Finishing the Battle

Lucas was pissed. He was boiling with anger. He took a few steps forward and looked at the blue structure in front of him. The men inside were moving, as Lucas could hear their foot steps. But Lucas also knew better than to think that the warriors did not know about his exceptional hearing. After all, they had Angela on their team, and she would stop at nothing to defeat him.

"Just get the flag first, and then start fighting. That way, you will be able to finish this war as soon as possible." Lucas told himself as he approached the entrance to the building.

The moment that he was within a few meters of the base, he was spotted.

"Enemy spotted. Get ready!" Someone shouted. Lucas glanced at the spot from which the sound came. Someone was on the roof, but Lucas already knew that. After all, he could hear heartbeats as well.

He smiled. "That's right. Everyone should just charge at me with no regards to anything else." Lucas thought to himself.