accept what I was telling her. I removed my hand and stood up straight. Then giving her my most reassuring smile, I asked, "So, what was so urgent that you needed to see me right away?"

Now Cassidy looked guilty again, but she took a deep breath and collected herself. "I've met someone."

Her news and vocal delivery surprised me, but I wasn't alarmed. "Oh, okay. Who is he?"

Cassidy's green eyes glittered and she got a hopeful expression since I didn't seem angry. "His name's Cameron. You don't know him. He goes to a different school. But ... well ... we're getting closer and I'm thinking he wants to go steady but I just couldn't really ... I dunno ... I wasn't sure if we were totally done. I mean, I know we broke up and I told you we couldn't get back together but I just ... I just had to see you again, Ben. I had to know if I'm over you and know that you're not in love with me anymore."

I gave her a wan smile and shrugged. "Sorry. I've moved on."

Cassidy nodded and actually managed a smile. "I can tell." She then took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, blowing out a big puff of air for several seconds. And when she was done, she finally looked at complete ease. "Me, too. I'm good, Ben. I'm happy."

"I'm happy for you," I smiled. "Will I get to meet him?"

"Sometime. I'm sure we're run into each other," Cassidy nodded. "Heck, when you pick yourself a new girlfriend maybe we can double-date."

I smiled radiantly at the thought of Dawn. "If I can ever get her down here."

Cassidy's eyebrows went up. "'Down here'? You have a new girlfriend already? Or are you talking about Summer MacIntosh? I know she's going to UCLA but I thought you said you two weren't-"

"No, no. Summer IS just a friend," I waved her off. I'd forgotten that the beautiful older blonde was the last girl my friends had seen me be very close with. It felt like such a long time ago. "No, uh, I think I've told you about Dawn before. We grew up together in NorCal."

"Oh, right. The girl you meet every summer at camp?"

I nodded and Cassidy got a little smirk on her face. And in her teasing voice she asked, "The girl you experimented sex with growing up, right?"

I blushed a deep red. "I don't think I told you that part before."

The redhead grinned. "You told Megan. And we girls tell each other EVERYTHING."

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Girls ... But I got over my annoyance and nodded inside the restaurant. "C'mon. Let's grab some food and then I'm going to grill you about this new boyfriend until we're even."

When I returned home, it was to find my parents relaxing while watching TV. After a month away from work, they were enjoying their last day of vacation before returning to the daily grind.

"Hello," I announced as I passed them on the way to the stairs.

"Hey, Ben. Did you get something to eat?" Mom asked.

"Yeah," I slowed down.

"With whom?"

My eyebrows furrowed. My parents rarely asked who I was meeting with. They knew my friends and trusted me not to hang out with any bad crowds. "Uh, with Cassidy."

Mom sat up straighter and leaned over the backrest of the couch. "Oh, just the two of you?" she asked with just a hint of suspicion in her voice.

"Yeah," I frowned in confusion. Why was my mom suddenly taking such an interest? And while I wasn't one to ever let my parents know what my friends were doing in their personal lives, I felt like I needed to defuse her. "Uh, Cassidy wanted to talk to me about this new boy she's been seeing and I was telling her a bit about Dawn."

"Oh!" Mom smiled with obvious relief. "Oh, okay. I talk with Deanna Evans every week and I really don't want to tell her you're breaking Dawn's heart." She pointed her fingers at her eyes, then at me, and back to her own eyes. The message was clear: she was watching me.

"Mooom," I groaned.

"Well, dinner's at 6:30." She nodded and immediately snuggled back up against my dad, turning her attention back to the TV.

Arching my eyebrow to myself, I turned and headed for my bedroom. I was feeling grimy from basketball sweat and eager to get out of my dirty clothes. So planning to take a quick afternoon shower, I shucked my clothes and wrapped a towel around my waist.

But when I opened my bedroom door, I jerked back in surprise and found Brooke standing in front of me, her arms folded and a silly grin on her face.

"Need somebody to wash your back?" she husked in a sultry tone.

"Brooke!" I hissed, just managing to keep the volume down. "Mom and Dad are right downstairs!"

"And they were in their bedroom when you squirted me full of cum last night."

"They were asleep! C'mon, the last thing we need is for one of them to catch us hustling out of the bathroom together." I glared at my little sister.

"FINE," Brooke pouted. "But you're gonna make it up to me."

"I promise."

My sister humphed and went back to her own room.

I shook my head. I was thrilled the cute, skinny brunette was so eager for sex with me. But at this rate, we were sooo gonna get caught.

The rest of the afternoon was spent instant messaging with Dawn. We had to keep things PG since both our family's computers were in public areas, and the LAST thing I wanted was for Eden or Emma to meander by and read my X-rated thoughts about my girlfriend.

After dinner, I retired to my bedroom to have a short phone conversation with my gorgeous girlfriend, who I missed desperately. After spending nearly every waking hour together for four weeks straight, this day was my first without Dawn and I felt like half of me was missing.

We melodramatically talked about how much we missed each other on the phone. For the most part, our moaned longings were romantic and lovey-dovey. Should Brooke actually be eavesdropping on the conversation she might go into sugar- shock, or at the very least be grossed out by how syrupy Dawn and I were being.

But towards the end, Dawn talked about how she felt empty inside and how only my cock could ever make her feel whole again. That led into a mild bout of phone sex after which I felt quite aroused. And since my parents were going to bed early, I snuck myself over to Brooke's room both to fulfill my promise to her and also sate the lust Dawn had created in me.

Thank goodness for horny 15-year-old sisters. It was only my first day without Dawn, and if it wasn't for Brooke, I don't know how I would have survived.

For no special occasion, on Monday Elaine Fukuhara invited her closest friends to hang out for the day by the pool. It wasn't a party per se, but there were still about fifteen people coming and pizza would be delivered.

Now I'd been to Elaine's house to hang out by the pool several times every summer since Junior High. But this particular pool day was different: This day, I would I be seeing Abbie and Allie Sanders for the first time since the whole pregnancy fiasco with Allie. Even now, more than a month later, I was still shocked that I'd actually knocked her up.

I'd called the girls Sunday night and they just told me they'd meet me at Elaine's place. I'd beaten them to the house and was splashing around the pool with Kenny when the two petite brunettes arrived. Kenny saw them first and jerked his head over, grinning widely. "Hey, Ben. Two more of your playthings have arrived. You planning on a repeat of the last time the three of you were here?"

I ignored Kenny's jibe and just turned to look. I don't think anyone noticed how I'd suddenly gone rigid as I saw them, and I covered my nerves quickly, moved to edge of the pool, and hoisted myself out. Abbie Sanders was the first to look over at me as I came up dripping and swept my bangs back over my scalp.

The twins said hi to Sung Joon and Stephanie Vo before turning towards me. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my shoulders as I approached them and then came to a stop. "Hey girls. How ya doin'?" I said breezily, forcing myself to keep my tone casual.

"Hi, Ben." "Hi, Ben." The girls were just barely out of sync, sounding like an echo of each other. Abbie looked at me firmly. "We're good."

I nodded at Abbie's response but my gaze was right on Allie. The young teen didn't meet my gaze for a moment before taking a breath and then flicking her golden brown eyes up to me. And I was only able to sigh with relief when the slightly younger twin nodded and said, "I'm fine."

I nodded and then jerked a thumb back towards the cooler while looking back and forth between the two of them. "Can I get you something to drink?"

Abbie looked at Allie and then Allie replied, "Sure. Coupla Sprites."

I smiled and turned to fetch the sodas. I hoped no one noticed the undercurrent of tension in that little meeting. It was ordinary enough for me to greet girls on arrival; I was after all, something of a flirt nowadays. And given the rather common knowledge that I'd been alone in a bedroom with both Sanders twins at Elaine's end-of-school party a month and a half ago, I don't think anyone was surprised I'd gotten up to meet them. But none of us wanted it getting out that Allie had gotten an abortion.

When I returned with the drinks, the girls had already stripped down to their bikinis and were reclining on chairs by the pool. We were all alone as most everyone was either in the pool itself or at the other end clustered around some other chairs. It seemed clear that the girls and I wanted to talk alone for a minute. I handed over the ice cold Sprites and got matching, "Thanks, Ben" statements from both of them.

