Chapter Twenty One - Upgrading

After we've docked at Helius's station, we were greeted by the stench of oil and gunpowder and other fairly volatile materials. There were parts of random weapon pieces here and there laying around and a lot of different metals among them.

There were also a lot of different machines, which looked like some kind of a factory with many finished products laying around on the ground.

The guy stood there in front of some kind of a machine with a welding torch in his hand, crafting something. He looked rather serious, as he concentrated on the item in front of him.

"Yo, Helius. How are you doing, buddy?" I said, coming towards him.

"Hey there, D. Didn't think you're coming. How did you like my show, mate?" He replied over his shoulder. He had fiery red hair and your typical blacksmith figure, muscular all over while looking fairly young.

He then turned to me, lifting his face protector and smiled.

"Well, next I time i would be happier to NOT lose almost all shields on my ship. Dude, that thing kicks AF. Just adjust the energy output to be more precise, though. I've detected major energy leaks" I told him as my reply.

"Yeah, yeah, mister all mighty." He laughed as he came over to me. We gave each other a brotherly hug, after we did a high-five. "What do you need of your old buddy, D?"

"Well. I dislike my ass handed over to me, so I've decided that I'll grab a few upgrades for my stuff here. Gotta pay you in creds, if you don't mind, Helius." I told him back while examining my surroundings better.

"Creds is fine. Not many guys around the universe uses anything different around now. Gotta pay for mats and stuff i like, no?"

"Yeah. Even you're the god of weaponcraft, I know you cannot make materials out of thin air as your old man." I nodded in agreement. "And why don't you get the stuff yourself and use those skills of mine? I know of your Soul Sight skill, buddy." Helius looked at me with his eyebrows lifted in a questioning manner.

"Well.. While I can use them, I'm not that proficient in them as I've never used them anyways. And it's better to get the stuff from yourself, since you know the stuff." I nodded towards him as we both walked over a rusty table with some cigarettes and alcohol on it. "Hey, D. Who are those girlies behind you? I've never seen you with a girl before. I remember you as a pariah, wandering around alone, so what happened since our last visit?"

I sat down next to the old table with him next to me, took a cigarette from his box and ignited it with a simple flame from my index finger.

"Well, I guess I've got a few new stories, so I can tell that to you. But before, how does 50kkk sound for all the stuff I'll ask of you to do, buddy?" I've told him as I saw a rifle in a corner and eyed it with interest."

"Yeah, I can go with that. Since we're pals, I'll give you your orders for that and the stories you have. Deal?" He then extended his hand and I shook it.

"Yeah, deal." I said back as I used Soul Sight on the rifle in the corner.

[Broken Relic Rifle]

(Relic class) - Broken

This weapon has been made by Helius, god of Weaponcraft. However, he has failed his experiment, as the firing mechanism is completely obliterated. Must be repaired with an Ancient Relic Core in order for it to work.

"Very interesting. Might be worth storing that and repairing it later." I thought in my head, as I was reading over the stuff my skill shown me.


After around 20 minutes later

"I'll then start telling my story as I'll be watching your work, if ya don't mind. I'll add 10kkk more and I'll relieve you of that broken relic, since it seems you're not gonna repair it anyway, eh?" I looked at him as I made a puff of smoke in a circle shape from the cigarette. "Yeah, go ahead. I don't need that as I fried the firing mechs when testing it out."

After that, I brought him up to speed with stuff that is happening around the universe and as to how I've got those two behind us.