Problem at the bank

"Yes sir, but this is not a problem with having the money at the bank. Bank policy dictates that large amounts of withdrawal need to be authorized by the supernatural council's subsidies.", the manager said.

Lucas laughed. He laughed a lot. It was so deafening that people around him looked at him wierldly.

"What do I need for that? A signature from a council member? Angela. You have a stamp or something right?", Lucas looked at Angela.

"I must have put it somewhere.", Angela nodded as she searched her pockets.

"Are you joking with me right now? I was already put under alert because a werewolf and a vampire arrived into the bank together. Now, you make fun of the council, and you make fun of the ones chosen by god?", the manager raged.

This argument was clearly heard by the many people within the bank, and they all looked at Lucas and Angela with interest.