He is the reason she became a doctor in the first place.

"He was rude! He never acted like this with other doctors and fellows. Not even with interns and residents."

"Although Dr. Miller is reticent and indifferent, he was always considerate towards new recruits. He would call them inside, serve them tea and talk with them a little. But with you, he just said, 'Best of luck, Ria'!!" Ron endlessly chatted.

"He is not a social butterfly but he always gives a warm welcome. It is also to analyze people." Ron added, making it more worse for Kyra.

Kyra, who was in daze a few seconds back, blinked, at last returning to her usual state. And it was only when it dawned on her!!


He seems to be angry with her because she was unprofessional and was staring at him like a fool!! He stared at her too, but only once and she can understand that he didn't mean to, but it just happened. However, her? She called him a pervert but she turned into a pervert.

How embarrassing!!!

Her cheeks instantly turned red with shame and she silently cried inside.

Oliver Miller is an idol to her in her career field.

And their first meeting was a disaster unlike what she pictorized it to be. Yesterday's event is still fresh in her mind.

'He should have analyzed me as someone desperate for his attention and would have already added me in on the bad side of his book.', Kyra thought.

'No...no, Kyra. This is bad. Very bad. His first impression on you is the worst of all. You need to make it right' she frantically thought, crying inside.

She never gave a damn about what others thought of her but, this is Oliver Miller.


Her idol!!!

He is the reason she became a doctor in the first place. If not for him, she wouldn't have thought of becoming a doctor and wouldn't have applied for Oxford, she wouldn't have met her adopted family. In one way, he is also her savior, so he really means a lot to her.

And, she thought of many scenarios of their first meet but this one is totally not in her list.

'God! I should work on fixing this. This is not how I want my relationship with him to be,' Kyra thought. Afterall the first impression he had on her is not at all a good one.


Kyra's day passed in a jiffy.

As she has come to take care of all paperwork and other things, she spent all her afternoon doing that.

Doctor Ron introduced her to other doctors and a few fellows in their department but she is yet to meet her other fellows. The doctors seem friendly but as someone who is aware of inner politics she knows she can't come to a conclusion that soon.

She observed everything and analyzed the situation in the hospital quietly.

She could right away tell that everyone here is very competitive and would do anything to get themselves a good name. Although they spoke to her in a friendly manner, the hostility in the eyes of few of them, didn't go unnoticed.

They considered her as a load added into their competition. So, it is obvious that they would give her a tough time.

Kyra of course understood how things work in corporate hospitals but she was not worried about herself, not at all..

She is not the same Kyra from seven years back who fell victim to sweet words and kind gestures and made a fool out of herself.

By the time Kyra left the hospital, it was past seven and her second brother's assistant Sawyer was already waiting for her outside.

"How is your day, miss?" he asked as soon as she walked to the car.

"Fine?" Kyra uncertainly answered. She is confident that she could handle everything here but she is worried about her messed up meeting with Oliver.

When it comes to the hectic schedule she would be starting, it is not new for her to live a busy life as a doctor.

Moreover, it's relatively easy for her here as she is a fellow here. Back at home, she was an attending physician not a fellow and had lived an even more busy life.

It was not difficult for her to become a main surgeon but it would keep her busy and that would have made her devote less time to her personal projects like, expanding her business here, taking back her belongings from her mother and more importantly, accomplishing her secret mission.

Besides that, her Uncle who is the Hospital Chief/ President promised her that she won't be disappointed if she becomes a fellow. He said she would love it in fact.

Now, she understood what he meant. He was very confident because Oliver Miller, her idol, will be the attending Physician here and she can learn from him directly. It really meant a lot to her.

But her bad luck knocked on her door really hard. She started on the wrong foot with him.

Meanwhile, Sawyer noticed Kyra in her deep thoughts and sighed. He knows that his miss would be able to handle busy life and inner politics. So, he was asking about other matters like interactivity with her colleagues.

She feels it difficult to mingle with others in their first meet because of her past trauma, and it always made her look arrogant. But people who are aware of her tragic past are the only ones who know the reason for her difficulties. Some scars never fade.

Kyra always sucks at first impressions and would give haughty and arrogant vibes. But it was not her fault.

"The working structure here is different compared to -" Sawyer was about to say something but his phone started to ring and it was his boss, Kyra's second brother's best friend Matthew.

She might not have answered her phone so he called him.

"Yes, sir. Miss is safe." Sawyer answered.

"I just picked her up from the hospital, sir" Sawyer answered another question.

"Miss indeed look exhausted"

"Yes, sir, I will tell her" after getting his answers from Sawyer, Matthew ended the call.

"Miss, Mr. Richards wants you to call him after you are well rested. He wants to talk to you" Sawyer conveyed the information.

Kyra nodded her head. That must be something related to her secret mission or, he would have simply called her to know how she was doing.