Chapter Fourteen - Thorus Ambush

I've walked through the Black Market for around one Heri, just looking for the thing I needed. I was drawing quite an attention, as I still had all my weapons, armor and those two Shards on me. I've started to consider that there will be someone who will try their luck at attacking me.

Just as i walked past one of those shadier streets, a band of ten people from the Thorus race stopped in front of me: "Hey, you, elf! Yes, you! Where do you think you're going, armed like that?" said the one in front of the group.

I've stopped, and looked around the group in front of me. I spoke to them: "It's not very clever of you all stopping me, and yelling at me, like you did right now. Do you know who I am?"

One of the men on the left side of their leader came closer to him and whispered into his ear: "This guy seems strong. I think we don't stand a chance. We should rob someone else." Their leader then just shoved his subordinate aside and drew his handgun: "Spill out all your creds, pal. Do it, and we're not going to kill you."

"You should listen to your subordinate. It seems he still has his head working partially right." I told him as I really didn't want to kill some random robbers, because I wasn't in the mood for bloodshed. "Please move aside, will you?" I asked the thugs.

They looked like they just didn't want to leave out of my way. So I didn't have a choice. I've drawn my own set of handguns, one in each hand and put my hands along with my body, the handguns aimed to the ground: "I'm willing to let you walk away, if you do it right now. Otherwise, you'll die." I've pulled both of the blowback mechanisms on the handguns, which loaded them with my energy.

Their leader, a little scared and annoyed, said: "You believe in yourself a bit too much. Being armed like someone heading into a warzone, thinking that we don't stand a chance. Guys, get him!"

They started firing from their blaster handguns, but their shots were absorbed by my armor, which I just noticed that I forgot to repair in the middle of my chest. An obvious weak spot.

But they seemed to be firing at random. So I dodged their bullets, and barrel rolled behind the nearest corner. I've started shooting myself, beams lighting up the alley with golden shine.

I've disintegrated two of the Thorus guys, making the rest stop in shock, realizing that their personal shields didn't stop the beams as they started to scatter and escape. I've let them go, as killing the rest wasn't even necessary. I'll just place a bounty on them later.

I've continued my walk through the station, looking for suspicious things. I stumbled, groaning in pain while catching myself on my chest and looking at my hand. It was gold-colored, by my own blood.

It seemed my wound from the battle with the Voids didn't heal at all. And after that roll on the ground, it probably opened itself again. I've really needed now something or someone to patch me up better than I did myself as I wasn't that proficient in healing arts, due to me not meeting anyone, that was a strong healer to get healing skills from

I've opened an emergency portal straight to my fighter, startling Annie, who was sitting, half asleep inside of my own pilot chair. She got up, looking between my face, my gold-stained hand and my torn-up chest.

I wasn't wearing my armor now as I've changed it mid-jump, but instead I was wearing a simple t-shirt and sporty trousers, all in black color. "What the fuck has happened to you?! Why are you bleeding, Dorian?"

She hurried over to me and grabbed me by my waist, giving me support, so I don't trip over my own legs. I started to feel dizzy and weak, and I've sat down into the co-pilot's chair. I wasn't even able to respond, as I've already turned unconscious.

I didn't understand how that was possible, for me to fall unconscious, anyway, as it never happened to me before.