Abbie then reached up and grabbed my hand, pulling me down towards them. "Hey, Ben. We'll always be friends, right?"

There was a touch of fear in her voice and feeling the immediate need to reassure her, I knelt between the two lounge chairs and earnestly looked both girls in the eye. "Of course."

"You don't hate me?" Allie asked hesitantly while Abbie scanned around to see if anyone was within earshot.

I looked at the scared young girl and reached out to hold her hand. "Of course not. We made a mistake. But I don't blame you for anything that happened."

She nodded and now it was my turn to ask, "Allie, you don't hate me?"

The young teenager took a deep breath and gave me a little smile, shaking her head in the negative. "No. I've had a lot of time to think about it, and I don't hate you."

I smiled and started to pull back, but Allie gripped my hand and held me. "Ben," she began in a small voice and looked around again to make sure no one was within eavesdropping range. "I was just wondering..." She bit her lip and dropped her gaze to the ground.

Patiently, I waited Allie out while she gathered herself. And then she looked me in the eye and said, "I know I won't be ready to have sex again for a while. The whole thing is just so ... scary. But when I am ready, do you think-? I mean, I'd really like for you..."

I squeezed Allie's hand as she left her question unfinished and just searched through my eyes. I felt an upwelling of emotion for this girl. I didn't love her, but I cared about her well-being and felt responsible for what had happened to her. And dirty, sexual thoughts were the last thing on my mind as I understood what Allie was asking me. "Are you sure you'd want it to be me?"

She nodded. "I still trust you, Ben. And ... it's like they say. Sometimes you have to get right back in the water or forever be afraid to swim. And out of all the boys in this world, you're the one guy who'll understand what I'm going through when that time comes."

I sighed. "Allie," I began hesitantly and I watched her face crumble. "I'd love to. I mean, I feel that if it's what you really want, when the time comes, it would be the right thing to do."

She looked at me in confusion, my words saying 'yes' but my tone saying 'no'. And then my expected 'but' came.

"But," I began. "I have a girlfriend right now. That wasn't the case when we were last together. And to be perfectly honest, I don't know how she'd feel about it."

"Oh, okay, I understand," Allie nodded and visibly relaxed. Girls certainly understood the concept of fidelity.

"But that's not a 'no'," I put in hurriedly. "Dawn's ... open-minded. So I guess what I'm saying is, when the time comes, just let me know, and we'll see. Okay?"

Allie smiled and opened her arms to me. I leaned in and hugged her, and I also felt the soft touch of Abbie's hand on my shoulder. I sighed, feeling some absolution from my guilt.

But I also felt a little twinge of new guilt. Dawn had said she could live with sex for sex's sake, as long as I held my love for her. She'd be happier if I didn't sleep with anyone else, and for that reason alone I told her I'd be faithful. But did I just give myself an out? Brooke was already an exception to the rule. Was I now making Allie an exception in my head? What did that mean about Abbie? And once I started opening this door, where did it stop?

Exhaling slowly while rubbing Allie Sanders' back, I soothed my troubled mind. My life had never been black and white. I would just have to make the best decisions I could as they came up and let the chips fall where they may.

One person who did notice my little exchange with the Sanders twins was Megan Kwan. My first ever girlfriend came over with a paper plate of pizza, handing it off to me with a smile before taking a seat on the next lounge chair and saying, "Things seemed to have cooled off between you guys."

"Huh?" I took the pizza gratefully but arched my eyebrow at Megan's comment.

"Abbie and Allie," Megan waved. "Last time we were all here they couldn't wait to rip your trunks off. Now ... you just seem friendly."

I bit my lip nervously and shrugged my shoulders. "They got what they wanted from me. But we all knew it wasn't going any further and we're all just friends."

Now it was Megan's turn to arch her eyebrow at me. "That's not the Ben I remember. The Ben I remember could make a girl melt in his hands. He'd drown her in orgasms so good she'd do anything to get more of them, relationship or not."

I canted my head and smiled at the praise while simultaneously feeling residual guilt over Allie. Clearly, I didn't want to tell Megan, 'Well I knocked up Allie Sanders and the girls want to step back from sex for a bit.' So I shook my head and remembered my other firm reason for not being quite the flirt I'd been toward the end of last year. "Well honestly, Megan, I'm trying to keep it in my pants. I'm taking your advice and really trying to stay loyal to my girlfriend."

A smile crossed her face. "Ah yes, Dawn, right? Cassidy told me you and she decided to take your relationship to the next level."

I shrugged and nodded. "Growing up, right? Finding a more mature love, right?"

Megan nodded but gave me a pointed look. "Fair enough. But don't forget, it's not just about fidelity for fidelity's sake, Ben. It's not just keeping a leash on your dick because you'll get in trouble if you don't. You've got to want to be loyal, Ben. When you realize that she's the only one you want, that's love."

I furrowed my eyebrows. I knew I loved Dawn. I felt differently about her than anyone else, including my previous girlfriends. But only one I'd even want? Hell, I looked around the pool area and saw a bunch of girls I wanted to bang. I couldn't even IMAGINE a situation where I would only want to have sex with just one person. Being monogamous I could understand, especially once I was actually together with Dawn at Berkeley and we could always be together. But to think monogamously was just unimaginable.

Megan seemed to sense my confusion and she laughed, patting my shoulder. "Don't worry. No one's expecting you to get married and tie yourself down right now."

I exhaled with relief and smiled at her.

She smiled back and squeezed my shoulder, searching my eyes. "Still, I'm proud of you, Ben. You really seem serious about being loyal and remembering what, and who, are the important people in your life."

"I am," I said earnestly.

"Of course, I still wish you were being that dedicated to me," she chuckled. But before I could stammer out some apology, she shushed me and said, "But that's okay. I don't want to do anything to ruin what you have with Dawn. I think she's got a claim on you that pre-dates me anyways."

"Thanks, Megan," I said while reaching up and squeezing her hand that was on my shoulder.

She leaned in and pecked my cheek. "I'll still be around, Ben."

After several hours of sunning and swimming, everyone moved inside to watch a movie on Elaine's 42-inch plasma TV, which was absolutely massive for 2001. Kenny immediately pronounced that in ten years, we'd have flat-screen TVs that covered an entire wall and made 3-year-olds go blind.

Daniel Chen and Elaine, of course, cuddled together in the best spot, a chaise lounge for two. It was Elaine's house after all. Kenny Doyle and Rachel Tyler were side-by-side on the couch. And James Kaito got up and moved to let Sung Joon and Stephanie Vo cuddle up together.

I glanced around and briefly thought of sticking myself in the middle of the other couch where perhaps Megan or Cassidy or even the Sanders twins might end up curled up next to me. But my recent conversation with Megan had me feeling slightly nervous about my dedication to Dawn. It had only been two days and I felt a twinge of guilt at desiring even that minor physical contact with another girl. So pushing aside those flirtatious feelings, I put myself in a corner and settled in to just relax.

As it turned out, Megan came and sat beside me anyways. She didn't cuddle herself into the crook of my arm like one of the other girlfriends was currently doing with their boys, but I was still happy that a cute girl was next to me. And then we all went quiet as the Save the Last Dance started up.

Most of our group hadn't seen the movie in theaters, and since Elaine got the DVD it sort of made sense. But Megan, Cassidy, and I had all gone to see it together back in January on a date so I already knew the plot. And right around the time the main characters were breaking up so they could get back together at the end of the movie, I got up to pee and grab something to drink. I already knew what would happen and watching two teenagers going through the awkward pain of breaking up was slightly uncomfortable for me.

After pissing, I passed through the kitchen and ran into James Kaito. The two of us had been casual acquaintances since the beginning of high school, but lately he'd been gravitating towards our group as he was already good friends with Stephanie Vo and her new boyfriend Sung.

"Hey, what's up, Kaito?" I head nodded. People had been referencing him by his last name since Ninth Grade since there were already too many Jameses around.

He nodded back and pointed to the bag of popcorn he was pouring into a bowl. "Want some?"

