how it began

"The plan was simple, we make a virtual reality horror game, based on a Stephen king book called The tower and added in Dante's inferno and the elevator to another world game crossing over two of the biggest features of theory and reality bending horror to give the terrifying feel that we wanted" Jack narrated

as a bright light filled the room,

"James" Arron said as he lifted up Jack's note's "Do you not think that the monster's Jack wrote about should be indestructible?"

"what do you mean?" James asked Arron perplexed because they all agreed that Jack's story line shouldn't be changed

"I mean it state's that there's only one thing that can kill these demented thicreatures.after reading it over I can't seem to find anything written about how to kill them" Arron said picking up his Samsung Galaxy Z flip and texting Jack asking him to come to the basement quickly, James and Arron sat waiting for Jack while making the game console adding in some additional coding to make the project feel more realistic and after a few minutes had passed Jack walked down the steps and walked to his note picking them up to give them a read because he knew that he wrote the way to kill the creature's which broke free from the Devil's tower and infected the world with nothing but the flesh that Hate's, which was a concept taken from a idea formed and read on a YouTube channel about SCPs and the SCP foundation.

"Arron your actually right for once, I can't find the page where I wrote the way to kill the creature's and I can't remember what it was that I wrote.." Jack said paranoid that they would fail the project and prove everyone right "Ah you know what?" Jack said as the looked at the story "Fuck it, they can not be killed they regenerate and can dodge bullets from a distance, but because they can not die and regenerate I think that they should be able to be turned on one another and the only way to truly save the world is by getting to the top of The Devil's tower which is a portal to other world's and blow up the entire building" Jack said as he flipped to the last page of the book" and in order to truly finish the game you have to make your way back to the small town that you started in" Jack spoke to Arron as Arron started coding the side mission's of the game as James calibrated the controler suit and the viser that made the game super emersive.

"Baby?" James's girlfriend shouted as she opened the celler door "Are you down here?" she shouted down creeped out because basement's were always a massive fear for her and were always seen in James's favorite horror film's

"Yeah baby were all down here so come down we all want to show you something" James shouted back coaxing her to come down the creeking step's which were made from old oak wood and covered by a carpet strip to prevent splinters and ware and tear on the bottom of shoe's, she slowly made her way down the stair's into the dimly lit basement and approached James who gentally placed the head set on her emerging her into a post apocalyptic world covered in sand illumated by a crimson red sky as the sounds of minor chords and dissonant sounds eerily filled the environment as the low pitch sounds of wind flew around her ear's from left to right giving her goose bumps, she looked around because she heard the cackling sounds that she had never heard before, before she noticed what she thought to be part of the game but was actually a demon which had wrote itself into the game code before she took off the head set.

upon taking it off of her head while she stood glancing at James in amazement smiling at him impressed by what the team had made together she turned taking her leave from the basement after saying to the three boys "It's really good, keep it up you'll pass the course for definite if you three develop this game and set it up a lot more, I personally think that if you added in some psychical details such as the feeling of the wind in the part which I was just shown then this would be one of the best game's in existence, and baby J I'm so proud of you" she said making James blush and his cheek's to turn pure red,

Jack laughed before saying "Right then Arron, make them unkillable and add the zombie virus pass on gene code that way it make's more sense with the story" Arron nodded his head while starting to add in the final code's before he added that specific line of coding which only added to the horror of the game.

James lifted his head up and said "Wait Jack if we make it more pshyically real within the game how can we make the virus actually affect the player? because surely if we're technically speaking we'd have to make the player feel nauseous and that would require a platform or a flooring that move's under the player which would activate once the player had gotten infected"

Jack looked at the pile of VR platform's and then looked at the pile of floor board's for a moment and then skimmed over to the three tredmiles in the back corner

"James, what if we made the treadmills part of the game equipment and added the chips and hinges from the platforms to them as they're already coded?" Jack asked James who then looked at them and stood up before quickly mixing the equipment together and calling his girlfriend to get her to test if the new equipment worked right

she came down and stood on the new type of platform and put on the viser and started to walk and run to test if the treadmill would automatically follow, she placed her feet step by step as the board followed her feet while James added the swaying feature to automatically kick in.

"What's happening?" She asked "why's the floor moving? its making me feel a bit sick" she said to James who looked at Jack and smiled

"Okay baby you can take off the viser and go back to what you were doing, thank you" James said as she took off the viser.

a few short stressful and boring hours later the trio of boy's had finally finished the game and decided to get some rest before testing it out the next day so that they knew if the coding was perfect and if the game was ready to take in a the competition which was still a good 20 day's and 8 hour's away.

"we were already ahead of time and didn't even know it" Jack added as he sprant to a locker to hide away from these demonicly possessed creatures