Too Much Lust?

"That'll be 430 Paise, ma'am." Compass Carburettor said, controlling himself from yawning. It had been a week since he had begun to work at the café.

And now, he had already gotten accustomed to everything functional at the place, also having saved up enough money to purchase anything he needed. After all, the only food he ate was the leftovers from the café.

And, since he already had free lodging in the internet café, he was saving up almost 400 Paise every day. In the end, it wasn't anything much. But, during his free time, he roamed through the city, spending the money on bus fares to take in all the sights.

He was planning on observing and remembering the place as much as he could. But, as he didn't have much time to roam freely, the amount of sleep he was getting had reduced.

Once the shift ended, he obtained the day's wages from the manager, taking the chance to ask, "Sir, can I take a break tomorrow?"