
Frode clenched his teeth, but he didn't get incensed immediately. He stayed calm and analyzed the situation. He knew that Lucas was very powerful, and finally understood that Lucas being in the hell room was warranted. 

Taking a few steps to the side, he looked at Lucas with a renwed gaze. Frode's eyes were serious, and they seemed to disregard everything in the world except Lucas.

"Looks like things are about to get interesting. That's a nice gaze that you got." Lucas nodded. He put both his hands to the back, and started walking towards Frode. He lived up to the fact that he was going to handicap himself. With every step that he took towards Frode, Frode felt an insurmountable pressure towards him.

"He is handicapped. What can he possibly do now? I just need to take a look at his feet and make sure that he cannot sneak attack me." Frode thought to himself as he also came forward. Now, his eyes were down, looking towards Lucas' feet.