Chapter 22: Friends


"Good afternoon, Mrs. Kwan," I said politely and lightly bowed my head.

"Hello, Ben. How have you been?" Megan's mother said warmly.

"Good, good. I've got no complaints."

"That's nice." She leaned forward and patted my arm. "By the way, I wanted to thank you for introducing James to my daughter. He's a very nice boy."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Introducing?"

"Yes. Megan said you were the one that brought her and James together."

"Oh ... well," I blushed. "Uh, James," I began, feeling quite awkward saying his first name instead of 'Kaito'. "He and Megan knew each other from school already. I just gave him some advice on asking Megan out."

"So modest," Mrs. Kwan chuckled. "Both of them told me you were the primary reason they started dating. I'll admit that given your history with Megan, I was a little worried about the kind of boy you might recommend. But James has been a perfect gentleman and he's so devoted to Megan."

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, he is."

"Anyways, you didn't come here to talk to an old windbag," Mrs. Kwan stepped aside and waved me through the doorway. "Everyone's in the living room."

Clutching my poorly-wrapped present, I smiled and walked into the house. Several friends saw me and greeted me as I stepped into the living room. And then fifteen minutes later, I was singing "Happy Birthday to you!" along with everyone else. Everyone cheered and clapped as Mrs. Kwan set down the cake.

Cassidy called, "Make a wish!"

Megan grinned while looking right at Kaito, "No need. He's already here."

The Sanders twins giggled. Elaine Fukuhara squeezed Daniel Chen's hand and grinned. And Kenny Doyle elbowed Kaito in the ribs.

I mused on how much can change in a year, smiled, and sipped my Sprite. This time, Megan's parents were planning to stick around and watch over the party. There would be no scurrying up to bedrooms to have sex. And I didn't even have a girlfriend present at the party. And yet, even without the sexual excitement or romantic love, I felt happier with my friends than I had in a long time.

We'd all been together for years. Some of us had been friends since elementary school, some since Junior High, and others had only joined us this close in the past few months. And after that time together, we were a circle of friends with bonds of friendship that felt like they would last forever.

But this time next year, who knew how far apart we would be flung? Colleges and jobs might take us away from home. Relationships would break-up. Every one of us would grow up and change into a slightly different person than the one we were today.

Lost in my philosophical musings, I was drawn back to the conversation when Sung held aloft the present I'd brought, handing it over to Megan with a deadpan, "This one looks like it was wrapped by a dude."

Megan laughed and flipped open the card, gleefully announcing, "It's from Ben!"

Everyone but me laughed at the shoddy wrapping job, but I shrugged off the ridicule in good humor. Hey, I'm a lover, not a present-wrapper. I decided to kick back and enjoy the day for what it was. There was just a week of summer break left, and I planned to enjoy it as much as possible.

Sinking deeper into my beach chair, I crossed my legs and stretched them out in the sand. My hand reached out to the side, I snagged the cold IBC root beer bottle, and I took a healthy swig. And I ogled all the female flesh before me. Cassidy was trying to dunk Rachel Tyler into the waves. Megan and Stephanie Vo were splashing the two of them from behind. And everywhere were nice pairs of tits and asses jiggling around to the musical accompaniment of girlish laughter. Now THIS was what a summer break was all about.

"I am the luckiest man on Earth," Kenny Doyle drawled beside me. Even through his sunglasses, I could tell his gaze was locked onto Rachel. I couldn't blame him; his girlfriend was pretty stacked.

"She's just so ... ooh, check out three o'clock," Kenny's voice abruptly changed and I saw the microscopic tilt in his head as he tried to keep his face forward but crane his eyeballs to the right.

I smiled. Just when I figured he was zoning out to the beauty of his girlfriend, leave it to Kenny to continue scoping the beach for other chicks. And so maintaining my own blank sunglass-stare forwards, I clicked my eyeballs to the right to see what Kenny was looking at.

He was right, there were two knockout babes coming down the beach wearing skimpy bikinis over the fittest, tannest hardbodies you could dream of. The girl on the right was of medium height, with a stacked rack highlighted by a green and white bikini. Her black hair was pulled back in a functional ponytail and her oversized Chanel sunglasses obscured half her face while highlighting her strong cheekbones and jawline. She seemed quite familiar, but I didn't place her at first glance.

The girl on the left, however, was recognizable almost immediately. I'd memorized those slender legs absent of any trace of cellulite. I took in the flat tummy with just a hint of musculature. And there was no doubting the proud and round E-cups that attracted male attention like bees to honey. It was Adrienne.

I jerked in my seat at the realization and at almost the exact same instant, Adrienne saw me as well. She nudged her companion, who I now recognized as Heather Wilkinson. She was another cheerleader in our class and while not part of Adrienne's inner clique last year, was still a known friend. And the two beautiful soon-to-be-Seniors walked over toward us.

"Helloooo ladies," Kenny said theatrically as the girls got within a few feet. Already prepared, he raised two more IBC bottles. "Care for a drink?"

Heather giggled and reached for one while Adrienne waved him off.

"Careful dude," I warned. "Your girlfriend IS right over there." And as I forced myself to not stare at Adrienne's hot body, I reminded myself that MY girlfriend was just a phone call away.

"There's no harm in showing hospitality to a lady," Kenny took on the air of a snooty aristocrat, as if offering Heather a glass of wine at a ball instead of a root beer on the beach.

"Hey, just looking out," I shrugged. "How are you girls doing?" I asked between their two heads, avoiding staring at either one of them and struggling to keep my gaze above their necklines. I was trying to be Good Ben and bikinis were just so unfair.

"Good, good," Adrienne answered while Heather took a drink of the ice cold refreshment. And then as she pushed her sunglasses up onto her head, my gorgeous ex-girlfriend pointedly looked right at me with her hazel eyes boring into the back of my skull. "And how are you, Ben? Haven't seen much of you since that whole Tyson thing."

"Er, um, yeah," I fumbled, still not looking at her, hiding behind my shades and feeling awkward. "I've been around."

