An Eventful Visit Pt. 1

Giselle looks out of her carriage. The recent months have been nothing but hectic. Ever since her grandfather cough out blood in front of his court, they have been in a frenzy.

Her uncles are making their moves. The political marriage grandfather gave them to secure his rule was now biting Giselle in the back.

The Dukes sniffing the blood for weakness. Uncles waiting for you to slip up and your grandfather nearing the end of his life. She twists her hair in worry and frustration.

"My life certainly never got better ever since father died." She spoke to herself as she looks to the encroaching city.

The City of Erba, a once backwater city, near the fringes of the Kingdom, holding dominion over the desolate east coast. With no trade route to speak of, the official designated to it could never imagine the sudden explosion of wealth a minor cult could produce.

The Entirum heresy, as most men call it. The small of cult worshipping the unknown god Entirum as the few reports about them seem to indicate the presence of magic.

Magic to create fine craftsmanship and elaborate contraption. The royal court mostly brushed off their sudden rise in wealth, both from the ridiculousness of magic in human hands and the fear of what the Blazing Horde might do in retaliation for such heresies.

She massages her forehead. "There's also that."

The Blazing Horde's overlordship of the human kingdoms has been a sign of disgrace. Their utter domination of the Human Continent through the Great Steppes has made every kingdom a laughingstock.

Yet, despite the orc population of ten percent, they have reinforced their hold over the continent through fear.

After all, the last kingdom to disobey them, felt the wrath of the God Of War, Baros. Along with the advantage he gives them, the Blazing Horde burned down their capital and killed any who rebelled.

She chuckles as the city walls get closer. "I hope this Entirum would be the one humanity has been waiting for."

The carriage enters the city. She takes a deep breath and notices the scent of the ocean. Certainly better than the sewage the capital gave off.

As the carriage rode through the paved streets, the sounds of children laughing makes her look to them. She saw a building made from brick, built up to four storeys.

She sees the children laughing, playing as the sand around them changes. Their hands filled with arcing light as the sand changes on their whim.

The surrounding teachers caution them with giggles as she watches the impossible happen. Magic performed in such ease that was typical for anyone but a human.

Her purple eyes glisten in excitement as she watches the children throw sand at one another. Fighting in loosely held together constructs made of sand.

The carriage runs by long enough for her to read the sign, "Entirum's Temple. " She mutters to herself as the seeming temple leaves her sight.

She leans back with an excited grin as she gripped her purple dress tightly. The reports weren't enough. Such magic is clearly invaluable.

"Maybe with this I could have a chance."

The carriage stops in front of a mansion, guards stood around the pathway, their simple clothing a mild surprise to the young princess. One used to the frilly and a bit more pompous entourage.

Then the door opens, and a man walks by the door, offering his hand, "Princess Giselle. It is nice to meet you."

He smiles up at her, his handsome features more than apparent up close. His silver hair, framing his handsome features. The sweer enticing scent, was something she never knew she wanted.

She holds back a blush as she took his hand. "It is all my pleasure. Sir?"

He bows to her in greeting, "Sir Lucius, at you service, Your Highness." She steps down from the carriage, her hand unto his.

He stands back up as he smiles at her, "Then would you allow me to lead you for lunch."

"I'll be happy to."

The mansion was luxurious, more luxurious than she thought it'll be. She enjoyed the art pieces scattered through the hallways. Along with the finely crafted furnishing with intricate sculptures, it certainly showed the man's wealth.

They stop at a room, and the two guards open the door, revealing the same luxurious decor. He walks forward, opening a seat for her as he went to the other side of the large table.

He takes a seat, "I hope you feel welcome here in our city."

She looks down at her meal before looking back up with a smile, "Sir Lucius, I believe it would be best if we get to the point of my meeting here."

Lucius, who was about to eat his meal, lowers it down to look at her. "Of course. Id be happy to hear any of your proposal."

She nods as she lowers her to her lap. With eyes locking with his, she spoke, "I would like you to help me, help me in taking the throne."

His red eyes shine in amusement, he rests his chin on his hand before he replies, "That's quite a big request you have for us. As much as I am delighted for your favor."

He smiles, "I wish to know, why me?"

The smile made her uneasy. She swallow dryly before replying, "I believe in what your cult could do. And what positive impact this could give."

The answer almost makes him chuckle. Perhaps it really looked like a cult, he glances at her, "Is that all?" Since his latest reports from Duncan seems to reveal her terrible position.

His smile widens, knowing what she came here for. All he needed was to wring out enough to make it worth it, "As much as I want to help you, I cannot spare such resources on a promise of friendship."

He interwines his finger as he leans back his charming smile in full view as he asked, "I believe we would need something more, permanent."

Giselle stops in her thoughts as she furiously thinks on his words. On what he could mean on something more permanent, something that could ensure her patronage towards him.

She takes something out of her bag, she looks around in worry, noticing the guards watching her.

Lucius notices this and with a wave, he gestures them away. They salute as they leave the room in a hurry.

She smiles with delight. "Would the City of Erba be enough?"

His eyebrow lift in surprise before returning to a smile. "Depends. Would such a city entail certain titles?"

Without missing a beat, she passes him a document, "Here, a document declaring you the Count of Erba. Along with the titles and privileges it entails."

The document held all necessary information, even the kingdom's insignia, declaring it the King's orders. Turning it into an official document.

He looks back up from reading, "I must admit, this is quite a tempting offer."

A smile erupts from her, "Then, I'm su-"

He cuts her off with an eerie smile, "But it isn't enough to buy me over."

She looks to him in shock, her expression turned disdainful, "The City of Erba, isn't enough? Quite greedy of you, I'm sure most men would jump at such an opportunity."

"Well, Im not most men. Your Highness." He gestures to himself with a confident smile, one which irritates her to no end.

He chuckles "And truly told, why would I want a city that is already mine?"

"Yours?" Laughter escapes her lips, "I believe officials still hold domain over this part of the kingdom. Don't you think I would see such words as treasonous."

"Perhaps," He taps his finger in mild amusement, "Though you'd lose such a valuable ally."

"I'm sure you're quite valuable, but you'll need me more than I'll need you."

He laughs a heartfelt laugh, one not out of malice but out of amusement. "Then you don't seems to understand what we really are."

"Pardon?" She tilts her head in confusion, "I'm sure your God has given quite the gift, but it remains a bit underwhelming compared the more than powerful Deities."

A knock takes her attention away from the laughing before her, she stand up, "If you really do not wish to work with me. Then I shall be taking my leave."

He looks to her as he stands up alongside her, he hold her hand before he whispers, "Then would you like to see how valuable we truly are."

"Wha-" The door opens for her before she could speak.

A guard looks at them in a panic, "Sir! We have a problem."

They both look to the guard and Lucius smiles confidently, "The could you tell us the problem."

"The officials of the city have mobilized three thousand men. They spread their men throughout the city and have targeted all of our businesses."

The sounds of marching was heard form outside as hundreds of men gather,

"Lucius! You are accused of kidnapping Her Highness, Giselle. Give up now or you shall be declared a rebel."