I Am Afraid

"This better be important. I had to cancel going to my best friend's birthday party." Chenger, a lady in her early twenties opened the door, grumbling as she entered.

Though, upon entry, she was stunned to see Rhizen buried under a pile of papers, unaware of her arrival. She placed her slippers at the entrance, gently locked the door, and tiptoed towards him, peeking to see what he was doing.

Lying in a pile beside him were countless photos of various blurs. And, written behind each photo was a paragraph detailing the respective incidents, the date and time at which they happened, and the number of deaths.

Rhizen was making a large chart of the world map that he had printed out from a nearby shop. He made a bulletin board out of it and began to pin the photos at various locations. Every photo was a recorded incident.