An Eventful Visit Pt.2

Giselle looked around in a panic as she held on to Lucius' hand. She gulps nervously as a sudden shout came from outside, "Lucius, you are under arrest on the charges of kidnapping and rebellion. Let go of her Highness!"

Giselle sighs, knowing this was a ploy her uncle seems to have devised. She looks to Lucius, watching his expression, one filled with excitement and determination.


"Yes, Sir?"

The soft question behind her, makes her scream in shock as she looks to the black haired man looking back at her with amusement.

Lucius only chuckles at her before replying, "Proceed with Operation:Iron Fortress."

The man nods as he runs through the hallway, shouting out orders.

She looks to him as she asked, "What is Operation Iron Fortress?"

He glances at me as he held my hand, guiding me forward, "It is going to show you our worth."

She tilts her head in confusion before a loud noise takes away her attention. She looks towards the window, seeing the once beautiful gate turn to dust as the soldier takes out their hammers, forcing it open.

Once more, a man steps forward with a shout, "Lucius, we will only give you and your compatriots a few moments to surrender. Give up her highness and your sentence shall be red-."

An arrow flies towards him, hitting him on the shoulder. He grits his teeth as he shouts to the men behind him, "Charge! Kill every rebel within that mansion."

The resounding shout coming from the men behind showed the start of the battle.

Daril was having the time of his life. He brought down his great sword, cleaving a man in half. The blood sprays all over him as he roars in a mix of excitement and rage.

The men in front of him take a step back and his men ready in formation.

"Come at me you little shits, you dare attack the believers of Entirum." He roars towards them as he raises his hand, sword in hand.

The men understand his order as they take formations. The three hundred men behind him, ready to slaughter the men before him.

He holds the great sword in front of him as points his sword to the enemy and shouts, "FIRE!"

A hole opens up in their formation as men appear, with a crossbow in hand. A repeating crossbow in hand, firing per line.

Their enemies scream, unprepared for the storm of arrows. Though as they try to raise their shields, Daril's soldiers walk forward with a barrage of arrows every step of the way, halting anyone that tries to walk forward.

The crossbowmen march with the soldiers, ready to hide as they reload the magazine coming from men behind them.

They open fire with barrage after barrage, softening up their defenses before a sudden lull appears. Some men were smart enough to peek through their shield, before a great sword cleaves open a hole in their defenses.

Daril shouts, "CHARGE!"

Taking this chance, the soldiers behind him lower their spears and charge at the enemies. The men behind Daril turning into a spiky tank, barreling down their forces, stabbing them from their range and trampling over anyone that remains alive.

They push through some more, fully using their spear's range. With them getting closer, their enemies smash themselves to the frontline.

The steel shields deflected every attack. Some don't even reach Daril's soldiers before they get stabbed like a pincushion. The armies then slowly charge forward, unstoppable and deadly.

With the frontline slowly being run over and the unending storm of arrows, the surrounding men panic. As fear grip their hearts, the frontline buckles under the weight and ferocity of their soldiers.

Their officers shout out orders, hoping to return their fighting spirits. But before any of them could be successful, another barrage of arrows cuts them off and a fountain of blood was all the soldier could see as an arrow sticks out of their necks.

With their officer's gruesome death, fear grips their heart and the frontline breaks. Unaware of this, the men in the rear pushes forward.

Countless men die as they pushed them forward to the line of spears. Some men panic and jumps over their comrades.

With the rear's realization of what's happening, a full on retreat ensues, with men pushing and pulling through the narrow street, shouting and screaming to escape. A fact that only makes their retreat slower and chaotic.

Dozens die from the stampede, as the chaotic retreat continues and Daril's soldiers barrels onwards. The crossbow men left behind continue to soften up any resistance left.

Daril sighs as he watches his men trample over them as they left. Some remain to kill those who continue to resist behind them and take guard to those that surrendered.

He scratches the back of his head in disappointment as he takes a deep inhale. With the smell of blood and steel floating through the air, he looks to the screams and shouts, a bit disappointed.

"I think I trained them too well, didnt even have the chance to fight much."

A boy runs towards him as he watches his men take care of the rest. "Sir Daril! The temple is under attack."

He raises an eyebrow at the panicking boy, "That's the one with Ann? Right?"

The boy hurriedly nodded, his expression panicking at the thought of his brothers and sisters inside the temple. That's why he ran, hoping to look for help.

"So?" He spoke to him with utter confusion.

The boy shouts back, "So! We need help to defend the school!"

Daril roars out a laugh, his shoulder shake in laughter as he held his sides. The boy looks at him in confusion before angrily stomping away, taking a crossbow before running back in thoughts of helping his family.

Daril follows with a chuckle, "Cmon, kid, wait for me."

The boy runs towards what once was his orphanage and was now his school. The temple of Entirum. He weaves the cracks and alleyways, hoping to get there faster.

To at least help with the crossbow he got.

"Hey KID! Wait for me!"

He ignores the man behind him as he grits his teeth in anger as it reminded him of his mocking laughter from the predicament of his family.

A hand grabs him. "KID, just calm down will you."

"Why should I? Miss Ann is with them, attacked by so many men." He shouts as he shoves his hand off, running to the school, intent to at least take down one of many.

Daril palms his face in frustration as he follows. He can't let a kid go to a battlefield by himself. Certainly not outside safe walls.

The boy runs closer and closer, the sounds of screams and shouts came from the school. Along with the clanging of metal.

It did not paint a beautiful picture in the boy's mind. Though as he gets closer, what view he saw horrified him.

Daril only chuckles as he ruffles the boy's head, as he watches his expression as he spoke in amusement, "The safest place in the city was always your school. There was never a chance of it falling."

The view showed a gruesome sight, every soldier whimpering and groaning as blood seeps unto the ground, dyeing it in red. The soldiers meanwhile was killing any who survived or never surrendered.

The boy vomits in the side as Daril holds caresses his back. He looks to the battlefield, seeing Ann softly smiling, holding unto a crossbow as she weaved through the countless dead bodies and killing anyone left breathing.

She sees the boy, vomiting and whimpering as she hugged him softly, kneeling to his size "Oh my, I'm glad you're safe."

She pinches his cheek as she softly smiled. "You filled me with so much worry."

The boy looks down as he lets go of the crossbow hugging her in his soft little arms, "Sorry Miss Ann."

She pats his back. "It's fine. Little Marcus."

Daril watches the boy before she handed him a crossbow. She stood up, taking him into her arms before glancing back to Daril.

She ordered him, "Clean this up for me, please?"

Daril nods before going to his men, those that were stationed around the school. Look back at him with a weary wave.

He smugly spoke to his men, "So, you had a firsthand experience with her as your commander."

The weary smile was all he got,

"Was I wrong to leave your command to her?"

Their shaking form and their bloodied clothing was more than enough of an answer, "She's terrifying, isn't she?"

The shaky nod showed the men to be terrified out of their lives

He cackles as he shakes his head. "You guys can take a rest, just have one of you call over the others. We gotta clean this up before she comes back."

Their terrified expression more than made up for his disappointment in this battle.