"I was kinda hoping we'd run into each other more often." The stunning blonde smiled at me, her eyes twinkling. "You'd think that being neighbors we'd somehow cross paths a few times every week."

"Never did for six years," I frowned and then mentally kicked myself for such a dumb response. "But I'm sure we'll be running into each other a lot when school starts next week."

"Sure thing, see you then," Adrienne grinned, showing off her pearly white teeth. Her eyes evaluated me intensely and with more than a little interest. My own eyes gave up trying NOT to stare at her luscious curves and I felt my knees go weak at her familiar beauty.

"Thanks for the root beer," Heather smiled at Kenny.

"Sure, sure," Kenny grinned. "Feel free to come see me anytime for your hydration needs," he cheered, raising his bottle.

Heather's eyebrows popped above her sunglasses as she smiled. Adrienne shot me one last look, an unreadable expression on her face. And then they walked away.

Kenny's eyes tracked them for thirty yards, staring at exquisitely tight asses that belonged on Olympic gymnasts. "Dude, Adrienne is NOT looking at you like an ex-boyfriend."

"Don't remind me," I groaned, staring straight into my drink.

"Still on taxi duty?" Brandi, my older sister, grinned at me. She was standing outside baggage claim at John Wayne Airport when I pulled up and then ran around to greet her with a friendly hug.

At first, she just gave me the usual two-second sisterly clinch, releasing me well before I got to start enjoying the feel of her body in my arms. I stepped back, feeling some of the joy inside me melting away. Like every other past lover in my life, it seemed that she'd moved on.

I couldn't blame her. After all, we'd had our incestuous fling and enjoyed the naughty thrill; but she was still my sister and ours couldn't be a permanent relationship. She'd flown away to college and to Brian and never looked back. When it came time for our usual family trip to camp, Brandi had even shown she was grown up and no longer another "kid" in the family by staying at school for her internship. Perhaps she'd outgrown me as well.

But then a little smile tugged at the corners of Brandi's lips. Her eyes fixed on me and she pulled me to her for a second hug. And this time, Brandi clutched me a little tighter and sighed with a hint of a moan while pressing her crotch a little deeper into my pelvis. "Ohhh, I missed you, Ben," Brandi sighed.

When I pulled back, I arched an eyebrow at the pretty 19-year-old. She blushed and reached a hand to my cheek. "Hope you've stocked up on Gatorade, little brother. I talked to Dawn and she gave me the green light to drain you of all bodily fluids."

"Seriously?" I asked with wide-open eyes. Did she just say what I thought she said?

"Dead serious," Brandi answered in a husky, sensual tone. "I need to get laid, Ben. And I've been thinking of your dick all day."

For some reason, I couldn't WAIT to get back home. And before I knew it, I'd raced back to the driver's door with keys in hand.

"Uh, Ben?" Brandi called from the sidewalk as I slid into the driver's seat.

"Yeah?" I quickly answered and popped my head up above the roofline.

Brandi grinned and pointed to her bag. "We still have to load me and my luggage into the car."


Our parents were suitably happy to see Brandi when we arrived. They asked about her internship and she expressed her disappointment that she had to miss summer camp. "Things got quite interesting from what I'm told," Brandi grinned while darting her eyes past Dad's head to where I was leaning against the hallway wall. There was a twinkle in her eye as she saw me chugging a 64-ounce Gatorade bottle.

Sometime around the 30-minute mark, I wandered back in and Brandi looked at me pleadingly to rescue her from our parents. This time, my brain processed that the sooner my sister was done chatting with the parental units, the sooner I could bury my cock inside her. So I meandered into the living room and casually remarked, "Come on, Mom. Stop talking her ear off. She's here for a week and you'll have plenty of time to get all your little details about college life. C'mon, Brandi, I got something to show you."

My sister was already rising to her knees. "I've gotta unpack anyways. I'll finish telling you about the new apartment at dinner, okay?"

My parents reluctantly murmured their acquiescence as Brandi and I left the room and headed for the stairs. I let Brandi go up first and then paused to admire the view as she hopped up each step in those tight shorts. Seriously, my sisters had fiiine asses.

We got up into the hallway and at my head nod, Brandi followed me into my bedroom. "You said you've got something to show me?" she asked with a mask of innocence on her face.

I grinned and shrugged. "I just made something up to get you out of there. On the other hand, if you see something you like..." I drawled while spreading my arms to the sides.

Brandi was already on her knees and unbuttoning my shorts. "We don't have much time, so just gimme your cum quickly, okay?"

I grunted, "Umm, okay," already short of breath. My erect cock, which had started growing as I watched Brandi hopping up the stairs, sprung out right into my sister's face and she quickly enveloped the head in her hot mouth.

"Oh, shit," I groaned and stumbled, my knees turning to jello as Brandi sent shockwaves of pleasure up my body. I looked down, reveling in the old familiar sight. Her dark hair with blonde streaks was pulled back tightly and held with clips. Her brown eyes were focused on my shaft as I entered and exited her mouth. And her pretty face was simultaneously beautiful and naughty, the image of my older sister with my dick stretching her lips a powerful turn-on.

She tried to deep-throat me once, not quite reaching the base before gagging and pulling off. "You're bigger than you were last winter," she panted.

"Shit happens," I groaned and put my hand back on her head, guiding her down onto my cock once again. This time, Brandi was better prepared as she took me into her throat, this time accomplishing the deep-throat and massaging my shaft with her neck muscles.

I didn't last much longer than that. With both my hands behind Brandi's ears, holding her at full depth, I heard her sharply inhaling all the oxygen she could find through her flared nostrils. And when my hips spasmodically jerked, thrusting myself that extra eighth of an inch deeper down the pretty brunette's throat, her eyes popped open and then she backed her head away in anticipation of my creamy spunk.

