chapter 38: so this is who i have to work with

[narimo inside hikimi's head]

Narimo: You know you want to give my body back to me.

[hikimi covers her ears and panics]

Hikimi: stop it!!!!!!!!!.

[narimo laughs inside hikimi's head]

Narimo: Oh you poor soul, here I'll make a deal with you.

Hikimi: ok, what is it?.

Narimo: I'll give you five seconds to take into consideration.

Narimo: I want you to protect my brother and for protecting him I will leave you alone.

Hikimi: what?.

Narimo: I want you to protect my brother since I don't have a body and as a reward I'll leave you alone.

Hikimi: ok it's a deal.

Narimo: good.

Hikimi: if you don't have a body why are you in my head?.

Narimo: That mitsu girl is lying to you, I am you.

Hikimi: what?, that's not possible.

Narimo: She had a surgery done to me to add a new consciousness to my body so I would forget everything of my past.

Hikimi: I don't believe you, she wouldn't do that.

[narimo laughs inside hikimi's head]

Narimo: ok, I'll let you learn the hard way.

Narimo: And don't forget our deal.

Hikimi: ok, I won't.

Hikimi: Who was that?.

Hikimi: Well, I need to get to my room and see the list.

[hikimi walks down the hallway to her room]

Hikimi: [sigh] it's a relief that the voice is gone now.

[hikimi knocks on the door and mitsu answers it]

Mitsu: hello?, oh hikimi!.

[hikimi smiles]

Hikimi: I'm back.

Mitsu: So how was your meeting?.

Hikimi: It was good, the captain put me on an international team he's making.

[mitsu looks at hikimi surprised]

Mitsu: That's amazing congratulations.

Hikimi: Thank you.

Hikimi: also the captain said you are one of the directors for the team's missions.

Mitsu: really?.

Hikimi: Yes, you'll be able to see my work now.

Mitsu: yeah i cant wait.

Hikimi: [sigh] I'm really excited but nervous about it at the same time.

Mitsu: oh, it's ok there's nothing to worry about.

[hikimi smiles]

Hikimi: Thank you.

[mitsu looks at hikimi concerned]

Mitsu: Did anything else happen?.

[hikimi looks at mitsu surprised]

Hikimi: there was a voice in my head that told me to protect her brother.

[mitsu looks at hikimi surprised]

Mitsu: what?.

Hikimi: I know it sounds crazy.

[mitsu thinking to herself]

Mitsu: crap, is she getting her past memories back?.

Mitsu: I have to make an excuse to go see the doctor who did her surgery to see what to do if she does regain her memories back.

[mitsu looks at her watch surprised]

Mitsu: hey hikimi, i have a meeting to go to i'll be back in a little bit.

[hikimi smiles]

Hikimi: No problem I understand since you'll have a lot of responsibilities to take care of.

Mitsu: ok.

[mitsu leaves hikimi's room and walks down the hallway]

Mitsu: Now I can't remember who did her surgery since it's been so long.

Mitsu: I guess I'll see who it was once I get to the infirmary.

[hikimi sees the list in her room]

Hikimi: So this is who I'm working with?.

Toby fletcher- united states citizen, toby is a man of focus who worked in the military as a sniper for 14 years while he worked in the military his total kills were 3,000 and they were un traced after he resigned from the military he began a new job as a hitman killing 5,000 more people that were also untraceable.

Leo bishop- Australian citizen, Leo was sentenced to life in prison for killing 7,000 people but when the prison got a call about a team being made they agreed to let him go because he was killing all of the prison guards that would guard his cell.

Porthos pelletier- french citizen, porthos was a famous assassin in france that killed 8,000 people in a year then he stopped being an assassin and decided to become an illegal dealer for international weapons.

Alina galya- russian citizen, alina is a woman of passion and focus that lures her prey in and strikes before they notice it's a trap and try to run away. Alina also worked as a spie for international governments and would sell secrets of other governments on the black market.

[hikimi smiles]

Hikimi: Well, I guess I don't need to forget their names.

[hikimi looks at her ceiling]

Hikimi: Maybe this will work out for the best.

Hikimi: [sigh] just a few more days before they arrive.

[mitsu arrives at the infirmary]

Mitsu: Hello, I'm here to see who did hikimi sakuma or narimo kusake's surgery?.

[amano smiles]

Amano: you're talking to him.

[mitsu looks at amano surprised]

Mitsu: Well I guess I don't have to wait long then.

Amano: Is something wrong?.

Mitsu: she has begun to say that she hears a voice talk to her.

[amano looks at mitsu surprised]

Amano: Well, hopefully her past memories aren't coming back.

Amano: just keep a close eye on it and if her past memories do come back just prepare for the worse.

[mitsu looks at amano surprised]

Mitsu: what do I do if her memories do come back?.

Amano: You'll have to kill her.

Mitsu: what?.

Amano: you have to kill her if her memories do come back because it'll corrupt the saviours strand and it'll rip your brain in half.

[mitsu looks at amano in shock]

Mitsu: oh, ok.

[mitsu walks out of the infirmary and walks down the hallway]

Mitsu: why me, why should she have to suffer for my actions, she has done nothing wrong to be killed for her memories to come back.

chapter 39 january 15th