Mr. Handsome/Mr. Perverted is her boss/idol?

Meanwhile, Kyra felt her world crumble when she saw who her idol was.

She didn't research about the staff and doctors before coming here. First reason is, she made the decision in the eleventh hour to continue her practice as a doctor here. However, after giving a serious thought, she came to the conclusion that she shouldn't neglect her career as a doctor.

Moreover, it will also provide a perfect cover while she works on her mission.

As her academic history is already extraordinary and given her working experience at an international medical center, she got a position of fellow here in no time.

Moreover, this hospital is under the management of her uncle, her first brother's father in law. So, even her brothers and family felt at ease and didn't inquire deeply.

That is the reason she was unaware that her idol, Oliver Miller works here. She is not to blame because only a few of the medical people know where he works and where he lives. Most of them don't know how he looks as well…

"Dr. Miller, meet Dr. Ria Lopez, our new fellow," Ron introduced Kyra to Oliver as soon as Oliver walked towards them with his cold expression, like always. Ron didn't think much because it is a known fact that their head doctor, Oliver, smiles very rarely. He is serious most of the time, just like now.

Most people say that he looks handsome when he is serious, however, Ron who once saw Oliver smile has a totally different opinion. God! That smile was charmingly seducing.

On the other side, Oliver, who was trying his best to act indifferent, nodded his head at Ron's words. But his ears turned red remembering how he stared at Kyra yesterday yesterday.

His eyes quickly scanned her again, this time he took less time looking at her. She was wearing a Burgundy pencil skirt and Grey shirt which hugged her curvy body perfectly. She coupled it with grey ankle strap high heels and a Burgundy drop earrings.

'She looks alluring in office attire as well.' he thought and subconsciously his eyes stopped at her perfect legs. 'She has such long, toned and flawless legs' he thought and when it dawned to him that he was 'looking' at her again, he slapped his cheeks virtually.

Why should she have such an impact on him?! It's not like he hasn't seen more perfect legs than hers, but, uhmm… her legs looked more beautiful…*cough*

Although he didn't want to check her, he couldn't control himself from doing that alright! This woman is really messing up with his mind!!

Ahhhh!! Why should she be a doctor?? That too in his department?? He is sure that he is going to get distracted a lot from now on.

Meanwhile, Kyra was having almost similar thoughts as him. As she was busy in her own thoughts, she didn't notice him 'inspecting' her.

'He looks even more handsome in white shirt and dark grey pants. He looks hot' Kyra thought and it almost took away her breath when they unexpectedly stared into each other's eyes. The mutual attraction they felt was indescribable and everything they are now experiencing felt like deja vu.

"Ria...stop staring and introduce yourself!" Ron whispered to her. He noticed how annoyed Oliver looked, so he mistook it as Oliver's anger. This is not the first time a new female doctor was caught eying at him.

'Ahh! A typical fangirl type!', Ron thought.

Only after Ron brought her out of her thoughts, Kyra realized that she has been staring at Oliver for so long. The worst part is Oliver looks impatient and annoyed.

'Why is he, Mr. Handsome/Mr. Perverted my boss/idol??' Kyra thought, her heart already shedding it's tears silently.

When she saw him yesterday, he was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, so she thought he was a visitor!!

But it turned out he is a doctor. She shouldn't have judged him that soon…

"Ria… stop staring!" Ron muttered, nudging her elbow slightly.

Kyra gulped, now, totally embarrassed. She got caught eyeing him again!!

This will surely ruin her reputation if people find out how her IQ and EQ got dropped to absolute zero.

"Uhmm…. Good morning, sir. I am Ria Lopez and it's my honor to work with you" Kyra said, not knowing what else to say. She is not that good with strangers, especially with the ones she started on the wrong foot.

She called her boss a pervert in front of him and got caught staring at him thrice!! She is the pervert here, now!!

"Best of luck, Ms. Lopez", Oliver hastily responded and hurried inside, closing the door on his way and once he was out of Kyra's sight, he slumped on the couch.

God! It's tougher than he expected.

It's not yesterday's incident that made him flustered. Something triggers in his heart whenever he sees her and especially, hears her voice.

He felt like he knew her once.

He felt like he heard her voice once, no, not once but very often.

But, if that is true, he should have remembered her, right! But, he doesn't and, he didn't have any memory loss ever before to accidentally forget her!