I didn't disappoint. Growling at the sensations pounding into my brain, I bit down on the urge to yell as my balls unloaded, nutting a gallon of cum into my sister's mouth. Brandi's timing to fly down was perfect. Brooke had been on her period since Wednesday and her heavy flow and crankiness had meant I hadn't gotten my rocks off for two days. And that meant my older sister got WAY more cum than she was expecting.

Gamely, she swallowed down as much as she could before the urge to breathe outweighed the urge to get every drop. And when she pulled off I kept firing away, spraying Brandi's eyelids shut, coating her cheeks, and splattering her nose with my pearly jizz.

"Fuck!" Brandi croaked when I was done, delicately attempting to open an eye without letting the burning semen seep into there. I quickly fetched her some tissues and watched, grinning, as my sister both licked up and mopped up all my spilled jism. "Brooke not taking care of you enough?" she asked with amazement in her voice.

"Just for a couple of days. She's on her period," I sighed. I wanted to apologize for hosing down Brandi's face, but the orgasm felt too good and I was floating on too great of a buzz to feel any remorse.

Brandi smiled and sat back on her heels, mopping up the rest. I remembered that my sister didn't actually like the taste of cum. But the knowledge that it was her little brother's jizz was a naughty thrill she just couldn't resist.

When she was done, she grinned at me. "That was so nasty, Ben. I loved it." And then she sighed and looked down at her shirt, where several globs had dripped off her chin and hit the fabric. "I'd better sneak out of here and change my shirt. There'd be hell to pay if Mom or Dad caught us."

I nodded and picked up my shorts, buttoning them and checking to make sure there was no evidence on me. "I'll go lookout and give you the all clear."

"Okay," Brandi nodded as I headed for the door. "And Ben?"

"Yeah?" I turned around.

My sister smiled brilliantly at me. "Save your strength. I'll want payback tonight."

"Oooh, Ben ... Oooh, like that ... like that," Brandi moaned and spread her legs a little wider. "Fuuuck! You're getting better at that! You're almost as good as Dayna!"

I smiled and went back to my task. I prided myself on my cunnilingus skills, which were the most effective route to making a girl happy. And it was no shame to be a close second to Dayna Evans in that category.

My 19-year-old sister giggled as she pushed my head deeper into her crotch and drummed her heels against my back. "I've been fantasizing about this for a month!"

Brandi laughed and then took a sip of her coffee. I looked up to see her fighting to keep her upper body still while she drank, the little pleasure spasms I was causing in her threatening to make her spill. And when she set the mug back down onto the counter, I took that as my cue to take her over the top.

With two plunging fingers in her snatch and my tongue wrapped around her clit, I soon sent Brandi into a shuddering climax. One hand was rubbing her own breast while she had the other clapped over her mouth to stifle her ecstatic moaning. And I soon felt the flow of honey trickling onto my face as she released her orgasmic nectar.

Even when she was done cumming, my horny sister wasn't done with me yet. Her hands rather painfully tugged on my hair to pull me up and then gripping my cheeks, she pulled my faces to hers so that she could plant a fierce kiss on my lips and also taste her own fluids. And only after she ran out of breath did she tilt her head back and sigh in utter rapture. "Mmm, Ben. It's good to be home."

I wasn't done with her yet, either. I dropped my shorts to my ankles, which left me completely naked while Brandi was just clad in a baggy T-shirt and nothing else. My hard cock sprung upwards, waving toward my sister's pussy like a flower reaching for the sun. And scooping Brandi's asscheeks into my hands, I tugged her to the edge of the kitchen counter and then gently lowered her onto my shaft.

"Oh gawd," Brandi grunted as gravity pulled her all the way down to the base. She wrapped her legs around my waist for leverage and planted her hands on the countertop to hold herself upright. Suspended in mid-air as she was, it took almost all her strength just to hold that position while I drew my legs back and thrust myself deep into her pussy once again.

"Fuck me, Ben! I missed your cock! Fuck me!" my 19-year-old sister gasped.

I intended to do as she asked. But as erotic as our position was in my head, it was murder on our muscles. Brandi was athletic but she wouldn't last long from the strain of holding herself on the counter's edge. And I couldn't get the leverage I wanted to really pound her pussy.

So lifting up on her buttcheeks, I elevated Brandi back up onto the counter where her naked ass was once again chilled against the cold granite surface. And with my cock still embedded inside her, I snaked my foot out to catch the short 10-inch stepping stool my mom used to reach up to the top cabinet shelves, hooking my toes around a leg to drag it over in front of me. And then planting one foot on the stool, I was able to elevate just enough to get a good fucking angle as I gripped my sister's hips and really began to drive myself into her body.

Desperate for a handhold, Brandi reached out with her left hand and gripped the bottom rail of a nearby overhanging cabinet. Her right hand grabbed onto the sink faucet, and she had to bite down to stifle her moaning as I sawed in and out of her tightly clenched pussy.

"Oh, gawd ... oh, gawd ... fuck me, Ben! Fuck me!" she whimpered.

The cold granite had to be hard and uncomfortable. Brandi's position was extremely awkward, holding onto the faucet and cabinet with her legs dangling in uncomfortable directions. Her whole body kept slipping and sliding, making my job of thrusting much more difficult. And my leg was starting to burn from trying to hold myself at this weird angle with only one foot on the step-stool.

But it was all worth it. My sister and I were practically fucking in the kitchen sink, of all places, while the rest of our family slumbered above us. It was so naughty and we both loved it.

Despite the awkward position, Brandi found enough pleasure and stimulation to start jerking spasmodically as an orgasm overtook her. She gritted her teeth to not scream, unable to clamp a hand over her mouth for fear of losing her position on the counter. And all that came out was a hissing groan of pleasure.

I came soon after, seizing Brandi's hips in both of my hands as I jackhammered into her pussy while filling up my sister with my heavy cream. "Oh, Brandi," I groaned in delight, even while my dick was still spitting cum. "You're so hot!"

"Nngh," she moaned and let her head fall back awkwardly against the wall behind her. She lay there panting for a minute as I stepped back onto the floor, pulling my cock out of her as I slid the step-stool back where it belonged.