"Sure," I nodded and stepped forward, but then came up short. "Actually, we don't have any on our side of the room. Where'd you get the bag?"

Kaito pointed and I went to microwave a fresh bag while he fetched another bowl for me. I had just finished setting the microwave timer and then turned around when he took a deep breath and said offhand, "So, you and Megan seem to be getting along pretty well nowadays."

I heard the forced casualness in his tone and arched an eyebrow while looking over to my classmate. Two inches shorter than me at 5'10", Kaito nevertheless had a strong, masculine presence with sharp cheekbones and a well-built physique. He had a handsome face and attracted girls to him easily, but his painfully shy demeanor and hesitance to talk usually kept him apart from the flirty, social scene. So while coolly evaluating his intentions, I replied easily, "Yeah. I was worried myself that things would always be awkward after we broke up. But Megan is remarkably forgiving."

Kaito chuckled. "You wouldn't think it to look at her. She's usually so black and white."

I smiled and heard the admiration in his voice. "Yeah. Once Megan makes a decision or decides what she wants, she can be pretty stubborn about it. I'm just lucky she's decided to be nice to me." I studied the look on Kaito's face and tried to figure out: Did he like her?

Kaito sighed as he collected his popcorn bowl and snagged his Coke can. "Yeah, well. Good luck with her. You two make a great couple."

I frowned. "Wait, what? We're not getting back together or anything."

Kaito froze half a step back into the media room. "You're not?"

"No. What gave you that idea?"

"Oh." Kaito looked embarrassed now. "Uh, just that she had this look in her eye whenever she saw you last year. And then she's gotten so much friendlier and you were talking real close by the pool and now she's sitting next to you and everything," he rambled. "I just sorta figured-"

I shook my head. "I've got a girlfriend. She's in NorCal, but we're pretty serious."

Kaito's eyes popped open. "Really? Oh, uh, congratulations, man."

I shrugged. "Thanks." Then I took a step forward and folded my arms over my chest. "Now YOU on the other hand..."

Kaito gulped and took a step back.

"How long have you been crushing on Megan?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Wha-?" he stammered. "Uh, what makes you think that I'm-?"

"Aren't you?" I interrupted.

He blanched and went pale for a moment, clutching the bowl of popcorn. But after another few seconds of me smiling wryly at him, he started to figure out I wasn't angry with him or anything. "You don't mind?"

"Not at all. You're a good guy from what I know, Kaito. And I've got no rights over her."

"Do you think she knows?" he asked nervously.

I thought back. Granted, I hadn't been around for the past month, but I hadn't seen anything in their interactions to make me think Megan realized just yet. Kaito had always been good at keeping his feelings hidden, this latest conversation notwithstanding. And as for Megan herself, I hadn't seen anything to imply she thought of Kaito any differently than she had in the past.

Actually, if anything, I had to wonder about what Kaito was referencing in Megan's behavior towards ME. First, there had been her frequent references to waiting for me to grow up. Since we'd broken up, she had been giving me some pointed looks, whether of disapproval or of longing I'm not entirely sure. Maybe both. And now that I was back, she was indeed engaging me in private conversations and sitting beside me during the movie. Heck, she'd brought me pizza.

I shook my head. "I don't think she knows," I told Kaito. But I did wonder if Megan wanted to get back together with me. If so, things were going to get really awkward.

For one, I really was dedicated to Dawn. I loved her with a passion I'd never felt before and I was dead set on making that relationship work out. After all, it was destiny, right? And as fond as I was of Megan, I'd never truly loved her. Even when she'd fallen head over heels for me and frequently told me how much she loved me, all I could manage were offhand replies like "love ya, too" to appease her. If Megan really tried to pursue me, I was sure she'd end up getting hurt and from that, our friendship might never recover. And I really valued her friendship.

Hey, Kaito might be a very good distraction. Megan deserved much more than I could give her, and Kaito seemed the kind of guy who could dedicate his all to one woman. And for now at least, he really wanted Megan to be that one woman.

With perfect timing, the microwave dinged at the same time this light bulb went off in my head. I turned and fished out the fully-popped bag of popcorn, and with a smile I returned back to Kaito. "Well if you're thinking of going after her, Kaito, I might be able to give you some advice."

Tuesday morning, Brooke and I took advantage of an empty house to screw like bunnies. She said she wanted to meet up with her friends and see if they could tell she had a load of cum squishing around her pussy. I warned her to keep a lid on things, because if someone caught us there wouldn't BE any more loads of cum.

Brooke just told me she was extra anxious, because her period was due to start the next day and she'd have to go without sex for a week, which meant I'd have to go without any pussy for a week. So with that in mind, I ripped my little sister's clothes off and added a second batch of cum to the first to make sure she'd be really swampy.

In the afternoon, I played video games with the boys, including Kaito. When we had a few minutes, I talked to him about his brief conversation with Megan the previous night, gave him a few pointers, and told him to be patient. "Megan's got to be the one to decide to go out with you. If you try and push her before that, she'll get defensive and you won't have a shot in hell. But just be a good listener and be attentive, show her you're interested, and let her make the call, okay?"

He nodded seriously. "Okay."

In the evening, I instant messaged with Dawn for an hour. My pain at missing her was simultaneously better and worse. Better, because the longer I was away from her the more used to it I was becoming, so that I found myself thinking about her less frequently throughout the day. But worse, because the time apart was like a knife just digging deeper and deeper into my heart.

Wednesday was shitty. No, scratch that, Wednesday was REALLY shitty.

First of all, it was the first day in a month that I didn't get laid. Dawn was in NorCal. Brooke was on her period. And although she promised me a nice blowjob, it turned out Brooke was feeling quite nauseous and not in the mood, and I wasn't about to force myself on her or anything.

Seeking a way to release my aggression, I went extra hard during the basketball game with my boys. Diving for a loose ball, I hit the asphalt awkwardly on my right hand and lightly sprained my wrist. It wasn't too bad. With a light wrap I felt okay and could still function on a day-to-day basis, even if I might not be able to shoot a basketball for a week.

But one thing I hadn't considered was that my right wrist was my jacking-off wrist. So no sex. No blowjob. And with a sprained wrist I couldn't even jerk myself off properly! So that afternoon, with a Playboy magazine and a mental picture of Dawn, I managed to squeeze out one pathetic, unsatisfying orgasm with my left hand.

I was still cranky when I chatted with Dawn. I didn't want to tell her my sexual problems so I just kept it bottled inside. She noticed my sour mood anyways and wished she could somehow make me happy. I told her not to worry and just went to bed fitfully.

Yeah, Wednesday was a shitty day.

On Thursday, I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake.

"Mmph!" somebody groaned and as I sat up I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into my sister's throat. She gagged slightly and then popped off to catch her breath. And then her bangs fell back and I got a good look at the girl's face.


She grinned and hovered over my erection. "Morning Ben!" And with that, she bent down and swallowed my cock as deep as she could go. Brooke was a cute girl to begin with, but she looked amazing with my mushroom head denting her cheek from the inside. If you'd told me two years ago my little sister looked sexy, I would have punched your teeth out. But she'd grown up into quite the sultry vixen.

Brooke's blowjob technique had also rapidly improved. I groaned thankfully at the wrist dexterity I couldn't currently match as she squeezed and pumped my shaft. I felt the teasing touch of her tongue as it danced around my cockhead. And just when I was ready to blow, I felt the tickle of her fingers against my balls while she sucked powerfully, hoovering out my cumload and swallowing it all down as I jerked and began hosing down her tonsils.

"Mmm, protein..." My little sister hummed as she sat up and moved to cuddle herself against my side. "You think Mom will let me skip breakfast if I tell her I already got all the nutrients I need this morning?"

"Don't you dare," I growled while snaking my left hand beneath the band of her pajama shorts. Careful not to dip too low to interfere with her menstrual pad, I was still able to slip two fingers to her hard nubbin clit, rubbing it softly while Brooke pressed her face against my chest and moaned softly. And with my right hand cradling her head to me and my left stimulating her pleasure button, I returned the favor by getting my little sister off.

