
"Hey, I don't know if you can hear me but my name is Jack Sheppard and I'm trapped in a Virtual reality game that me and my mate's made, It's called The Devil's tower and trust me when I say this because I am not at all being vain when I say that I never thought that a game could be this dangerous, I mean resident evil and dead space both have nothing on this creation and I have to find the way out alone before one of these creature's kill me. oh shit did I not mention that all of my friend's are dead and I'm the last one left alive in here because the penalty for dying in this game is you die in real life and in order to for me to escape this game is I have to travel to a place that is know as The Devil's tower and find the Demon that cursed the game and kill it but I'm a 21 year old drop out that has been held back for 3 years running because I'm skitzophrenic.

The only reason that me and my mate's made this game was because we wanted to prove to our teacher's that we bring something new to the table, something that no one else will bring because for me all they saw on my records is my skitzophrenia and they said that someone like me cannot be a scientist with-out being a little bit insane.

They don't know what has happened to me for me to be this way. At the age of 10 I got hit in the head by a brick that hard it actually killed me and gave me skitzkrenia.

half of my friend's had turned me away by 18 year's old because they thought that I'm a wacko and that I'm full of rubbish as well as my family slowly forgetting that I existed in the first place because they were embarrassed of me and they were embarrassed about having anything to do with me

because I was alway's the crazy one in the family.

my mate's James and Arron were twin brothers and they were heavy gamers who both had ADHD and who's parents made them both orphans when they were both baby's. They had been in and out of home's all of their live's and they always spoke about making their own gaming company and making one of my horror story's into a game because they alway's had a interest when it came to my idea's because I create entire world's and give them their own rule's, rule's that disobeyed the law's of our reality. James's job was the coding process and Arrons job was the graphics and art work while I wrote the story.

I'm sorry I'm just panicking because I really don't want to die in here, I regret making this game and since your all here and reading this messege..

I guess that you want to know more about the story and how it got cursed trapping me James and Arron in side of it..

I wish that I could help but I can't because these creature's are indestructible and they never sleep, I dont even know how to defeat them anymore.."

Jack said aloud as a window smashed behind him making him jump out of his skin and grabbing his double barrel twelve gauge shot gun and quickly loading it up with ammo.

"Shit 4 bullet's.. I'm almost out.." he silently whispered as he skimmed across the room he crouched down so his head was peaking over the top of the desk slightly "shit no way out. This thing's got me trapped all I can do is try to get out through the window then sprint all the way down to the carpark to drive to the nearest air port and fly over to Dundee" He said out loud as he quickly formed an idea on how to escape and giving himself a reason to make it in nervous manner before pulling up the courage to make a break for the window and run all the way down to the carpark before the creature climbled in through the broken window.

it was a ugly thing, it's back was as crookid as a witches smile, It's flesh scolded with lit Ember's falling to the ground as spark's flew off and dissipated in mid air, It's smell was of decaying body's and burning corpse's, It's cackle as disturbing as seeing hell through Satan's eye's

"shit" Jack whispered as the creature stood in a sleeping like manner in front of the window as still as a statute looking forward with a crookid smile placed across its face,

it's empty black eye's staring wide open waiting for it's pray to come out of hiding.

"I am so fucked..." Jack whispered before slowly and silently sitting himself down behind the table with his knees facing up and his arm's wrapped around his leg's

"This could be a while, I want to see if it will leave on it's own and I know that it could take hour's before it leave's if it leave's that is" Jack whispered in a hopeful manner as the creature started to sniff the air and snarl attracting another creature to the room.

It's footstep's were heavy and slow step's that rang through the dark empty depth's of the hallway as it cackle's echoed through the hallway and around the room.

"Oh now you've gone and done it" Jack shouted "You're to much a demon pussy to get me yourself is that it?" he continued to shout making the creature's angry "What? don't give me that look Tim." Jack shouted as he peaked over the table to look at the name tag's "We both know that you stabbed bill in the back by getting it on with his wife" He yelled out cockily turning the two creature's against one another so they'd fight which would have gave him the perfect exit, "Hey guy's, here's what happened from the start you see" Jack said as he stood up and raised his shot gun triggering a flash back to the very start.