chapter 39: we're here

[itami walks down the hallway to hikimi's room]

Itami: So this is how it's like walking to their room.

Itami: I didn't believe it was this far away from my office. I usually have my assistant do it for me so I can rush to meetings.

[itami sees hikimi's room]

Itami: Finally I'm here.

[itami knocks on hikimi's door]

Itami: hikimi are you in there?.

Hikimi: Yes, I'm coming.

[hikimi opens the door]

Hikimi: Hello, captain.

[itami smiles]

Itami: todays the day you meet your new team.

[hikimi looks at itami surprised]

Hikimi: oh, I forgot that it was today.

Itami: Also, is Mitsu in there?.

Hikimi: Yes, I thought Suwa told you.

[itami looks at hikimi confused]

Itami: What do you mean?, suwa hasn't told me anything.

Hikimi: ok well, me and mitsu share a room now we decided it would be more efficient.

Itami: oh ok, that would have been good to know sooner.

Hikimi: Sorry, we tried to get Suwa to tell you.

Itami: It's ok, just remember to not tell someone else to tell something for you.

[hikim looks at itami surprised]

Hikimi: oh ok.

[mitsu stumbles out the door]

Mitsu: who are you talking to, hikimi?.

[hikimi looks at mitsu surprised]

Hikimi: What are you doing out of bed?, you're meant to be getting over your hangover.

Mitsu: You were out of the room for a while so I decided to try and find you.

Hikimi: Well I'm just out the door, go back to bed and try to get over your hangover.

Mitsu: ok.

[mitsu stumbles back into the room]

Hikimi: sorry.

[itami smiles]

Itami: It's ok, but you two need to hurry and get ready so we can go introduce ourselves to the new team.

Hikimi: ok, we'll get ready .

Itami: good, meet me in my office once your done.

Hikimi: ok.

[itami walks down the hallway]

[hikimi goes back into her room]

Hikimi: mitsu, we have to get ready.

Mitsu: [sigh] why?.

Hikimi: We have to introduce ourselves to the new team.

Mitsu: [sigh] ok.

Mitsu: Do you think it'll help to take dilation medicine?.

[hikimi smiles]

Hikimi: I'm pretty sure it will since it dilutes your blood alcohol intake.

Mitsu: ok.

[mitsu takes her dilation medicine]

Mitsu: there, now hopefully it will be better in a few minutes.

[after some time mitsu and hikimi get dressed and walk down the hallway]

Mitsu: I wonder what the new team is like?.

Hikimi: I'm not sure, all I know about them is what the captain wrote down on a piece of paper.

[mitsu looks at hikimi surprised]

Mitsu: well what did the paper say?.

Hikimi: Well, we have a sniper and a psychopath.

Mitsu: Is that it?.

Hikimi: no.

Hikimi: We also have an assassin and a spie.

Mitsu: ok, well I think for the first mission we need to get the sniper and you to scout out and see how many strand users there are.

Hikimi: ok, sounds like a plan.

Mitsu: also i think the second mission we should try and get the spie to try and lure yadara to us.

Hikimi: Do you think that would work?.

Mitsu: yes, if we get the spie to go undercover we can get yadara attached and form a bond with the spie and then we can go in and capture him.

Hikimi: ok.

[mitsu and hikimi arrive at itami's office]

Mitsu: Well, we're here.

[mitsu knocks on the door]

Mitsu: captain, it's mitsu we're ready to go meet the new team.

[itami opens the door]

Itami: ok, just give me one second to grab a few papers then we can leave for the airport.

Mitsu: ok.

[itami grabs a stack of papers]

Itami: Well, we're ready to go.

Mitsu: how are we going to get there?.

[itami smiles]

Itami: by using one of the patrol trucks of course.

Mitsu: ok.

[itami,mitsu and hikimi walk down the hallway to the garage]

Hikimi: how many missions will we be on?.

Itami: As many as we need, you do know there are a lot of strand users in the city, right?.

Hikimi: I know it's just everyone you listed on the paper seems like they have killed a lot in their past.

Itami: I know.

Mitsu: So will I be controlling the team's missions?.

Itami: yes, you'll be their captain.

Mitsu: ok, because i already have a few missions i want them to go on.