When she had cum, still softly panting against my chest, I tilted her head and gave her a short peck on the lips and then moved higher to peck her forehead. "C'mon. You gotta sneak back before the parentals wake up."

"Ben, what are you doing?"

I looked up to see Megan standing over me, her arms folded over her chest. My crew of friends had just come out of seeing The Princess Diaries on this opening night Friday. Yeah, it was a chick flick, but we liked seeing our chicks happy. As usual, immediately after exiting the theater we all made a beeline for the restrooms. Those big gulp sodas were not conducive to sitting in one spot for two hours.

Anyways, I'd been one of the first out and had taken a seat on a bench. That was where Megan found me as she exited and sternly looked down on me.

"What?" I pinched in my eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean 'what'? I want to know what you think you're up to. Switching seats with Kaito at the last minute? You couldn't even fake some lame excuse." Megan raised both eyebrows at me.

"I wanted to flirt with Rachel. Just to drive Kenny nuts." I shrugged.

"Puh-lease," Megan rolled her eyes. "You were never a very good liar."

"Hey, you wanted a lame excuse."

"Are you really trying to set me up with Kaito?"

"No, I'm not trying to set you up," I shook my head and looked at my ex-girlfriend honestly while also scanning behind her to see which of our other friends had also come out of the restrooms. Sung and Stephanie were all over each other five feet away, lost in their own world. Daniel was a few feet further away, patiently waiting for Elaine. Then I turned my gaze back to Megan. "At least, I'm not actively doing anything."

Megan's eyes narrowed and abruptly she turned and sat beside me on the bench. "But you're not interfering, either."

I shrugged noncommittally.

Megan leaned in and stared right into my eyes from inches away. I did my best to maintain a blank stare, but she could be quite intimidating when she wanted to be, even though I was a good eight inches taller than her. It was a way she'd had me under her control for most of our relationship. "Ben..." she began menacingly.

"Yes..." I replied in a complementary low tone.

"Does Kaito have a thing for me?"

I shrugged and held her stare. "What do you think?"

Megan sighed and looked away. "He's just so shy about it. Yeah, I've noticed how he gravitates towards me whenever we're in a group. He goes out of his way to hold open doors and be chivalrous to me. And he's probably spoken to me more in this past week than all of last year."

The Megan turned and fixed me with a new glare. "And he mentions little things, little things that he wouldn't know about me unless he had insider information."

I tried to look innocent.

"So again, Ben, I ask: What. Are. You. Doing?" Her eyes had narrowed again and her voice brooked no dissent. I knew enough about my ex-girlfriend to know she wasn't going to take a non-answer, and I sighed in resignation.

"Fine. I've been giving him a few pointers."

"That's not actively trying to set us up?" She raised her eyebrows at me.

"No. It's giving a few pointers to a genuinely nice guy who is sometimes a little too shy to talk to a girl, especially one as pretty as you."

Megan took a deep breath and turned to look as Kaito came out of the bathroom. His eyes scanned the lobby area before finding us both looking back at him. The handsome guy immediately looked nervous, averting his eyes and scratching his head. "He's a bit of a dweeb sometimes, though, isn't he?" Megan sighed.

"Wasn't I?"

Megan chuckled. "That you were."

I touched her shoulder. "Hey, I'm not pushing you away and I'm not pushing you towards him or anything. Just ... I want to see you happy, one way or another. And right now I'm not the guy to do that."

Megan took a deep breath and then nodded slowly. "You're a good friend, Ben."

I smiled. "Thanks."

And with one more deep breath, Megan got up and started walking over to Kaito, who seemed to panic for a half-second before steeling his spine and affecting a casual smile as the girl of his dreams approached. I smiled happily, hoping something came out of them.

Over to the side, I saw Kenny and Rachel chatting with Cassidy and her new boyfriend, Cameron Pearce, from one of the other High Schools in our city. This was our first real chance to meet him, and he seemed like a nice enough guy. Daniel, Elaine, Sung, and Stephanie were in another group. And Abbie and Allie were getting hit on by three guys I didn't recognize. When they turned on their twin charm, they certainly could attract attention.

I leaned back against the wall, feeling it's cool surface against my back as I surveyed the lobby before me. Even apart from my friends, various couples walked hand-in-hand, each of them enjoying the romance of a Friday night date.

I sighed. I missed Dawn.

I was driving down the residential road around 10mph, not in any rush. It was nighttime and there wasn't a single active car around. My headlights illuminated a wide swath of street ahead of me as I crept along the asphalt, just feeling the lethargy of a lonely evening.

I missed Dawn. But almost more than that, I missed the companionship of having her by my side. Of having anyone by my side. It was lonely going out on a Friday night without anyone in the car with me. And as pleasurable as it was to have sex and experience thrilling orgasms with Brooke, it was no substitute for the satisfaction I felt having Dawn's hand triple-squeezing mine.

In another minute I'd be home. Off to the left was Keira McNeil's house. She'd come over to our place once to visit with my parents, having a glass of wine while catching up on all the things that had happened in the area while we were gone. On the right was Adrienne Dennis' house. Even though she was so close I could probably hit her garage with a tennis ball if I threw it hard enough, I hadn't seen Adrienne for the entire week.

On this night, I noticed a strange car in the driveway as I rolled up the street. It was a big, black Mercedes, the main headlights off but the tail and cornering lights still on in that way cars do when the engine is shut off but the key is still in the ignition with the lights activated. And just as I approached, the passenger door opened and I heard a woman's voice yell, "I said NO."

Adrienne practically fell out the door, her blouse unbuttoned in several places. She stumbled in her heels but managed to get to her feet, glaring heatedly back into the car.

I knew something wasn't right and on instinct, I pulled over to the curb just past Adrienne's house. By the time I got out my door and looked back, the driver's door of the Mercedes was also open and a big, cocky teenager with dark hair in a faux-hawk was circling around the hood to the passenger side. "C'mon, baby. You tease me all night and leave me hanging at the last fucking gasp?"

"I said NO, Tyson," Adrienne barked.

"Well, what if I don't take 'no' for an answer?"

"HEY!" I yelled out while striding purposefully up the driveway. "The lady said 'no'."

"Who the fuck are you?" Tyson turned around and for a moment, my stride faltered. Adrienne's date was four inches taller than me and outweighed me by at least forty pounds.

"Ben!" Adrienne called in relief.

I held my hands up in a non-threatening manner. The last thing I wanted to do was get into a fight with a much bigger guy, especially with a sprained right wrist. "I live across the street. It's not normally my place to interfere, but I believe she said 'no'."

Tyson glared back and forth between me and Adrienne for a minute, Adrienne looking scared and clutching her arms over her chest. He seemed to evaluate that he could indeed take me if he really wanted to, but in the end he just shook his head in disgust and turned back to his car, slamming the passenger door closed. "Fuck you, bitch," he spat at Adrienne and then circled back around to the driver's side.

I moved straight up to Adrienne as Tyson got into the big Mercedes, shifted into reverse, and then backed away. By the time he peeled out with squealing tires, Adrienne had pressed herself against me in a hug while I patted her back comfortingly.

It took a minute, but she calmed herself down and visibly relaxed. I let go of the gorgeous girl and moved back until she was at arm's length, softly asking, "You okay?"

Looking a little stunned but not in bad shape, Adrienne nodded and took a deep breath. "When will I learn to stay away from jerks like that?"

I shook my head wryly. "Sorry, can't help you there."

She sighed and managed to crack a smile. "Thanks for coming to my rescue, Ben. I probably could have talked him down, but you made it a lot easier."

"Always glad to assist the damsel in distress," I waved my arm theatrically.

She chuckled. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, just coming back from the movies. Lucky timing, huh?"

Adrienne smiled and fixed her gaze right on me, that golden glow I'd loved so much lighting up her irises. "Yeah. Perfect timing."

I released her from my grasp and the two of us then stood there awkwardly for a few moments, neither of us sure what to say. Post-breakup, Adrienne and I had always managed to be cordial with each other, but never quite comfortable. Every time I saw her I was reminded of how gorgeous she was, how vulnerable, and how I'd fucked everything up by sleeping with first Cassidy and then Donna. I looked at her remembering what I'd lost; and I think she looked at me remembering how she'd put her trust in me and I'd failed her.