A light suddenly came into my sister's eyes, stirring her from her post-coital mellowness. And with an energy I didn't think she had left, Brandi pivoted her hips around until her crotch was hanging over the sink. I looked on in confusion until she spread her legs and hunched with her abs, and the first trickle of my cum started running out of her reddened vaginal opening to drizzle down towards her anus and eventually start dropping off into the sink itself.

"So fucking naughty," Brandi giggled happily. "By the way, it's your turn to do the dishes."

I chuckled at my sister's antics. After dropping off a few ounces of sperm into the sink, she grabbed a paper towel to clean herself up. And then she sighed and leaned back against the wall. "Yeah, it's good to be home."

I washed my hands and face off in the sink (and rinsed away the incriminating seminal evidence) while Brandi pulled her panties back on. I would have preferred she stay half-naked, but there was no sense in taking chances any more than we already had. And then with the fresh glow of a happily satisfied young woman, Brandi sank down into the living room couch while I took the seat beside her.

I sipped my own coffee mug and fixed my sister with a smile. "So I know you gave the 'rents your little speech about how school's gone the past semester. Now tell me the good stuff."

"Good stuff?" Brandi laughed. "I thought I just gave you the 'good stuff'."

"Not that. The stuff you can't tell Mom and Dad. Are you still with Brian?"

Brandi's face fell and I immediately wished I could take back the question. She sighed and explained, "We broke up in June. Brian's smooth and quite the charmer. I caught him cheating with one of my best friends."

I winced in sympathy. "I'm sorry."

She tried to make a joke of it. "Yeah well it worked out for you. You got a red-hot horny sister who hadn't had dick in almost three months."

Her tone was light but she couldn't quite manage to smile, no matter how hard she tried. My eyebrows canted and I leaned forward, squeezing her leg as I repeated, "I'm sorry. I know how painful that is when you find out your trust has been betrayed."

Brandi snorted and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, you would, wouldn't you, Ben," she said a little harshly. Then catching herself, she took a deep breath and mused, "Guess it's a good thing I'll never be dating you, Mr. Player."

"Hey, I'm not a player," I pouted defensively.

"Well, you've certainly gotten around from what I've heard."

I frowned and furrowed my eyebrows. "Did Dawn tell you EVERYTHING?"

Brandi shook her head. "No, not everything. But I can read between the lines. I got the impression you cut quite a swath through the girls at school since I left."

I grimaced. "I'm not as proud of that as you might think."

My sister held up her hand. "Hey, I'm not here to judge." Brandi went quiet and looked away for a moment, biting her lip nervously as her eyebrows furrowed.

I watched my sister's expression for a second, curious and concerned. She looked like she had something she didn't want to say to me. "What is it?" I asked.

Brandi exhaled and glanced at me before looking away again. "Dawn's almost positive you're going to cheat on her. She thinks there's no way you can last eleven months."

"What? I said I could and I will!" I insisted, trying to convince my sister who looked pretty doubtful herself. "I mean, at least with Brooke around to take the edge off..."

"Brooke's a sophomore, Ben." Brandi shook her head. "She's very pretty and outgoing and once school starts she's going to be attracting boys like flies. You can't lock her down."

"I know," I said in a wishy-washy voice.

"And I don't know if I'm coming home for Winter Break this year," Brandi continued, shrugging apologetically. "What are you going to do when you haven't had sex in a few weeks and some babe with big tits throws herself at you?"

I fixed Brandi with an intense gaze. "So what do you want me to do? Just give up? Break up with Dawn before I hurt her by cheating or something?"

"No, no," Brandi shook her head. "But I do think you need to talk to Dawn about what this separation is doing to both of you. Dawn is gorgeous and she's getting a lot of male attention, too. You're both young. You're both horny. And you'll only end up disappointing each other if you set the expectations too high. Don't make promises you can't keep, Ben."

"But isn't this a promise I NEED to keep?"

"For who? For her? Or for you?" Brandi looked at me sternly. "Look, I don't know all the details, but I gather that you're trying to prove something to yourself that you can be monogamous to Dawn. But even right now, you need to screw Brooke – and me – just to keep your libido in check. Fact is, you've never been monogamous to anyone, not even Dawn."

I scowled and folded my arms over my chest.

"And besides, what makes you think Dawn really wants monogamy out of you anyways?"

"Huh?" My eyebrows furrowed. "She's a girl; of course she does!"

Brandi gave me a wide-eyed look. "And what if Dawn's not like other girls?"

I was confused. "Why wouldn't she?"

"Because she loves you Ben, for who you are. She knew your history and loved you anyways. She may be ultra-possessive of your heart, but not so much for your body. Why do you think she so easily brought Dayna and DJ into your sex lives?"

"So what are you saying? That Dawn would be okay if I slept with other girls?"

Brandi shrugged helplessly. "I don't know for sure. I mean, I know she'd rather you didn't; but when push comes to shove, I think it's just sex to her, Ben. As long as you're honest about it."

I frowned. If Brandi was right, it would be an ideal situation for me. I could have my cake and eat it too. But it also flew in the face of all the progress I thought I was making in maturing and understanding love, the way Keira and Megan had been hoping for me. I shook my head, "It just seems to good to be true."

"Hey, like I said, you need to talk it out with Dawn before you do anything stupid," Brandi cautioned before sipping her coffee again. "But it sort of makes sense for the two of you to have an open relationship until you can get back together. I mean, if I were in her shoes, I'd be happier knowing you got it all out of your system while you're five hundred miles apart, so that you could come to me free and completely devoted in a year. From the way she talks, once you're in college together she plans to never leave your side. But until then ... well ... you're just kids."

It made a sort of logical sense to me as well. And as I nodded slowly, I started to feel the first hints of my old horndog Ben instincts breaking free of the repression I'd been feeling for the past month or so. A little grin started coming to my face as I thought of all the hot chicks I might be able to bang.

