Will you be my date.

A couple of days have passed since the announcement of the charity event.

The news of the auction of Passion's paintings has spread like a wildfire.

Most of the elites were looking forward to buying her paintings for a long time; however, they have seen them only in pictures till now.

As she is still a new artist and produces her paintings at a slow pace, there are only limited paintings.

Besides this, she never sold her paintings before. They were only kept for presentation in her studio.

This is the first time she agreed to sell because the money would go to a good cause.

Painting has a deep connection to Kyra compared to her other hobbies/careers.

Unlike the other skills she acquired, painting was something that has been with her since childhood. She dreamt of becoming a painter from a very tender age and it was something she didn't do because she was inspired by someone.

Painting was there with her for a very long time. It was her distraction, a safe haven at the time of her adversities.

So, selling those for money was something Kyra never appreciated.

But, this time it is for a good cause, so she was more than willing to pass her painting to the charity auction.


"Good work, Dr. Lopez. You did a great job inside," Oliver praised her as they walked out of the operation theatre. Today was her first surgery and was a tough one as well.

Oliver would have doubted her capabilities as he had never seen her in action before. It was a complicated surgery moreover. But, strangely, he trusted her.

Even he didn't know why he felt like that. This time it was not his gut feeling but he subconsciously believed in her from the start.

"It did my job, Dr. Miller. I am glad we saved the patient," Kyra responded.

Oliver smiled.

"Want to convey the good news to the patient?," he asked.

"I would love to," Kyra answered as they walked into the waiting room where the anxious relatives of the patient were waiting.

As soon as they saw Oliver and Kyra they stood up and rushed towards them.

"Come on, tell them." Oliver encouraged her.

Kyra felt a little nervous as this was the first time she was doing it.

Yes, this is the first time, though she performed surgeries multiple times, it was other doctors who conveyed the good/bad news.

She never did it because she was not good with emotions and strangers.

At some point in her life, she forced herself to stop feeling her emotions as they were heart wrenching. It was her coping mechanism but she changed after she met her adopted family.

However, seeing others cry makes her extremely uncomfortable as they remind her of herself. No matter if they were happy or sad tears.

She try to avoid these types of situations most of the time but sometimes it is simply not possible. At that time she controlled her emotions and acted professionally.

"The surgery was a success. We were able to remove the tumor without any complications and his brain swelling subsided. The patient will be under observation for two days and later, we will shift him to his ward," Kyra told the relatives of the patient.


"There is another surgery in the afternoon at 4pm. Till then you can take a nap." Oliver said to Kyra as they walked away from the waiting room.

Kyra nodded her head.

"And, Ms. Lopez, I have something to ask you," Oliver abruptly said as they entered the elevator.

"Sure, sir. What is it?" Kyra responded. What could he ask? At most, he might ask her to take care of paperwork and report.

"Have you heard of the Charity event our group is hosting?", he asked.

"I heard of it, sir. It's this weekend," Kyra answered.

As she is new to the hospital and doesn't know many people, she is not sure whom she can ask to be her partner.

She decided to ask Sawyer to be her partner that night. Moreover, that would also save her from socializing with the crowd.

"Have you found a partner?" Oliver asked.

"Not yet," Kyra subconsciously answered, her mind wandering somewhere else.

"Then could we go together?" he asked, feeling a little awkward. This is the first time he is asking a girl to be his date for some social event.

For a second, Kyra was taken off guard. "What?", she blurted out, her mind had not yet registered his words properly.

Oliver didn't say anything for a few seconds. If one could observe him closely, they will be able to see his ears reddening.

'This is awkward' he thought inside and cleared his throat.

"Ms. Lopez, I am asking if you could be my date that night. I would have asked my sister but she is out of town.", Oliver immediately explained, leaving no scope for misunderstanding.

Although he knows that Kyra wouldn't take it for another meaning, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Meanwhile, Kyra's mind went blank.

Did she hear clearly? Is he asking her to be his date??

She heard most of the female staff have asked and were rejected right away before.

And, if her memory serves her right, she also heard he has never ever asked anyone to be his date. Never!!

"I usually don't want to come but my grandfather wanted some paintings of Passion. He is forcing me to go. I don't have any option but to go. You are the only prof-", Oliver was about to give a detailed explanation but Kyra intervened.

There was a faint smile on her cherry lips that Oliver couldn't help but stare at them.

A thought of kissing those lips flashed in his mind but Kyra's words brought him back from his sinuous thoughts.

"I will sir. I will be your date." Kyra gave her answer. She found him cute when he was trying to explain to her. It was like a child explaining to his mother why he didn't want to go to school.

"You will?" Oliver asked, a little surprised but he anticipated her answer. She is too professional to reject.