Adrienne finally broke the silence by asking, "So how was camp?"

"Great, great." I shrugged.

"Glad to be back?"

I sighed, thinking of Dawn, and looked down with a reluctant smile. "Not really."

Adrienne looked questioningly at me and I decided to just tell her. "Well, I got pretty serious with a girl and I'm really missing her right now. It's tough living five hundred miles apart."

"Oh," Adrienne raised her eyebrows and nodded knowingly.

I felt a little awkward. Talking about girls and romantic relationships would always be awkward with an ex-girlfriend and I'd probably just shoved my foot into my mouth. So immediately, I apologized, "Sorry. You probably don't want to hear about that kind of thing."

"No, no, it's okay. We ... we had our thing, Ben. We've both moved on," she nodded slowly while biting her lip nervously at the same time, but her eyes became glassy as she lost herself in some thoughts.

Eager to change the subject, I asked, "So how have you been? Well, other than Tyson there." I waved down the road where the black Mercedes had gone.

"Okay, I guess," Adrienne shrugged. "I'm spending as much time as I can with my friends before they all leave. Candy's at least staying in town at UCI. A couple of others are going to Fullerton. But most everyone else is fluttering off across the country. Mizu's going all the way to Cornell."

I nodded and again our conversation stalled. Adrienne took a deep breath and looked at me hesitantly once more before jerking her thumb towards her house. "Well, I'm going to head inside. Thanks again for coming to my rescue, Ben."

"Anytime," I bowed my head briefly before standing up straight.

Adrienne smiled and started to turn away, so I did the same. But she stopped and then looked back at me. "By the way..."

"Yeah?" I asked as I returned to face her.

"You're looking real good, Ben. I like the shirt."

I chuckled. "You should. You picked it out for me."

"Oh ... right." Adrienne blushed. And then she turned and headed into her house.

"Really?" My eyes popped open wide.

"No fair!"

"Relax, Brooke, you're getting one, too. But that's it."

"What?" "What?" "No fair!" The twins pouted.

Mom sighed and looked pointedly at Eden and Emma. "You girls are just too young. When you get to High School, we'll get you cell phones too, okay?"

"SO not fair!" Emma whined.

Our parents ignored them for the moment and handed over two chunky, black Nokias. From other classmates who'd already gotten cell phones, I knew there were smaller, more colorful options available. But these were the free phones and given that I wasn't even expecting to GET a cell phone, I wasn't about to argue the point.

Brooke, on the other hand... "Aww. Couldn't you get me a COOL phone? This thing is so ugly!"

"Fine, we'll give your phone to the twins," Dad deadpanned.

Realizing her error, Brooke was quick to interrupt, "No, no. That's okay. I can deal."

"Okay now," Mom began. "Don't forget that you have a limited number of minutes. Anything over and you're paying for it. These aren't for you to chat with your friends until your jaw falls off. These are for you to get in contact with either of us or each other as needed. Yes, we have the family plans and yes, we have the mobile-to-mobile." She fixed me with a firm look. "So Ben, I don't want to see any more big phone bills because you're calling Dawn every night on the landline, got it?"

"Yes, Mom," I answered hurriedly, just barely restraining my enthusiasm.

"And don't forget you two: we get a printout every month of every number you call and for how long. So just remember that we're keeping tabs on you." She did the fingers to her eyes, to us, and back to her eyes gesture again.

Brooke blanched, but nodded acceptance, cradling her phone like it was a newborn baby.

"Okay, go ahead." Mom waved us off and already Brooke and I were heading for our rooms, dialing frantically as we rapidly exited the family room.

Just as we hit the stairs, I heard Dad sigh. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

"I love you."

"I love you."

"I love you."

"I loooove you."

Dawn giggled. The connection wasn't as clear as with a landline, but our feelings came across clear as day as she and I passed back and forth the three-word endearments.

"Oh, I wish I could see you right now, Ben. I wish I could touch your face and look into your eyes," she swooned over the line.

I was reclining on my bed, staring at the ceiling. "I wish I could see you, too." I really had never been a very good phone person. I needed the visual to really stimulate me, and to that end I started creating an image of her in my mind. "What are you wearing?"

Dawn giggled. "What if I said I was wearing nothing?"

I moaned in rapture at the concept. But she had to continue. "I'm in khaki shorts and a tank top."

"Which tank top?"

"A pink one. With white horizontal stripes."

"Ooh, the one with the low scoop that shows off your cleavage quite nicely," I husked, forming the picture in my mind. I envisioned Dawn's long, lithe legs, so creamy smooth as she lay across her bed.

"Yeah, and I'm sliding the hem of the tank top up my body, revealing inch after inch of my naked belly," Dawn said sensuously into the phone.

"Ohhh..." I groaned. Thank goodness for cell phones. No extra extensions for little sisters to pick up and listen in.

"I'm unsnapping my bra now, Ben. I'm sliding the cups up to expose my big tits to the open air. Are you hard?"

"So hard," I grunted while fumbling to unsnap my shorts, grimacing at the acute pain shooting up my forearm. "It's not even flesh and blood anymore. It's an iron bar."

"I'm pinching my nipples, Ben. I'll bet they're even harder than your cock. They're flushed and dark and ... ohhh ... I'm so wet right now..." she husked.

Dammit. I couldn't even jerk-off properly, the pain too much for me. I switched to my left hand, rubbing my shaft slowly and a bit awkwardly.

"Ohhh ... Ben ... I need you. I've got two fingers in my pussy," Dawn moaned sensuously. "I'm imagining your cock inside me. Filling me. Thrusting in me. So hot ... so hot..."

"Oh, Dawn!" I groaned, searching for more pleasure while trying to figure out the rhythm of stroking myself with my off hand.

"Oh, Ben! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum imagining you inside me! I'm gonna- UNNNGH!!!"

DAMMIT!!! I could NOT get enough stimulation and Dawn had cum way too fast. Weakly trying to grip and tug with my off-hand, I soon became frustrated as I heard my girlfriend moan and wail across the phone line.

"BEN! I'm cumming Ben! I'm cumming on your cock!" Dawn half-yelled as I heard her orgasm. And then it was over. Over for her, at least. I was left with a painful erection, an uncoordinated left hand, and a sour mood.

"Uh ... uh..." Dawn panted. "Did you cum, Ben?"

"No," I said a little stiffly, but I quickly softened my tone. "That's okay. It was incredible to hear you."

"It's nice that we have these phones now, right?" She said brightly. Her parents had gotten her the cell phone almost as soon as they arrived home.

I sighed. "Better. But I still wish we were together. I could really use a hand right now," I said mournfully.

"I'll be with you before you know it, Ben." Her sweet voice was reassuring. But for some reason, all I could think was that eleven months was a LOT longer than I'd originally anticipated. So far it had only been a WEEK.

"I love you, Ben."

I took a deep breath, ignoring the throbbing of my cock. "I love you too, Dawn."

15-year-old girls and cell phones do not mix.

Yeah, Brooke might've gotten into a lot of trouble if she burned through our family's minutes. But apparently this mobile-to-mobile thing was a big hit and everyone was being pressured by their friends to pick Cingular Wireless so they could all make unlimited calls to each other. You were in the "in-crowd" if you had it, and "out" if you didn't. Brooke had plenty of friends in the in-crowd.

Seriously, I swear that little black Nokia was physically attached to her ear. Half the time, she had to sit by an electrical outlet so she could charge it while chattering on like the Energizer bunny. You know, she kept going and going and going and...

Ordinarily, I wouldn't mind.

But the cell phone quickly replaced my dick as Brooke's favorite toy, and for a few days I wasn't even getting blowjobs. Compounding the problem was the fact that yes, she was my sister, not my girlfriend. I had zero rights to force her or even try to "convince" her for more sexual playtime, and it just wasn't in my nature to raise the issue. My right hand was healing ... slowly...

"Dude, you're not a kid anymore. You're not gonna get cooties. Now GO in there and you just might get to see Rachel modeling some very nice lingerie for you! Got it?" I barked sternly.

