Fighting immediately

The roaring crowd halted to a stop as they all looked at the new arrivals with shock and silence. Lucas walked in, and behind him, the rest of the men from the first room trailed by. All the men and women in the room were pointing at them and murmuring to each other.

Lucas chuckled as he looked back.

"Where do you guys sit?" he asked them.

"In the front. We have the honor of sitting the closest to the gods as we all feast." Ragnar said.

Lucas nodded as he continued walking forwards. He looked to the sides. There were tables everywhere, and it seemed that the people who designed this place forgot to bring an interior designer, because everything was so arbitrarily put together that it looked only chaotic. Lucas could see the table that was designated for the first room, because it was the only one that was empty.

As the group moved forward, all of the men on the right and the women on the left looked at them with clenched jaws and fiery eyes.