Chapter Fifteen - Angel City

I've awakened at a hospital, on some unknown planet after who knows long. To be more precise, it wasn't a planet. I've looked outside of the windows, and I saw a floating city in the middle of the space.

Outside, there were at least hundreds of winged women. I was thinking about how did I ended up in the angel capital itself.

Around five Mis later, the room door, which was made from some kind of golden metal, and it wasn't just classic gold, as I didn't recognize this metal, opened up, and inside of it, stood Annie with another woman. The other woman, a four-winged angel, more precisely said, a seraphim, looked directly at me.

She turned to Annie, and then back at me. I just stared at that seraphim, with look that was probably being described as some kind of crazy stare. I hoped that she would not discover that i used my skills to learn some magic from her as i spoke: "If I may, miss seraphim. I'm Dorian Artherius Tornelis, and the last thing I remember was me falling unconscious aboard my own ship. So how did I end up here, in Silvaris?!"

She turned back to me, with the same incinerating stare as Annie used sometimes, too: "If you're that Tornelis, you're supposed to withstand some serious damage. And yet, here you are, in our capital, being healed by me. Where or how did you get that wound anyway?" She looked at me, while asking me said question.

I've looked back at her, still not knowing her name, and started telling her how I've met up with Annie, through travelling around with her to how I've ended up being slashed by my own weapon.

She looked a bit more satisfied with my answer right now, as she said: "I believe you. No normal weapon would've been able to inflict such a wound. Not to mention that it didn't heal. I'm Marianne, Annie's mother. And you're to thank to her for bringing you here. Otherwise, you would've been comatose for who knows how long.You might not be able to heal that, even after a few hundred years anyway, without my help, though."

Annie jumped out to me, and gave me a very tight hug, not intending to let go: "You dumbass, I though you were done for. I wanted to bring you here, but not in that state, and introduce you to my mom." She started crying, burying her head inside my now healed chest.

Marianne seemed to be more happier and calmer, that her daughter's boyfriend was okay as she looked at us and then turned around to leave: "Annie, just don't strangle him to death. His wound is just barely healed. He needs to stay here for a while." After she finished speaking, she waved her hand in a sign of goodbye over her shoulder and left.

I've hugged Annie back, kissing her on her neck. "I know that you were afraid of me to fall into my deep rest state to heal up. I'm sorry. I cannot make that up for you by anything." She looked at me, her face red from her crying, and then kissed me. It wasn't that short kind of a kiss, but instead, we were kissing approximately for around three to ten Mis, as I've lost my sense of time in her embrace.

"I'll never leave your side, Annie. Never again. I promise you this, no, I swear, by my father, that I'll never leave you again like that."

I've put myself in a sleep state, to regenerate way quicker, as I was under the effects of a very powerful healing field. Annie didn't seem to care that I was a bit weaker, as she was resting on my chest and sleeping peacefully too.

I was sleeping for a few Ris, not knowing when i was to be allowed to leave the hospital.