"Right, right," Kenny looked nervously at the Victoria's Secret, clenching his jaw. But then Rachel curled her finger at him and he followed obediently, aided by a healthy shove in the back from my left hand.

I shook my head wryly at my friend's antics, slowly following after. Daniel and Elaine were already towards the back of the store, shopping with more efficiency than titillation. Megan was alongside Elaine giving advice. And Kaito trailed after her, sweating a bit as he imagined Megan wearing some of the lacey outfits. Despite his good looks, I was pretty sure the shy guy was still a virgin. Although, from the way Megan teased him by holding up a sheer pink bra over her chest, he might not be for very much longer.

I sighed. If Megan and Kaito worked out, I'd be happy for them. Megan certainly deserved more than I'd given her, and I could always root for a buddy and genuine good guy like Kaito to get a little further with a girl. Then again, they still weren't even dating yet, so maybe I was getting a little ahead of myself.

I wandered back out of the store, moving over to the railing that overlooked the first floor and the kiddie merry-go-round below. South Coast Plaza was pretty big, packed with shoppers, and I just people-watched for a minute. Even on a weekday, there were dozens of adults around me as trophy wives and MILFs with cute kids meandered the marble halls shopping for expensive handbags and designer boutique clothing.

Eventually, I turned my gaze back around to the store and for a second, I thought I saw Dawn.

Doing a double-take, I laughed to myself at how I could have possibly thought the girl I saw was her. After all, I was staring at an eight-foot poster in the window of Victoria's Secret. But in my defense, the model DID look quite a bit like Dawn: fine sunny blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and even a similar facial structure. I sighed rapturously and gazed upon the poster, my mind drifting back to the last time I saw my adoring girlfriend.

"Can't take her home with you."

Without even thinking about it, I replied, "A guy can dream..." Belatedly, I realized I was in the middle of a human conversation and turned my head in surprise.

Donna Kincaid, wearing an obscenely short skirt and a short-sleeved blouse scooped low enough to show off her tits stood before me. She was posed to perfection, hips jutting out to one side, a hand on her waist, and a wide smile filled with pearly white teeth. "I've got a better idea, why don't you take US home with you?"

I blinked and looked to the side to see another pretty girl standing beside Donna. A couple of inches shorter at 5'6" and quite a bit thinner, the girl nevertheless had quite the set of curves and seemed to step off the screen of a porn movie, what with her nearly-white blonde hair, obviously fake tits, slutty attire, and skyscraper heels.

I gawked for a second at Donna's companion but returned my gaze to my one- time frequent booty call. "Uh, hey, Donna."

She pouted with bee-stung lips. "You never called me."

Standing up straight, I fixed her with a piercing gaze that drilled right through her fake 'hurt' expression. "You never called me, either."

Donna rolled her eyes and waved her hand. "I don't make the phone calls. You decide you can't go another minute without fucking my brains out and you call me," she pouted.

I shrugged. "I've got a girlfriend now, Donna. My male slut days are over."

"Aww," she frowned and looked around the mall for a second. And then her mood turned on a dime as she smiled radiantly. "Well, she's obviously not here right now. So why don't you, me, and Jenna find a nice, quiet place to kill some time together."

My eyebrows raised but I held my hands up. "I appreciate the sentiment, Donna. But really, I can't do it."

"Come on," Donna husked and stepped closer to me. "That's not the Big Ben I remember."

I shook my head. And with an air of annoyance, the platinum blonde looked at her nails and muttered, "C'mon Donna. Stop pestering the kid. Besides, he's not that big."

"I wasn't talking about his height, Jenna," Donna grinned without taking her eyes off my face.

I blushed and glanced over at Jenna, who was now eyeing my package. "Well, I don't think it's that big, either," I admitted.

"Mmm, maybe not," Donna hummed. "But I've never felt one better. No shitting."

"Really?" Jenna's interest was now piqued. And the slutty blonde took a step forward as well.

"Hey, Ben," a new voice cut in and we all turned to see Megan coming out of the store with Kaito, Elaine, and Daniel following after her. "Hey, Donna," Megan added with more than a hint of suspicion in her voice.

"Oh, hello..." Donna turned and glared, pausing for a second while just staring Megan down. "I'm sorry, I don't know your name," she added in a slimy-sweet voice.

If Megan was offended, she didn't show it. In the same falsely-sweet voice, she replied, "That's alright. You don't need to know it." Then Megan turned to me and shot me a dangerous look. "You ready to go?"

"Sure thing," I replied tightly, eager to back away from the dyed-blonde temptress standing before me. "Donna," I head nodded. "Jenna," I added, and then turned around.

The slutty blondes walked off while I huddled up with Megan and the others. "Thanks for the save," I sighed with relief.

"Really, Ben," Megan groaned. "I don't know what you ever saw in her."

Then Megan caught herself and chuckled. "Scratch that. I know exactly what you saw in her. But I still can't believe you were enough of a bonehead to do it."

Wincing, I looked pleadingly at Megan to drop it. "Hey, I'm trying here, okay?"

Clucking her tongue, Megan reached out and tousled my hair. "Silly boy."

Just then, Kenny and Rachel came out of the store, Kenny carrying a shopping bag with a BIG smile on his face. I gathered that Rachel had indeed stirred his imagination with some choice items. Daniel then head-nodded towards the Robinson's-May wing. "Shall we go?"

On Thursday, I jerked awake and sat up. My head was throbbing, my dick throbbing even more, and I was all alone in bed. Just another night with no sex, no blowjob, no nothing. At least my wrist had mostly healed and I could wrap my right hand around myself and tug gently without any pain.

But long before I got to the point of cumming, the urge to pee became to great and I rolled out of bed. In the bathroom, I hovered over the toilet for a good two minutes before my morning wood went down enough for me to bend awkwardly and aim into the toilet bowl, squirting painfully in short spurts of urine.

And when I emerged to cross the hall back to my bedroom, I heard through Brooke's door that despite the relatively early hour, she was already on her cell phone jabbering away.

I hated my life.

Things weren't made much better when I checked my email. Donna Kincaid had sent me an email with a picture attachment labeled "Not safe for family viewing". Rather nervously, I checked to make sure no one was around before I opened it, and felt an immediate stiffening in my shorts when the professional-looking photo showed Jenna's naked back and shoulders, her head turned to the side so that I could obviously see Donna's tongue spearing into Jenna's mouth as the two hot babes swapped spit.

The rest of the message said "Call me" and re-listed her phone number. And I'm sad to say that despite my love and loyalty for Dawn, I was sorely tempted to make the call.

Fortunately, the right side of a video game controller just required thumb- mashing, and I was able to drown out my sorrows for an hour by blasting bad guys into oblivion. I also chatted with Dawn for thirty minutes, which brightened my mood a little. But she had to leave to meet up with friends for lunch and I was once again all alone.

Just as I started to contemplate committing hari kiri to put myself out of my misery, my cell phone rang. It took me a second to recognize the ring tone as I still wasn't totally used to cell phones playing music instead of ringing like a landline, but I quickly grabbed it and checked the caller ID: Megan.

What was she calling me for? In a slightly confused voice, I asked, "Hello?"

"Hey, Ben. It's Megan."

"Yeah. What's up?"

"Uh," she stammered nervously. "I was kinda wondering ... and ... I mean, if you're busy, then ... uh..."

"Megan, spit it out. What's up?" I interrupted. I frowned on my end of the line. It wasn't like Megan to be this flustered. She usually made a decision and then just moved forward. No hesitation.

As expected, Megan's tone firmed up and she asked in a strong voice, "Are you busy right now? Can you come over?"

"Uh, sure, sure." Now I was really confused. "What's going on?"

"I just need to talk to you. Okay?"

This was Megan. She was my friend, and she'd always been an important person in my life. If she needed to talk to me in person, that was really all the reason I required. So swallowing my curiosity, I just nodded my head, even though she couldn't see me. "Alright. I'll be right over."

"Great. See you in a bit." And then she hung up.

I stared at my phone for a minute, wondering just what the heck was going on. And then I got up to leave.