Itami: ok, and what would that be?.

Mitsu: the first mission i want to get the sniper and hikimi to scout out any strand user hot spots.

Itami: good.

Mitsu: and the second mission will include trying to capture yadara kusake by using emotions.

Itami: good, finally taking responsibility for your other mission.

[hikimi looks at mitsu surprised]

Hikimi: You're working on yadaras mission too?.

[mitsu smiles]

Mitsu: yes, it's kind of a good thing because if not half the team would be killed because people would be sending multiple teams in one by one.

Hikimi: oh, ok.

[itami,mitsu and hikimi arrive at the garage]

Itami: Well it's time to go.

Mitsu: ok.

Itami: It's a good thing I had my assistant get everything ready for us.

Mitsu: yeah.

Itami: Well, everyone get in the truck.

Mitsu: ok.

Hikimi: ok.

[itami, mitsu and hikimi get int the truck and head to the airport]

Itami: The scary thing about your team's missions is that if you make one wrong move you kill a citizen.

[mitsu looks at itami surprised]

Mitsu: what?.

Itami: your missions will be harder that the normal missions.

Mitsu: oh, ok.

Hikimi: I wonder how the new teammates are in person?.

Itami: I'm not sure, I've just talked to their government.

Mitsu: So how old are they because I don't want to work with a bunch of rookies?.

Itami: Well Toby is 34 and Leo is 27.

Mitsu: ok.

Itami: and porthos is 23 and alina is 25.

[mitsu looks at itami surprised]

Mitsu: So they aren't rookies.

Mitsu: You did good this time, captain.

Itami: what is that meant to mean?.

Mitsu: oh, nothing.

[after sometime itami,mitsu and hikimi arrive at the airport]

Itami: Well, we're here.

[itami gets a call from toby]

Toby: Where are you guys?.

Itami: how did you get my number?.

Toby: It doesn't matter, where are you?.

Itami: We just got here.

Toby: ok well please hurry, it's hot out here.

Itami: [sigh] ok.

[toby hangs up]

Itami: Well here we are.

[itami,mitsu and hikimi walk to the entrance of the airport]

Toby: There you guys are, we didn't think you would show up.

Itami: Well, we're here.

Leo: red, i want to see red!.

Toby: Sorry, I'm the only one who really has sense here.

Mitsu: ego much.

[toby stares at mitsu's body]

Mitsu: My eyes are up here.

[toby smiles]

Toby: Well, how are you doing?.

Mitsu: sorry but I don't talk to people with big ego's.

[toby smiles]

Toby: It's ok, I deserve that.

[pothos looks at hikimi and mitsu notices]

Mitsu: hey, that's my girlfriend!.

[porthos looks at mitsu surprised]

Porthos: Oh sorry, but I was looking at her outfit.

Mitsu: [sigh] it's ok.

[porthos shakes mitsu's hand]

Porthos: im porthos pelletier nice to meet you.

Mitsu: I'm Mitsu Miyashi. I'm glad to be working with you.

Porthos: it's a pleasure to be working with you as well.

[alina taps hikimi's shoulder]

Hikimi: yes?.

Alina: Do you want to be my guard?.

Hikimi: what?.

Alina: Do you want to be my guard?.

[hikimi smiles]

Hikimi: I know this might sound weird but you look like a doll.

Alina: Yeah, I get that alot.

[itami claps his hands]

Itami: Ok everyone , meeting time is over.

Itami: ok my name is itami tameyori, i am the captain of the police division.

[itami puts his hand on mitsu's shoulder]

Itami: this is mitsu miyashi she will be the director of all your missions

Itami: and.

[itami puts his hand on hikimi's shoulder]

Itami: this is hikimi sakuma. She is your teammate and second in command of this team.

[toby smiles]

Toby: want to go out?.

Hikimi: sorry but I have a girlfriend.

[leo laughs hysterically]

Leo: blood, i want blood!.

[alina pulls a knife on leo]

Alina: knock it off we're here to make good impressions not to destroy our reputation.

Leo: [sigh] ok.

[itami laughs]

Itami: Well everyone get in the truck and we'll go and get your badges.

Itami: Then we'll figure out what your first mission is.

chapter 40 january 20th