Capturing the Flag


The scarred man shouted out with pain. The claw his its target, and the recipient clearly did not like what he got. He fell to the ground as he clutched his head. Right between his eyes, there was a huge gaping hole. 

The man stopped moving after a few seconds, and that was the end of that. Lucas looked at this and smiled.

"Alright. One of the guaranteed kills are over. So then, who else are left? I have enough quotas left to kill all of you, but I am contemplating, Are all of you really worth it? Or can I just go ahead and leave you be?" Lucas told them, taunting them as he started walking slowly towards them.

"Do not fear yet. We still have nine people with us. All that we need to do is wear him out, and slowly, he will start feeling the pain of battling so many people. All we need to do is survive." Egil shouted.