"Hey, Ben!" Megan hugged me when she met me at the door. I felt the extra firmness in her grasp, my ex-girlfriend holding me tighter than she ever had since our breakup.

"Hey!" I said in surprise, patting her back softly.

Eventually, she released me and took a step back. "Uh, come in, come in," Megan waved.

Now most of my conversations with female friends took place in the living room or some other public room in the house. Not only was it most convenient to the front door, but there also seemed to be an unwritten belief that bringing me into a bedroom would somehow lead to sex. So as it was, I hadn't been in a bedroom alone with a non-lover in quite some time.

But today, Megan headed straight for the stairs and I obediently followed, all the way into her bedroom. Not much had changed since I'd last seen it. After all, we'd only been broken up since March, five months ago. Sure, a MILLION things had happened in that time, but it was still only five months. And even the bedspread was still the same as Megan pointed and told me to sit.

For a second, I felt a little uncomfortable being on Megan's bed. The last time I'd been on it we were naked and thrusting our hips at each other in the throes of sexual orgasm. I willed my brain to think of other, more platonic thoughts, but things weren't helped when Megan picked up a Victoria's Secret shopping bag and headed for her walk-in closet.

Once inside the closet, she turned at the last second. "Don't go anywhere." And then she closed the door.

I wasn't going anywhere, but I was breathing as if I'd just finished sprinting six miles. What the hell was going on? What was I doing here? Why had she called me over here? Why was my ex-girlfriend in her closet with a bag of lingerie?

Born of experience, I felt the urge to start stripping and turn down the sheets; but I bit my lip and stayed right where I was. This wasn't my girlfriend and we weren't going to have sex. But why did it feel like we were?

I managed to control my anxiety until Megan re-emerged from the closet. The door opened and there she was: an angel in white.

"Gawddamn you're gorgeous," I gasped.

Megan looked radiant. She looked pure and virginal and yet so sexy in the lingerie, which obscured all of her naughty parts from direct view but clearly defined all the curves of her body. It was a the same set I'd bought for her sixteenth birthday, and it was just as stunning now as it was then. The bra made her tits look like a C-cup, healthy mounds of incredible cleavage. The panties were sheer and see through, giving me glimpses of her neatly trimmed patch. The matching stockings and garters elongated her legs, and I noted with some satisfaction that the panties were over the top of the garters.

Megan then posed gracefully, draping one arm against the door frame and leaning into it, jutting her hip out and stretching out one leg in a profile worthy of Playboy. She'd come a long way from the virginal, scared little girl I first started dating just over a year ago.

I realized my jaw was on the floor and picked it up nervously, gulping hard. I hadn't had sex in a LONG time, for me at least. I hadn't had a good orgasm in a week. And looking at this beautiful young woman I knew so intimately had my blood absolutely on FIRE.

"Megan," I stammered while just barely restraining my hormones. "What are you doing?"

She didn't answer except to saunter across the floor, her hips swaying hypnotically as she approached. And then without another word, my beautiful ex- girlfriend took my face in her hands, tilted her head, and pressed her lips to mine.

I whimpered into the kiss, feeling a surge of adrenaline course through my veins as my hands came up her sides and around behind her shoulders. Megan's hands tightened against my cheeks and slid back to grip my head just behind my ears. And with increased intensity we both kissed a little harder as our mouths opened up to accept the entry of each other's tongue.

The kiss was ... good. It wasn't great. It wasn't electric. It was just good. And as I felt Megan's bra strap beneath my left hand, my mind flashed to Victoria's Secret, then to the eight-foot poster in the window, and to Dawn. And then I jerked away abruptly as if someone had plunged a knife into my back.

"Wait, wait, no!" I half-yelled as I pushed Megan away from me. She bit her lip and turned her head away as I looked at the floor and breathed heavily, my eyes wild as I struggled to calm myself.

For about thirty seconds I panted and tried to catch my breath. I kept my gaze averted, but after that time I inhaled sharply and turned to look at Megan. She was staring off at nothing, one arm wrapped around her waist and the other coming up the front of her chest with her hand covering her mouth.

"Megan," I panted in a quiet voice. "What's going on?"

She didn't answer for a few long seconds, lost in her own thoughts. But then she turned to face me and said softly, "I had to know."

I shook my head, not understanding. "Had to know what?"

She sighed, dropping the hand away from her mouth to her chest, hugging herself tightly while simultaneously covering her cleavage from view. "I had to know if we still had it. I had to know if I was still in love with you."


My ex-girlfriend blinked twice and took a deep breath, tilting her head to the side. "I like James. I really do."

I frowned. It took me a second to remember that James was Kaito's first name. And the heartfelt feeling she put into the name spoke volumes.

"But I had to know if I was over you, Ben. It wouldn't be fair to him otherwise."

"So you dressed in that lingerie and kissed me?" I said in amazement.

Megan frowned and looked at the floor. "I had to know if you still had feelings for me. I had to know how serious you were about Dawn."

Flustered, my eyebrows pinched in and I shook my head in disbelief at Megan. "So you would have slept with me?"

"No!" Megan retorted in dismay. "Things would never have gotten that far. If you were serious about staying loyal to Dawn, you would have stopped me, and I'm proud that you did."

Megan took a deep breath then, fixing me with a deadly serious gaze. "And if you hadn't stopped me, you would have proven to be the same immature boy who cheated on me, Cassidy, and Adrienne. And then I would have stopped us."

"So this was a test? A sick test?" My nostrils flared and I started to get angry as I realized the implications. "That's harsh, even for you Megan."

She paled and averted her eyes.

"And what if you DID still have feelings for me?" I barked. "What if we still had the same electric thrill in our kiss as we used to? Would you really have stopped us?"

"I would have," Megan said hesitantly, her voice shaky.

"Really?" I challenged. "This isn't a game, Megan. These aren't just numbers you can crunch in an equation to spit out the right outcome. These are our feelings and you could have really fucked up our friendship with this little test of yours."

She looked away, on the verge of tears. And with her voice cracking, she repeated, "I had to know."

Like a tire with a slow leak, I felt the tension draining out of me as I saw how wretched Megan was looking. I couldn't stand to see a girl cry and I wasn't about to keep attacking my friend. I took a deep breath, and then without further thought I stood up and bear-hugged her, comfortably ignoring her state of undress.

Megan broke into tears then, pressing her face against my chest and whimpering softly. "I'm sorry, Ben. I didn't realize how this would all turn out. It seemed so logical: try to seduce you, see how serious you were about Dawn, and find out if we still had feelings for each other and if I was ready to start dating James."

I sighed. "Very little about sex is logical."

Megan whimpered for another few seconds before getting her tears under control. When she'd calmed herself, she patted my back and I released her. "I'm sorry, Ben," she said in a weary voice.

"It's okay." I sighed, thinking of how close I'd come to finally getting that physical release I'd been craving. I was still horny and going through withdrawal. And my eyes roved over Megan's semi-nude body, taking in her nice cleavage and the view of her crotch I still had. But I couldn't let myself think of Megan that way anymore. So clenching my teeth, I averted my gaze. "Uh, do you mind putting some clothes on?"

"What?" A smile tugged at the corners of Megan's mouth. "Big stud suddenly shy around a girl's body?"

"You're quite pretty Megan," I growled. "It's very distracting and it's not fair for you to keep teasing me. Not after that stunt you just pulled."

She barked a short laugh, relieving a lot of the tension in the air as she returned to the walk-in closet and pulled on a baggy, oversized T-shirt that hung to mid- thigh. She then posed and asked, "Okay?"

I nodded gratefully. "Thanks." I took a deep breath and then looked at my ex- girlfriend. "So now what? You decide you're over me?"

Megan gave me a wan smile and slowly nodded. "You'll always be my first, Ben. My first everything. But it's time I moved on."

I smiled back. "Kaito's a good guy."

"I think so, too." Megan started back for the bed and pulled the neckline of her T- shirt out to peek at her own chest. "If he plays his cards right tomorrow night, he might even get lucky. Being around you, Ben, is still quite arousing. And if I let my hormones do my thinking for me I'd be trying to fuck your brains out right now."

My cock twitched and I groaned painfully. "Megan!" I barked. "What did I say about teasing?"