"Just remember, Ben," Brandi warned. "This is just my feeling based on what I know of Dawn. You still need to actually TALK to her. And even if she okays an open relationship, it's still not a free pass to fuck any girl you please."

"Right, right," I nodded, my mind racing.

"And before you get all excited, remember that an open relationship goes both ways." Brandi's eyebrows raised in warning. "Can you handle that?"

I scowled immediately. The idea of some other guy putting his paws on my Dawn was not a happy thought. Still, Brandi had given me some food for thought.

With that, my sister set down her empty coffee mug. "Okay, time to clean up and get to bed."

I nodded seriously and reached out to grab her mug in addition to mine, standing up and carrying them both to the kitchen sink. I felt a weight pressing down on me as I thought about all the complications and lustful urgings involved in a long-distance relationship. Not even the memory of Brandi squirting my cum out of her pussy into the sink could quite rescue me from my intense introspection.

But when I got back, Brandi was standing next to the stairs, her T-shirt flung over her bare shoulder and held up only by a finger. She smiled brilliantly and my eyes immediately went down to her naked breasts.

"Feel like sneaking a shower with me, little brother?"

I smiled at her tits, feeling my mood lighten immediately. Hey, the entire house was asleep. "I'm willing to risk it if you are."

Sunday we hung out as a family. Mom and Dad decided to take us all to the Aquarium of the Pacific. We'd actually been there three years prior, when it opened, but the twins eagerly raced around checking out all the exhibits as if they were brand new. Seriously, those two could spend hours just petting the rays and feeling their slimy suede-ish bodies. Brooke had some thoughts of being a marine biologist and eagerly delved into all the scientific descriptions of the various sea creatures and plant life, even the boring ones. And I let out my own inner geek and enjoyed the place quite a bit myself. Those spider-looking crabs are just cool.

Brandi wasn't much into aquariums, but she seemed to de-age back into a teenager hanging out with her younger siblings. She turned positively giggly watching the sea otters; and she seemed to enjoy just being a kid with our parents after spending the last year trying to act like a responsible adult at college.

Late that evening, Brandi repeated her little nude streaking across the hallway after her shower. I chased my sister into her bedroom and we quietly hopped under the sheets together.

Monday, Brandi spent the entire day visiting her old high school friends who were also home for summer break. She didn't get back until just after midnight, and it took everything I had to stay awake to wait up for her.

Way too early on Tuesday morning, I felt something tickle my balls; and with a start, I jerked awake.

"Mmph!" somebody groaned and as I sat up I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into someone's throat.

A face quickly moved over mine and with a wide smile, Brandi said cheerily, "Good morning!" The warm suckling on my erection continued further below.

I blinked rapidly, my brain not yet processing how Brandi could be smiling at me from three inches away and giving me a blowjob at the same time. I was further confused when my older sister bent down and kissed me firmly, her tongue creeping out to tickle my lips before she pulled away.

Only then was I able to look down and see Brooke bobbing her head up and down in my lap, breathing through her nose and attempting to get my cock to re-enter her throat without gagging.

"It's almost noon, Ben," Brandi smirked. "You're starting to lose your endurance or something. I didn't think I wore you out that much last night."

I gasped as Brooke gave me a particularly good suck. "I'm not the young man I used to be," I chuckled.

"Well maybe if you'd pace yourself you wouldn't be so wiped out," Brandi tsked me.

"Well maybe if you got home a little earlier instead of staying out all day with your girlfriends, I wouldn't have been so wound up," I grinned.

Brandi smiled. "Hey, I didn't fly back here just for YOU." She rolled her eyes and then a little grin came to her face. "Okay, well, the idea of getting properly laid WAS a pretty important part of the decision. But I DO have friends around here I want to visit."

I just shook my head and groaned as a particularly nice bolt of pleasure shot up my spine. Brooke was getting good at this.

Brandi smiled and got up, heading for my door. "Well, I'll keep the twins busy helping me make lunch. Brooke, don't take longer than five minutes. I know you like toying with him, but just make him squirt and get downstairs before the girls get suspicious, okay?"

"Mmph!" My little sister nodded with a mouth full of cock.

I sighed and lay my head back against the pillow. I loved my life.

Sweaty but satisfied, I made the last turn towards home. My day had started with an awesome blowjob from my little sister. Truly, there are very few things in life better than that kind of wake-up call. The morning was bashing a PlayStation controller with my friends. Lunch was a heavenly burger from Fuddruckers. And the afternoon was spent with more video games and an intense game of streetball. Winning the last game on a three-pointer with a hand in my face was just AWESOME.

Too bad I had to get home before Mom finished dinner. I could have hung out with my boys until well after the sun came down if it were up to me.

It was about 6:15pm when I pulled up to the curb, and to my surprise, there were two hot girls standing in the driveway. My eyebrows furrowed in mild confusion, I got out and casually walked up to the two of them.

"Hey, Brandi," I greeted breezily. Then I stood up straight and looked almost questioningly at the stunningly gorgeous blonde chatting up my sister. What was she doing here? "Hey, Adrienne. What's up?"

"Hi, Ben," Adrienne smiled sweetly, if a little sadly as well.

Adrienne and I just sort of stood there for a few moments, staring back at each other while simultaneously reminiscing about our prior relationship and musing on how things had turned out. That time I'd run into her post-date with Tyson, our conversation had been punctuated with awkward silences, and this day was no different.

Fortunately, Brandi was there to fill in the empty gaps. "Looks like you're just beating Mom's curfew," she said warily while looking back and forth between me and Adrienne inquisitively.

"Yeah, uh, am I the last one?" I asked while still looking at Adrienne. I felt a crackle of energy in the back of my head as my ex-girlfriend got a little smile on her face.

"No, Brooke's not home yet either," Brandi said, her mind clearly on a different subject.

"So, uh," I pointed back and forth between my two-years-older sister and my ex. "How did you two end up here together? I didn't think you really knew each other in high school."

