He is her idol.

The next morning…

Despite her jet lag, Kyra excitedly got ready. Though today is her holiday, she decided to finish all the paperwork and other things so she can start working from tomorrow.  

She is a neurosurgeon and despite her young age, she could be counted as a valuable asset to the hospital. Her conceptual and practical knowledge was top notch and she was no less than an experienced doctor in the operation theatre. 

"Doctor Ria" , the person who was waiting for her arrival, greeted Kyra. 

As she wished to have a peaceful time here, Kyra decided to stay hidden from her biological mother and her family until unless she herself decides to show up. So, with the help of her brother's, she changed her name and altered a few things in biodata.

That is what her family and a few of her brothers know. Truth to be told, it is mainly because of her secret mission that she can't blow up and bring danger not only to herself but her loved ones too. 

Now, her name is Ria Lopez not Kyra Collins now. She is not from prestigious Oxford but from some mediocre medical school. Her background is also simple and very ordinary. 

"Doctor Ron", Kyra greeted him politely. 

"We will first meet our Director and after that, I will show you around, Doctor Ria" Doctor Ron said with a polite smile. 

"Sure. And, what's the director's name?" Kyra asked. 

"Dr. Miller." Doctor Ron answered. 

"You can call him Dr. Miller as it is what he prefers," he added. 

"He doesn't like to be called by his first name. He is very strict, he barely smiles and his face is unreadable. His aura is chilling unlike the warm vibes a doctor must have" Ron added. 

"And, coming to his professional history, he is the youngest Director in the hospital and he is also our head of department. He is actually an interim director till they find a suitable director as he rejected the offer to become director. He loves being our head of department and performing surgeries rather than managing the hospital" the chatterbox, Ron explained. 

"He is also the youngest professor here. So, feel free to ask him for help in your research papers if you need help", he added. 


Kyra nodded her head, attentively listening.

"But, Ria, I must say, he has a huge girl following here. So don't anger the possessive fan club  of his. They are insanely protective of him" Ron warned. 

"However, if you have any management related problems, you can contact the senior doctors here and if they can't help you, they will redirect you to Dr. Miller", he added. 

Kyra chuckled. 

She isn't new to this fan girl, possessive, protective gang thing.


She has five handsome, rich, famous men as her brothers. 

She is used to seeing it on a daily basis. There were a few crazy women who even plotted against her because they were jealous of her. 

"Don't worry. I won't be getting attracted to him," Kyra said. How attractive will he be? Not more than her brothers right!

(Author : Let's see Kyra dear. You are going to be attracted to him like a honeybee getting attracted to flower) 

"Good to hear" Ron said as he led her to the floor in which Dr. Miller's office is situated.  



"Oliver Miller!!!" Kyra shrieked when she saw the nameplate on the door.


"God Ron! It's THE OLIVER MILLER. Why didn't you say so? I read all of his articles, papers, journals and case studies. I am a huge fan of him" Kyra said excitedly.

After a few seconds her excitement subsided and Kyra froze. 


The name that always confuses her. 

The name that always makes her heart react strangely.

She never understood why but she feels for that name. It might sound insane and illogical but yes, it's as true as it sounds insane, to say that she felt some indescribable bond with that name.

And, it's just a coincidence that her idol has that name, all right?! 

"Ahh...another fan girl" Ron sighed, massaging his forehead, when he was her excitement. 

"I am a fan of his intellect not looks" Kyra defended herself. What can she do? 

She loses her control only for two things. 1. When it comes to her savior. 2. When it comes to her idol, Oliver Miller. When it comes to these both, she is no different than a ordinary person. 

"Wait till you see him." Ron muttered.

Although people in the neurology field are very familiar with the name Oliver Miller, most of them don't know how he looks.

During surgeries, he wears surgical masks which cover his face and outside the operation theatre, that's his private life which is off the charts.


The awkward cough made Kyra and Ron turn around and as soon as Kyra saw that person she froze all again.


When Kyra and Ron were standing in front of Oliver's office, talking, Oliver just arrived at his office room after finishing his surgery.


At first he heard faint voices but when he was about to take a turn in the corridor to reach his office, the voices got clear and he was startled. 

He heard his name come from a familiar voice. 

He could tell that one of the voices belongs to the chatterbox, Dr. Ron but the other voice is what made him confused and startled. He felt that voice familiar but strange at the same time.

He might not have heard this voice often but he is sure he knows that voice. More importantly, it confused him because it aroused some unfathomable feelings in his heart. 

However, when he saw who that person was, his ears turned red.