A millionaire

"Meh. You are not THAT important. Look at me. I actually matter. You, you are just one of seven others. Now, manager. How much money do I have in my account? I trusted Darian with quite a lot, if I am not wrong.", Lucas looked at the manager.

"Darian? You speak to the master on a first name basis?", the manager looked at him with shock.

"Just tell me how much I have in my account.", Lucas asked a third time, clearly irritated.

"I am sorry, sir, but it is against our policy to tell our customer's bank balance out loud. Considering that we are in a place surrounded by numerous who have the ability to listen to our conversations, the bank has decided to refrain from putting our customers in active harm.", the manager said.

"I don't care about your stupid rules. If anyone here can even make me bleed, I will give it to you, that person is pretty strong. If he or she thinks that he can steal money from me? Then that person is pretty delusional.", Lucas laughed.