Megan laughed as she sat down beside me. "Sorry, sorry."

I shook my head. "Well, be gentle with him. I'm pretty sure the boy is still a virgin. You'll have to teach him."

She reached out and took my hand into hers and gave me a fresh smile with a twinkle in her eye. "I learned from the best."

I nodded and squeezed Megan's hand. "Still friends?"

"Always," Megan smiled radiantly. And then she leaned in and pecked my cheek. But instead of pulling all the way back, she hovered just inches from my ear and husked, "Friends for now. But if you grow up into the man I think you can be, I may just start re-thinking that assessment."

Despite the short distance, the drive home from Megan's place felt like an eternity. A year ago, my life was so simple. I was just another high school kid looking to score with my virgin girlfriend. Keira was with Stuart. Cassidy had not yet entered the picture. Brandi was just my older sister and Adrienne was a distant fantasy.

In that past year, my relationships with all of those girls, and more, had drastically changed; and in that past year, almost all of them had moved on. Keira was dating men her own age. Cassidy had her new boyfriend Cameron. Brandi was at school with Brian. Adrienne was back in her own dating game. And now even Megan was getting serious about Kaito.

True, I had Dawn and I knew she loved me with all her heart. But it still felt a little weird to know that the girls who had onced loved me were continuing on with their lives without me in it the way we used to be. And as I drove home, alone and horny, I started to pity myself.

Curse this damn thing called a conscience. Sometimes I thought I was better off being a male slut, screwing Donna, Stacey, Mandy and whoever else at my merest whim. Even now I thought about Donna's emailed picture and the invitation to kill some time with her and Jenna. After all, if it hurt this much to be away from Dawn for only two weeks, how could I possibly survive eleven months without going insane? I'd succumb to temptation eventually. Why not just accept my limitations, succumb right now, and get all the physical joy I wanted without wasting my time any longer?

But I couldn't do it to Dawn. I could accept Keira moving on; she was older and was at a completely different time in her life. Brandi was my sister, and I knew we had no future anyways. I could accept Megan, Cassidy, and Adrienne moving on and having other men in their lives.

But not Dawn. She was MY Dawn. I wanted her to be mine and be mine alone. And not out of a sense of possession. I didn't own her. But she was my love and my destiny and she belonged with no one else but me. And I was scared to death that if I fucked it up, then Dawn would go the way of Megan, Cassidy, and Adrienne and move on without me. And I just couldn't handle that.

I would stay loyal. I would resist the temptation of girls like Donna Kincaid. And I would find other ways of controlling my lust.

Still, it would be nice to get laid, you know?

The house was empty when I came in the door. The twins were out with friends and one of the parents would be dropping them off in time for dinner. I had no idea where Brooke was. Out with her friends as well, I assumed. Perhaps this would be a safe time to look up some porn on the internet and get some relief from that lust I was talking about. My right wrist felt pretty good and up to the task at hand.

So I quickly hopped up the stairs and into my bedroom, fishing my wallet and keys out of my shorts for quick disposal on my desk so that I could return downstairs and maximize my computer time before anyone got home.

That's when I saw that my room wasn't empty. Brooke was reclining on my bed, wearing just an unbuttoned shirt over her panties, and with no bra. Her eyes were locked onto my body while she dug her fingers inside her panties and rubbed herself.

"Holy shit! Brooke!"

"Hiii, Bennn," my little sister moaned while staring at me through heavy-lidded eyes. "You look so hot, big brother. Why don't you take off those clothes before you get all sweaty?" She parted the sides of her shirt, revealing her firm, perky breasts that didn't have an ounce of sag to them. They were growing fast, seemingly already larger than they were at camp.

"You want to-?" I didn't need to finish the question as my eyebrows raised, not yet letting myself dare to hope that the pretty 15-year-old with the tight body wanted to fuck again.

Brooke's tongue darted out to lick across her lower lip, and she pulled her hand out of her panties to paint one erect nipple with her own liquid arousal. "I'm sorry I've been neglecting you, Ben. I let myself get distracted, but I'm here now. And I'm craving your cock." She giggled and grinned delightfully.

Eagerly, I ripped my polo shirt over my head and unbuttoned my shorts. Brooke similarly was sitting up and jerking her shirt off her shoulders. And by the time she also snaked her panties off her legs, my own shorts hit the floor as I stood and climbed onto the bed.

"Oh, Ben!" the cute brunette gasped as moved atop her, my throbbing erection pulsing against her thigh. Holding her slender arms in my firm grip, I ducked my head and captured Brooke's lips with my own, planting a fierce kiss of lust and passion on her as she moaned in ecstatic joy.

Almost frantically, Brooke's left hand was on my hip guiding me between her legs while her right hand circled around my shaft and tugged it into position. There was no need for foreplay. She'd been frigging herself for some time while waiting for me to return home and my dick was harder than it had been since returning home. And as we both felt my thick mushroom head parting her folds, we closed our eyes and savored the heavenly sensations.

"Fuck me, Ben! Fill me up and never stop!" Brooke gasped.

After more than a week without anything inside her, Brooke's vaginal tunnel was exquisitely tight. But we were both too in a hurry to wait for nature to let me in. So with both of us ramming our hips at each other, I'd soon burrowed my entire seven-and-five-eighths inches into my little sister's steaming cunt.

"Unngh!" Brooke grunted. "So big! So full!"

"So tight! So wonderful" I gasped right back.

"Fuck me, Ben! Just shut up and fuck me!"

So I did.

Over a week's worth of pent-up frustration flooded out through my limbs. Nearly two week's worth of missing Dawn and watching all my old girlfriends and lovers moving on with out me fueled my lust. And without mercy, I roughly pounded my little sister's body into my mattress.

Not that she minded. On the contrary, my repeated thrusts were accompanied by a litany of "Harder! Harder! Fuck me HARDER!"

Brooke's legs were circled around my waist, her heels drumming into my asscheeks and urging me ever deeper into her spasming snatch. It was the wildest fuck of Brooke's young life as she thrashed and flailed beneath my larger body. Her nails scratched my back. Her teeth left marks on my shoulder. And she wailed so loud I'm surprised a neighbor didn't come banging on the door to see who was being murdered in the house.

"Fuuuuuck!" she screamed.

I couldn't tell anymore when Brooke was cumming versus not. Her screams were constant, the pulses of her inner muscles unending, and the inside of her pussy was a swampy inferno of perpetual flooding.

But we both could tell when I came. I gripped Brooke's shoulders so hard that she actually grimaced in obvious pain far different from her orgasmic expressions. My hips slammed forward one final time, completing the task of bruising our pelvic muscles purple. And with Brooke's strong legs holding me at absolute maximum depth, we both jerked when the powerful torrent of jism exploded against her vaginal walls with a force that had to be felt to be believed.

My ab muscles pulsed with every shot, but my hips didn't move an inch. Brooke's legs were holding me against her so powerfully that I couldn't move, every shot of cum firing deep into the back of her womb with all the force of recoil absorbed by our tightly clenched bodies. And as we howled together in orgasm, I felt the bliss of complete and utter relief flooding through my veins.

When we were done, I collapsed heavily onto Brooke's chest. Giggling, she managed to roll my weight off of her so that we lay side-by-side, panting at the ceiling.

"Fuck, that was incredible!" she gasped in a cute voice.

I chuckled and groaned happily, "Fuck yeah..."

Brooke sighed and stated, "New observation: great orgasms ARE better than talking on the phone. Not by much, but they are."

I laughed and rolled onto my side, cradling Brooke's head to my chest just beneath my chin as she rolled towards me, throwing a leg over my hip as we cuddled together. "Thank you, Brooke," I said earnestly. "I really needed that."

"Anytime, Ben," Brooke giggled. "I mean it. Anytime. Don't let me go a week neglecting you again, okay?"

I chuckled. "Okay."

Brooke hummed and nuzzled her nose against me, enjoying the warmth of our embrace. And then abruptly, she pulled her head back and grinned at me. "Oh, yeah. Our computer has a webcam, right? I was talking to DJ earlier, and Dawn has a GREAT idea."