"Oh," Adrienne shook herself from her reverie, her mesmerizing golden gaze on me dissipating as she glanced at Brandi. "I was at South Coast with some of my friends. You remember Heather Wilkinson, right?"

I nodded. Heather was the raven-haired beauty on the beach with Adrienne that one afternoon.

"Well," Brandi took over the narrative. "I was out with Heather's older sister, Jamie, and we stopped by South Coast as well. We hadn't planned it but we bumped into Heather and Adrienne and their friends, and we started shopping in a big group together. Adrienne and I got to talking and we ended up here."

I smirked and looked to Adrienne. "You just have a way of charming everyone in my family, don't you?"

Adrienne blushed and smiled. "I'm good with families. I'm very polite with moms and I think most dads just want to nail me. And your little sisters are so adorable."

"Wait, you've met my parents and my sisters?" Brandi arched her eyebrow.

"Well, yes," Adrienne said, looking a little confused. Then she darted her gaze back and forth between me and my sister, settling on me, that old sparkle back in her eyes. "Wait, Ben. You didn't tell her?"

I shrugged. "She was at college. It never came up."

"Wait, what?" Brandi arched both eyebrows this time.

Adrienne tilted her head towards me while folding her arms beneath her breasts. "Ben and I dated for about two months. You didn't know?"

Realization spread across my sister's face. "Ohhh. No, I hadn't. I knew Ben had a girlfriend after Megan and Cassidy, but I never knew who."

Adrienne smiled wistfully. "Best two months of my life," she sighed.

Feeling guilty, I bit my lip and averted my eyes.

Brandi just looked at the two of us and nodded knowingly. "Lemme guess, Ben fucked it up by being a dick-for-brains moron?"

I turned red while Adrienne nodded and sighed. "Pretty much."

Just when I felt like crawling under the nearest rock, Brooke pedaled into the driveway on her bike, a little out of breath from racing to beat the 6:30pm deadline. "Am I late?"

"No, you're fine," Brandi told her.

"Oh! Adrienne! Hi!" Brooke said excitedly when she realized who we were talking with. My little sister had that star-struck look in her eyes again. "Are you going to have dinner with us?"

Surprised, Adrienne darted a look at me and Brandi before stammering, "Uh, well, I was really just chatting-"

"Actually, that's a great idea," Brandi interrupted. "I'm sure Mom and Dad wouldn't mind. I mean, as long as your dad is cool with it."

Adrienne's face fell and she exhaled sadly. "Doesn't matter. My dad's never home by dinnertime."

Brandi cocked her head, arching an eyebrow. "So what do you usually do?"

Adrienne shrugged. "Just eat dinner alone mostly. Unless I'm out on a date or something. And I do visit friends sometimes."

"Well you're not eating alone tonight!" Brooke said firmly, actually grabbing Adrienne's hand and tugging her into the house.

Brandi and I were too surprised to do anything as Adrienne turned her head around to us with a surprised look on her face. But she let Brooke drag her inside and shaking our heads, Brandi and I followed after.

I was already cringing inside. The idea of being trapped in a room with my ex-girlfriend, someone I STILL felt guilty for hurting, didn't sound like a good time. It didn't help that I was still quite physically attracted to her and I was still working out in my head how to stay loyal to Dawn. But Mom and Dad, of course, were thrilled for Adrienne to join us.

"I don't mean to impose, Mrs.-"

"Nonsense," Mom interrupted her with a smile. "You're welcome here anytime you like."

"You're very gracious," Adrienne said politely while bowing her head slightly.

Mom beamed at the gorgeous young blonde while Dad tried not to be obvious in glancing at Adrienne's tits, lightly covered by a thin, summery blouse. And when the twins came to the table they were even more excited to see Adrienne than Brooke had been.

Emma even asked, "Are you Ben's girlfriend again?"

Adrienne blushed and shook her head before locking her gaze onto me. "No, we're just friends," she said rather wistfully.

I fought down the urge to hold Adrienne's hand. My parents had sat her between me and Brandi, and it was all I could do to keep my mind focused on Dawn, my actual girlfriend. It was a weird juxtaposition. Being this close to Adrienne made me want to wrap her up in my arms and passionately make love to her. She physically stirred a lustful flame in me that seemed like it would never die. And yet she mentally stirred the painful memory of the terrible things I'd done in my past. I both wanted to be closer to her and also get the hell away from her.

Thankfully, I was saved by the food. Cut, bite, chew. I could handle that.

As expected, Adrienne charmed everyone. She stirred a livelier conversation around the dinner table than we'd had in weeks; and even a slight detour into a discussion of her home life couldn't totally dampen the spirit. My parents expressed sympathy for Adrienne's lack of parental involvement in her life and reiterated their invitation to visit anytime she liked.

Brandi seconded that notion, at least for the rest of the week. "I'm here until Sunday and I need some cool, adult company in a house full of 'children'," my older sister joked.

I rolled my eyes, Brooke looked offended, and the twins actually pouted, "We're not children!"

Laughs went all around, and everybody was happy.

Late that evening, I flopped onto the couch, my right hand on the armrest as I rolled my head around my neck to stretch it out.

"You talk to Dawn already?" Brandi sat at the opposite end and pulled her legs up, draping them across my knees. Automatically, I reached out and started rubbing her feet in a massage perhaps more intimate than a typical sibling relationship. Feeling the pleasant relaxation start oozing up her legs, Brandi let her head loll back as she sighed happily.

"Whoa, you don't want to stain the couch," I warned her.

Brandi picked her head up and righted the bowl in her hands, which was filled to the brim with mint chocolate chip ice cream. She giggled and scooped up another bite, sucking on the spoon erotically and then pulling it out to take a long, sensuous lick.

I tried to ignore her sexual teasing for the moment. So focusing on the task at hand (at foot?) I answered my sister's question. "Yeah, I talked to her."

"Have you had THE talk yet?" Brandi's eyebrows went up.

I frowned and shook my head while focusing on massaging my sister's feet. I knew the talk she was referring to. "No. I'm not sure I ever will."

