Chapter Sixteen - Annie's Mother

I've awakened after who know much time has passed later, still lying inside of said hospital in the Angel capital. My wound in my chest, completely healed now. I sighed with relief: "At least that's good. Now I won't fall out again". I thanked myself for being able to acquire Marianne's healing field skill, among many others, which may prove to be useful at some time later, too. "I really hope that she didn't discover me copying her powers, though.." I muttered to myself quietly.

Annie was nowhere to be seen, as I was clearly alone inside my room. My weapons were laid against the wall, next to the only window in the room. I've decided to get up and go to pick them all up, placing them in their respective holsters and sheaths. Fortunately enough, I still had my clothes on me, so I didn't need to expel unnecessary ether to make some.

I've left the hospital room around ten Mis later while heading outside. As I walked through the long corridor, I've walked past at least two dozens different angels, as they were looking at me, whispering.

When I left the hospital, which looked very medieval from the outside, I started to search for Annie. I guessed she will be inside the central palace, which was pretty much in the center of the city. After receiving a few mixed stares from the angels around me, I've headed towards the palace, decided that it's time for us to leave for the bounty. I've been idle for quite some time now...

I've reached the palace around five Mis later, now standing in front of the metallic gate, which was the main entrance to said palace. The guards stationed in front of it nodded at me and the gate opened.

I've entered a huge room, which represented the throne hall, at its far end, was a giant armchair, and on it, Marianne was sitting, looking around. She saw me incoming, and got up to her feet. I've bowed in a polite way, showing respect to the local monarch: "Hello, Marianne. I have a question, if you don't mind."

She stepped down from her throne, heading towards me. "Ask away, Dorian. If it's about leaving, you can leave. It seems that Annie wants to go with you. You just have to swear that you're going to take care of her no matter what."

I've looked at her, obviously not surprised about the fact that Annie wants to follow me wherever I go. "Yes. I hereby swear on my father's name, that I'll protect her even if I'm to die doing that."

Golden-blue aura then surrounded me, as the oath was said, sealing my soul to Annie's life force.

Marianne nodded, satisfied with my answer, and gestured me to follow. There was no need for guards to go with us, as we both were strong enough to defend against nearly anything. I've followed her, as we entered one giant staircase, climbing upward. Marianne took me inside of a dining hall, where Annie sat at a table, eating. She looked at me, then at her mother, and she seemed to be relieved that I'm okay.

I've headed straight towards her, smiling. "Took you long enough, Dorian. I was a little scared, that you won't heal up. Come, let's have a dinner here, before we head out for that ridiculous bounty we took."

I've sat next to her, and Marianne looked at us, seemingly happy with her results of healing me and lifting some heavy fear from her daughter's shoulders. After she gave us an agreeing nod, she left us to our own things.

"The food here is good, and you were right that I'll like it here, dear. And not to speak about this liquor." I've handled the glass, which contained a golden fluid, supposedly being a liquor for the gods. Then I've drank up from the glass, tasting the flavor in my mouth. I've given myself a mental note about getting the recipe for the liquor to recreate it later.

"Is it? I'm happy that you like it here, Dorian. What about my mom? What do you say about her?" Annie looked at me with a questioning look.

"She seems to be a kind lady. Considering the fact that she has a kingdom to oversee. And I'm really grateful to her for healing me up properly." I've responded to her query. I've looked at Annie, which she was now wearing an armor made from the same gold, as her mother's. That armor looked insanely beautiful on her. "A gift from your mom, I guess?" I said, pointing at her new armor.

"Yes. She said that I need this. As I've told her what exactly happened when you got wounded in my stead. She seemed to be angry at me not being able to fight back and relying on protection from you. But I reassured her that it's okay."

I looked baffled a bit, I suppose. As that was a very strange way of showing motherly love. But finally, I've been given a feeling of reassurance, that my Annie would not die now that easily.

When we've finished eating, chatting and drinking, we went out and left the palace using the hidden royal exit route. After around one Heri, we boarded our fighter and left the Angel Capital.

Then we started to think about how we're going to deal with said elven girl, that was causing trouble for the Alliance, as we headed towards her last target.