"What, you don't want an open relationship?"

I shook my head. "Ideally, Dawn and I can just have a normal relationship, right? Wouldn't that be better? One guy, one girl, no extra complications."

Brooke snorted. "Wait till I go back to school and Brooke finds a new boyfriend. THEN tell me you don't want to discuss an open relationship."

I rolled my eyes at her. "I LOVE Dawn."

"Okay ... But are you sure you can do it?" Brandi looked at me quizzically while eating another scoop of ice cream.

"I'm doing alright so far."

Brandi snorted. "You're doing alright because I'm fucking your brains out right now, and Brooke was doing so when I wasn't here. Speaking of which, I'm gonna enjoy tonight, having you all to myself. Brooke will be off her period by tomorrow and she's gonna want to cut in."

I nodded and shrugged. "I'd still like to think I can handle it without you two. I mean, I know you're warning me about what might happen if I start getting the urge to stray, but that hasn't really happened yet. And I don't want to bring up something complicated like an open relationship unnecessarily."

"Okay, okay. I'm just saying, there's a lot of temptation around here. Don't think I didn't notice that crackling chemistry between you and Adrienne tonight."

I frowned. "What are you talking about? We dated; we broke up. It's over."

"Maybe. But that girl's still got a thing for you," Brandi blinked slowly and shook her head as if in disbelief. "Hell if I know why, you being such a dork. But she still wants you."

"No she doesn't. She's out of my league and I hurt her pretty badly."

"Then why was her hand on your thigh?" Brandi smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "She's a flirt. It's what she does."

"Riiight." Brandi ignored me then, looking at her ice cream as she finished the last two bites.

We were silent for a long few moments, Brandi letting her lead loll back again as she closed her eyes and set the empty ice cream bowl on the coffee table. I concentrated on stroking my sister's soles and stretching out each individual toe, feeling a fuzzy warmth in my belly as I listened to her sighing happily.

Then I broke the silence, asking quietly, "You really think I'm a dork?"

Brandi smiled with her eyes still closed. "You're my little brother. Of course I think you're a dork."

I rolled my eyes again.

Then Brandi continued. "Actually, you're an idiot. You're an idiot savant. Dumb as a brick in most regards, but somehow you're a Mozart when it comes to a girl's body."

"What, like this?" I hummed as my foot massaging turned into foot caressing, gliding along my sister's calves and tickling the pit behind her knee just at the edge between ticklishness and pleasure.

"Hmm, something like that," Brandi sighed, a hint of a moan in her voice.

My hands ran a little higher up her legs, caressing her thighs with long strokes that started inching closer and closer towards her crotch. "Feel good?"

"Mmm, you should stop, Ben," Brandi moaned with her eyes still closed and her head thrown back. "It's still early and Mom and Dad might still be awake." Her words said no, but she shifted her hips and opened up her legs a little wider.

"Then you'll have to keep quiet," I murmured as I slid the hem of her shirt aside with one hand and lightly ran my fingertip over the crotch of her panties with the other.

Brandi's response was immediate. She arched her back and let out a quiet moan, thrusting her crotch towards my hand and suspending her hips in the air for a few seconds before sagging back against the couch cushion, whimpering softly. "Fucking tease," she growled.

"Oh, and that spoon thing you were doing was just a part of eating ice cream?"

Brandi smiled, her head still tilted back with her eyes closed. She drawled, "Well..."

She didn't get another word in before I slipped my fingers beneath the strap of her panties, this time directly stimulating her clit with skin-to-skin contact. And whatever Brandi had intended to say was drowned out in a moan of pleasure.

Light tickling of my sister's pussy turned into firm stroking. Firm stroking turned into finger-plunging. And once I got her panties off, finger-plunging was soon joined by tongue-licking as I knelt on the floor beside the couch and dove my face into Brandi's bare-shaven crotch.

"Oh, gawd ... oh, gawd, Ben..." Brandi whimpered while I ate her out. She raised her T-shirt up her chest to paw at her own breasts while her legs came up and wrapped around my neck. Seeing my sister's tits come into view, I took a wet-slicked hand and snaked it up her torso, rubbing her firm boobs and coating her nipples in her own pussy-juice.

"Unngh, Ben. You're gonna make me cum!"

Smiling, I pinched her nipples a little tighter and bore down with my lips and tongue, really working her over. Every girl was different. Some of them liked me nibbling on their clit, others preferred a softer approach. Brandi was one who enjoyed my touch everywhere BUT her clit, firmly stroking her vaginal lips and drawing ever closer and closer to her pleasure center. But now as her hips began to vibrate, I zeroed in on that firm little nub, taking a long lick at it from base to top while wrapping my lips around it and sucking powerfully.

Lick, lick, BOOM. And I suddenly had a writhing, gasping 19-year-old sister trying to break my neck between her thighs. "Aaaa-waaaah!!!" she moaned beneath her own hands trying to muffle the sound.

No sooner had Brandi's orgasm passed than she had spread her legs wide, giving me room to breathe while simultaneously tugging on my shoulders. "Fuck me, Ben! Fuck me now! I need it! I need your cock!"

My shorts were left on the floor as I got up from my kneeling position. My sister's hand was already around my shaft as I moved between her legs; and she guided me into position as I leaned my hips in while bracing my arms against the back of the couch.

"Ohhhhwuuuhhhhhhnnnnggghhh," Brandi moaned as I slid in to the hilt. And once I was fully embedded in this beautiful brunette's snatch, she wrapped all four limbs around me and held me tightly.

Momentarily satisfied by that first lunge, I rested my forehead against the cushion behind Brandi. And as she adjusted to my intrusion, she turned her head to mine and we came together for a sweet kiss.

When we pulled back, Brandi smiled and growled right into my face, "You naughty sister-fucker."

I chuckled and pulled my hips back a few inches, quickly ramming them forward again as if to punctuate Brandi's comment. Even though we'd screwed every night since she came back home, I would never tire of being inside her.

Brandi was of like mind. Her eyes glittered as she gripped my biceps and growled happily, "Mmm ... fuck me, little brother. Fuck me good."

I'd started to do just that when suddenly we both heard a surprised gasp somewhere behind us. Brandi and I both froze immediately, and all I could think was a single thought, 'Oh, SHIT.'

In shock, I craned my head around to see who had caught us. When I saw her, my eyes went wide while my jaw dropped. And despite the heavenly snugness of Brandi's pussy, my dick started to deflate inside of my sister.

Beneath me, Brandi had gone pale. But she found her voice before me and managed to croak weakly, "Uh, hi Mom."

"Brandi! Ben! What are you doing?" Mom hissed, fighting to keep her volume down. She quickly stepped around the couch towards us, clearly seeing the compromising position we were in. There would be no denying that my prick was currently embedded inside my sister's pussy.

"Wait, Mom, I can explain," Brandi sputtered while pushing at my chest. Obediently, I pulled out and turned around, losing my balance and collapsing onto the floor, flat on my ass.

"Explain what?" Mom challenged, her eyebrows high as she darted her eyes around the room in a panic. Brandi had no immediate answer and Mom frantically waved at the two of us. "For God's sake, put some clothes on!"

Brandi quickly tugged her shirt down to her waist and darted her eyes around for her panties. I found them on the floor beside me and handed them over while scrambling into my shorts. Brandi slipped into her panties and stammered, "Mom, this isn't what it looks like."

"No, it's exactly what it looks like," Mom waved her off while keeping her eyes towards the stairs. "My eldest daughter is having sex with her only brother," she hissed.

Brandi and I both went rigidly quiet and pale. Once we got our clothes back on, Mom looked over us to make sure we were presentable and then all of a sudden, she exhaled a long, long breath. Mom's shoulders sagged down and her erect posture softened, and the panic on her face evaporated away.

Brandi looked like she was going to try and say something again when Mom held up a hand to quiet her. "Look guys, I'm not that upset that you two were having sex."

My head rocked back and Brandi and I glanced at each other. Did Mom just say what we thought she said?

"Actually, I've suspected for some time," Mom continued. "Let me guess, you two started this past Winter Break?"

Brandi's eyes flew open and she clapped both hands over her mouth, stifling a too-loud exclamation of, "Ohmigod! How did you know?"

Mom hand-gestured for Brandi to keep the volume down and gave her eldest daughter a condescending look. "I know my children, and the way you normally act around each other." Mom then gave me an all-knowing look. "I also figured you started sleeping with Brooke at camp, Ben."

It was my turn to go as pale as a ghost.

"Relax. I always knew you'd do what was best for her." Mom had already turned her gaze to Brandi. "At least Brooke confines it to their bedrooms later at night."

Brandi and I looked guiltily at each other.

"Look, I get it," Mom sighed. "I was your age once and believe it or not, I had a little thing with your Uncle Brandon for a few years when we were teens." She looked pointedly at me and Brandi to emphasize she was serious. "But not in the family room at ten o'clock at night, understand? Do you realize how easily Eden or Emma could catch you? I realize they're usually in bed by now but one of them could easily have gotten up for a glass of water or something. And they're way too young to get involved in something like this."

"Wait, wait," Brandi finally spoke up. This was all moving a little too fast for her to process. "You're not mad at us for having sex?"

Mom shrugged. "You're taking your birth control, right?"

Brandi blinked slowly before nodding.

"And you have no illusions about getting married to your brother or anything, do you?"

Brandi shook her head quickly.

"Then as long as you two keep it quiet and discreet, I'm not going to stop you. Or Brooke." Mom looked us both straight in the eye. "But you MUST keep it discreet: from your friends, the neighbors, and especially the twins, understand?"

We both nodded obediently, still in shock at what was unfolding.

Mom then reached over and picked up Brandi's empty ice cream bowl. "Besides, I don't want you to stain the couch."

Neither Brandi nor I were in the mood for sex after that. But my sister still crawled into bed with me and pillowed her head on my shoulder. "Did that just really happen?" she asked me once we had a chance to calm down.

I was staring like a zombie at the far wall of my bedroom, blinking slowly. "I think so."

We both went silent for a long few moments. And then Brandi sighed. "I should have known. I've been a little friskier with you than normal in front of the 'rents and Mom always seemed to be looking the other way."

She shook her head while I still was catatonic in shock. Then Brandi wondered aloud, "Can you believe Mom's okay with us having sex?"

I shook my head slowly. "Do you think Dad knows?"

"Probably," Brandi sighed. "Mom and him tell each other everything."

"What do we do now?" I asked, squeezing her tightly against my side.

"Do you want to stop?"

I startled at that, turning my head down to my sister. "No! I love what we do together. I love you, Brandi."

My sister tilted her head up towards me. "I love you too, Ben. But is it too much of a risk?"

"What risk? Mom already caught us and gave us the OK. As long as we're more discreet about it and we take extra care to not let the twins find out..."

Brandi sighed and squeezed her arms around me a little tighter. "I'll have to talk to Brooke about this. She'll never believe Mom caught us and still is okay with it."

I rolled my eyes. "Actually, she'll believe it and then get more reckless. We're going to have to rein her in."

"YOU'RE going to have to rein her in, Ben. I'm leaving on Sunday, remember?"

I took a deep breath. "I still can't believe it."

Brandi giggled and then leaned up, pecking me tenderly on the cheek. "Believe it." She sighed again and said mournfully, "I'm going to miss fucking in the kitchen. It was such a turn-on."

"I'll still find ways to make you happy," I said earnestly.

"I know you will, Ben," Brandi hummed.

"And besides," I grinned, thinking of fucking Brooke in front of the webcam when the house was empty. "We can still do it whenever the twins are out of the house."

"Ooh, I can't wait," she giggled. And then with a last squeeze, Brandi slipped out of bed and turned to bend and kiss my forehead. "Goodnight, little brother. I'll see you in the morning."